J^OOSEHEJmr тлелZINE 12 UNDER MASTER TEACHERS Vet-у ,Rich and French Con о y,a fur which я г e a 11 у resembles the Black : Lynx. Î: eatino and can be worn closely around the neck or thrown loosely over shoulders. Beauti-ful barrel muff to ■ match, lined with heavy guaranteed °aSHWB№!^^i^wTO8S№ satine. You can or- der the complete •״״j set or get either piece OcilQ separately if you wish. An extra saving if yon vCUpOll! order the Bet. ^*®SSgsSiSS®»«*0׳' Order complete set by Ho. 6X1712■ Pay $12.98 aiid postage on arrival. Order Muff by No. BX1715. Pay $6^8 and postage on arrival. Order Scarf by No. BX1714. Pay $6.63 and postage on arrival. Don’t send a penny. JuBt mark X in square below indicating whether you want, the complete set, or just scarf or muff alone, and pay on arrival. If not fully satisfied after examination and try-on, return furs and we will refund your money. Send coupon NOW. You Can Build This Fine Phonograph Yourself Tremendous Saving in Cost Ym,M this beautiful cabinet instrument. Our Simplified Plans make it an easy and interesting job. We furnish blue prints, dia״ gram, motor, tone arm, all metal parts, ready built horn with cabinet complete, knockdown, no cutting, no fitting. You simply do the assembling. You can’t go wrong if you follow our instructions. A few hours’ work and you have an instrument equal to any on the market. Plays all records. Four beautiful models to choose from. Hundreds Building the Makafone Everywhere Satisfied builders say; “Wonderful tone.”“-May-worth, Tampa, Fla. “All that can be desired.”— Weikheiser, Stroudsburg, Pa. “Built Makafone without experience—perf ect success.”—Cole,Camden, N.J. Get Into the Phonograph Business Build and sell Makafones and make.$100.00 to $200.00 weekly. Many now doing it._ This is your op• MODERN PHONOGRAPH SUPPLY CO. ^2f4^8pringe^B1dg^3^^5o^5llnt09i^L^hlcago^ll^^^ To prove our unbeatable values and ' get your steady trade, will make two 185 style combinations to select from. One year’s satisfaction guaranteed or 1 “very penny back—quick. NO EXTRA CHARGES You pay just what we say, not one penny of extras for anything. We even pay all postage and express. You save one-half—like before the war. EARN $60.00 CASH WEEKLY׳ You can take orders easy for these clothes In spare time and make $3000 a year and up athome. Friends and neighbors buy on л_..п ... ..... sight. Young Fred Green SEND NO CASH made$174.50 in seventeen days. -- CpCC-elG SAMPLES I H к к New samples show latest styles and 80 real cloth samples. Buy at inside Wholesale prices. Write now for Big Free Outfit* SPENCER MEAD COMPANY Wholesale Tailors Dept, 733 Chicago . ,u introduce our new catalogue ox a tnousana -»■ tricks and jokes, toys and novelties, we make this big bargain offer. For only a two cent stamp we will send you prepaid, 9 toys; a game of anagrams, the 1921 joke book, genuine decal-uomania transfer pictures, pictures to paint, a railroad cut-out (an engine, four cars, station signal and water tank), puzzle picture, checkerboard puzzle, the broken match trick and a mind reading trick. All yours for only a two cent Stamp. Nothing more to pay. Send 2c Today Writeto,1a!,,lnd cr-c!o3s a two cent Btamp for 9 toys. We win send you our new cat Write your name and address plainly. JOHN PLAIN & CO., 5%.so,g?.pSSaffiri? , A Complete Conservatory Course iRtr Mail Wonderful home study music lessons under ,Mjy ivlcxll great American and European teachers, iEndorsed by Paderewski. Master teachers guide and coach iyou. Lessons a marvel of simplicity and completeness. Any Instrument or Voice ™co^seySS are interested in—Piano, Harmony, Voice, Public School Music, Violin, Cornet, Mandolin, Guitar, Banjo, or Reed Organ—and we will send our FREE CATALOG covering 'ell instrumental and vocal courses. Send NOW. UNIVERSITY EXTENSION CONSERVATORY 181 Siegel-Myera Bldg. Chicago» Illinoi• Home Hunting in the South (By the Supreme Secretary.) a barbed wire fence might be known to others than those of us who were with him upon the occasion. The Dictator of Knoxville Lodge was just pointing out the hillside where Long-streets’ Army spent the winter before the last long campaign of the Civil War and we were in fact upon that very ground