Amazing Shoe Bargain S . Rush your name, address and rze for a pair of these wonderful Warwick Men's Dress Shoes. Onlyasmall special lot at this profit-smashing price. These fine shoes are made of specially selected fine quality gun metal leather on the popular Ritr last. Blucher style. Full chrome leather Goodyear stitched soles. Military heel. Full lined—lea« ther insole. Strong* ly sewed and inforced. Best workmanship. Wonderfully comfortable and sty- lyistaly snappy in appearance. Splendid for business or boo I wear. the kind of shoo for which you would •*pee« to JJa* *I5־® «9.00. Order a pair at our nsk. Don t send any mon״y now. ?״״* vnnr name address and size. Pay only $3.98 on arrival, ivj them 1on. If not fully convinced of the remarkable valuo and the excellent quality, return the shoes to us, and we will refund your money. Sizes 6 to 11. State size and width. ! DAUID STRONG COMPANY Dept. 1210 "Same Management Sine® 1885״ CHIGAQQ AGENTS: $60 a Week tailing orders for Jiffykake, a prepared cake flour containing eggs, milk, sugar, shortening, baking powder and flavoring —add water—and bake. Any one can easily and quickly make a delicious cake. Every home a prospect. Housewives eager to buy—just the article they have been looking for. Repeat ordeis every week bring you profit a big, permanent business, ־i nis is just one of the 350 famous Zanol Products 3 making men and women independent and prosperous. No experience ״№Moaiy. no capital needed. We supply everything. We want good, energetic men and women to represent us. Big money for you. Write for sample and territory. AMERICAN PRODUCTS CO.. »883 American Bids.. Cincinnati. 0. Beautiful Thin Watch No Money ¿gT Guaranteed Down 11f o re» t«j־rh” cute“ burn■, eta Order today. _ji ¿old return 11.60 and all 6 Piece» are yours. [*.SUPPLÌ COHPAHt, Box347 ‘6reen»llle,Pa. C. O. D. $12.85 HIGH GRADE GOLD FILLED Almost like a SILVER DOLLAR it wears in the pocket. Here is your only chance to get a watch you can be proud of—a perfect time-keeper. It is fitted in an UP-TO-DATE VERY THIN MODEL CASE, HIGH GRADE GOLD filled, stamped and GUARANTEED by the factory for 20 YEARS; 15-JEWEL movement, screw back andbezzle, fully tested and regulated. Really it is an aristocrat among watches. Satisfaction Guaranteed. ---------HIGH GRADE GOLD filled cl............. order. REMEMBER, this Special Offer is for B.KX nx■ HIGH GRADE GOLD filled chain to match with each g■ U §a 1■ order. REMEMBER, this Special Offer is for short fi H& ms Bos time only; send your name and address today and pay on arrival only $12.85. < n-’W''-■ ... ELGIN SUPPLY CO.. 6MN. Carpenter St, Dept. 3« .CHaw.HI. Our Trial Offer Schuiling Rupture Lock Endorsed by Thousands No Bands, Buckles or Springs Just a simple derice that goes on and off i:i a second. But scientifically built to gently hold rupture in place without binding straps—without buckles, springs or harness. The Schuiling Rupture Lock has adjustable pads that may be tilted or turned to exactly fit any body formation. Will not compress the flesh or cut off blood circulation. Mail the coupon for free 32 page book on rupture—illustrated with 21 pictures—and special trial offer telling how to get Schuiling Rupture Lock without risking any money. SCHUILING RUPTURE INSTITUTE 2612 Muryhy Bldg. Indianapolis, Ind. COUPON Schuiling Rupture Institute, 2612 Murphy Bldg׳., Indianapolis, Ind. Without expense to me send your free book and trial offer. Name Address City---- State. MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE Home Hunting in the South (Continued front page U) dom. At this point Brothers Giles and Davis went on to Birmingham, Chattanooga and Nashville and I went back to look at the sites at Jacksonville and Charleston. I found District Supervisor Raphun at Jacksonville and a committee from the Chamber of Commerce fully alive to the advantages of having a Mooseheart in the South at Jacksonville. I was loyally entertained and shown some beautiful sites. From Jacksonville I went to Charleston where Leo Kanapoux, Jake Isenour and Dictator Flynn and