when the accident occurred. This difficulty did not prevent us from a visit to Whittle Springs, Lea Springs and Tate Springs during the remainder of the day. Whittle and Tate Springs are great, fully developed commercial winter and summer resorts; thousands and thousands of dollars of investment;; in fact they are homes that anyone might be justly proud of, set oif by beautiful landscape. Lea Springs, while totally undeveloped has great possibilities for the development. Prom Knoxville we hurried down through Asheville to the heart of North Carolina, where a State Committee, headed by Brother Cowan of Wilmington, took us in tow and showed us some wonderful possibilities in that State. If anybody has a notion that the Loyal Order of Moose is not firmly organized in North Carolina, let him change his mind. If he visits that state he will find that the Tar Heels are on the job with Mooseheart enthusiasm the same as are the Hill Billies to the west, For business reasons it is impossible to discuss the propositions submitted by the North Carolina Brothers, but the Order may rest assured that the State will have something of great merit to offer before the search is ended. Prom North Carolina we dropped down to Columbia and spent the day with that prince of good fellows and former Governor, Cole L. Blease. Governor Blease had the biggest theatre in town filled to overflowing with his neighbors to hear the Director General make one of his great pleas for the Order and beside this showed us the beauties of the great Capitol City of that palmetto State. The Loyal Order of Moose has a good Lodge in Columbia. Dictator Parrish is one of the young, viril enthusiastic Dictators of the Order. When we left Columbia the boys were all full of enthusiasm over the forthcoming meeting of the State •of South Carolina Legion which is to be held there a few days later. Prom Columbia we journeyed to Spartanburg, whence by automobile we visited Chick Springs and Campobello. Chick Springs is one of the great resorts of the South, lying between Greenville and Spartanburg. Campobello is on the foothills of the mountains north of Spartanburg. As northerners we were impressed with the industrial developments in the western part of South Carolina, and in fact all along the Southern Railroad; from Winston-Salem clear to Greenville, cotton mills, leather working^ establishments, woodworking factories, gave evidence of new industrial vigor in that great section of the South.' There is no question in my mind that within the next decade hundreds of thousands of these great workingmen will find a great comfort from . Moose membership and many thousands of children, menaced now by poverty and ignorance will find physical, mental and spiritual salvation through such an affiliation. The Moose leaders in Greenville and Spartanburg are wide awake and; lively boosters. Prom Spartanburg we went to Tal-apoosa, Georgia, which is a nice little city over by the Alabama line, and’ met there some very fine men who expressed themselves as enthused with the good intentions of Moose-(Continued on page 14) A month ago, in what was theoretically the hotest fortnight in the year, I packed my grip to go with the Director General on a tour of certain cities in the South to look for the future home for Aged and Infirm. The first thought occurring to me in telling about it is, that it is the Director General and not I who should write the story of the trip, but he having passed the buck to me, must now be content with what I have to say about the trip even to the point of telling about the woeful accident to his trousers on the hillsides where Long-street’s Army camped in 1864. Most of the members of the Moose know that the Legionaires, both men and women, made up their minds some months ago that the time had come when a home for the Aged and Infirm members should be a reality rather than a dream; and most of the Order know that through the Supreme Council and Executive Committee instructed us to go down South to see what that great section of America had to offer as a site. Before we started we had certain policies outlined for us which must be met by the site selected. First of all there had been determined