others of that great Lodge ehowed me the wonders of that great and enterprising city. Mayor Grace of Charleston, who is one of the public men of the South, just now in prominence because of his great constructive work for Charleston, was the chairman of the Charleston reception committee because of his high position in the city in the Moose Order, but was called to Chicago and unable to meet us. I caught Mayor-Grace in Chicago on my return, however, and had the pleasure of his company one afternoon on the MOOSE-HEART grounds where he caught readily the spirit of the place and went back to Charleston to do many more great things for our Order. The Charleston committee showed me some wonderful possibilities for homes. To summarizze the trip, it is quite safe to say that the solution of our problem for the care of the Aged and Infirm is not a difficult one. Half a dozen different places of those exhibited would be almost ideal for our purpose. At the same time you must remember that California is yet to be heard from and doubtless other sections of the South. No one may yet say exactly where this haven of opportunity will be but after this fortnight in the South and the examination of these wonderful places and our visits with the good Moose in the Southern States, the Director-General heartily agrees with me when I say that a decade hence a Moose-heart in the South will be ^ second in beauty and in value of service only to MOOSEHEART itself. 14 , THIS NOVA-TONE i TALKING MACHINE Case Mahogany finish, enameled parts, no motor to gel out of order, excellent reproducer, enjoyment for all. Sell 12 boxes Mentho-Nova Salve, great fot cuts, burns, influenza, etc. Return $3 and the machine is yours. Guaranteed. Records free. Order today. Address, U, S. Co׳, Box 546 Greenville, Pa* 1 1 1 1 \ 1 1 . it We Guarantee to Pay $12 a Day Taking Orders for 2 in 1 Reversible Raincoats One side dress coat, other side storm coat. Tailored seams, sewed and strapped. Brand new. First season. Not sold in stores. We control the entire output. Take orders from men and women who object to paying present high prices. Positively Guaranteed Waterproof or money back. Our men and women representatives having wonderful success. Right now is the big season. No experience or capital needed. You take two average orders a day and we will mail you commission check for $12. We are paying thousands of dollars to our agents taking orders for this new Reversible Coat. We have all of the latest and best styles of raincoats for men, women and children. Our new, big swatch book, 48 pages, ^ shows all new and distinct patterns. Write today for agency and sample coat and N be first in your territory to introduce this new big seller. PARKER MFG. CO., 764 Storm St., Dayton, Ohio GROCERIES AT LESS THAN WHOLESALE Wo positively can save approximately one-half ou all your Grocery Needs. , . ,, No Combinations—Order just what you need. Our motto is Profit without Profiteering. We do business on suclx an extensive scale that we give you the benefit of our methods. He promise you a wonderful saving in price and Quality. Sugar—flour—soap—canned goods—standard, nationally advertised Brands,—first class standard staple products at just about half wliat you now pay. . , Be wise—Buy direct from us. We can save you many, many dollars, because our volume ot business is greater than 1,000 ordinary stores and we handle our business with less friction, less use.ess expense, loss, shrinkage and waste than occurs in one ordinary store. ״ . . . . Make us prove our claims—Send for our FREE Get Acquainted rPn ■n Lk ALLIED GROCERS, 166 West Adams Street, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS, Dept. 23 rpec 42 PIECE I lvC£ Initial0״Emblem ART CHINA S ET - Here is the newest creation in fine China making —a beautiful 42-piece set made of exquisite ware. !Each piece is full 6:ze, decorated with the popular Old Rose floral design, end edged ־ --------------------- with gold. In addition to these decorations each piece will be decorated !With your persona! initiaIinpnrego]a,