for us that the home for the Aged and Infirm in Moosedom must be an opportunity rather than a charity; that it was not the purpose of the Order to build a poorhouse, but that some place, a community, or a group of people or center or village or something of that sort ought to be established where in peaceful surroundings and soft and gentle weather all of the days of the year, the Moose veteran and his wife without separation might find the opportunity for rounding out their days on earth in industrious self-supporting, self-respecting happiness. At the same time the Director General and I entertained the idea that somewhere in the South of a climate above described, we would find a mineral springs hotel resort or something of that kind which had proven a commercial failure and which in consequence might be bought for the Legionaires for a few cents on the dollar and which would serve as the original headquarters and sanitarium for those who are totally physically incapacitated and about which the more independent cottage dwellers might be grouped, each with their garden and flowers, their chickens and perhaps their cow; taking care of themselves so long as either was able to bear the burden of self care, but close at hand to a medically supervised haven that would always be theirs in the last sad days. We started our search at Louisville where District Supervisor Newcomb and his good lodge associates presented us several such prospects, all of which were, however, too far from the city itself to be visited on the day we spent there, but which were tucked away for later investigation. At Knoxville, however, we began to see the real thing. We visited in the neighborhood of that fine, progressive city, four different sites; one an undeveloped, but magnificent lime stone spring rushing from the earth on the side of a great bluff overlooking the Tennessee and upon the hillsides surrounding which the Director General, as hinted above, suffered a serious accident to that portion of his garments which properly shroud the nether section of the human and which caused him throughout the remainder of the day to walk with singular uprightness before men and women (particularly women) lest the ravages imposed upon his clothing by too vigorous effort to crawl under Genuine 15-17-19-21 Jewel Elgin,® Waltham, Howard, or any watch you want, send for ajaSiaina 112 Pages Wonderful Values Diamonds, watches rings, jewelry, up-to-date designs. Buy the War« Way, you will never miss the Liberty Bends accepted. WARE C0.״ Dept. 25 Let us prove 1«. St. Louis, Mo. Guaranteed-Send No Money These tires are all standard makes; some ran less than 100 miles. Tubes are brand new fresh stock. 18,000 Bettiford tire users get 8,010 to 10.0 0 miles of service. Af ter one trial, you w״i be our steady customers. Cize Tires Tabes Size Tires Tube* $3.25 3.50 3.50 3.51 34x4 $12.00 33x4 И 11-00 34x4)4 13.00 33x4)4 15.00 86x4)4 16.00 37x5 16.C0 $2.00 2.50 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.00 j 6.00 7.СЭ 8.25 9.Б0 10.C0 11.00 30x3 30x3)4 £2x3)4 £1x4 32x4 33x4 Send no money. Tires shipped out of town C. O. D. subject to examination. Whenor-dering, specify clincher or straight side, fiend your order at once. Orders filled samO day as received. BETTIFORD TIRE CO. 1102 Lake St., Dept. 70 Oak Park, III. StniaKw A bargain in furs —so sensational that we don’t hesitate to send it without a cent in advance. Just mail counon and get these tine furs lor examination and try-on. If not convinced _____ that they are a wonderful - ־•••’ WS-lfia bargain at our price, return the furs and yoa’U be out nothing. BLACK CONEY FUSt Dressy A tremendone value in a set of stylish fure — is made of fine Quality Finely Made Scarf lined with heavy guaranteed satine am’ be Send Coupon! LEONARD-MORTON & C3., Dept. 7690, Chicago *d by X in □ below. I r ($6.48 and postage for Send me the stunning Furs indicated by X in □ below, will pay ($12.98 and postage for set) or ($6.48 and postage fc. muff) or ($6.98 and postage for scarf) on arrival. If not satisfied after examination and try-on, I will return furs and you will refund my money. □ No. BX1712 r־| No. BX1714 r־l No.JBX1715 Complete Set «—1 Scarf only I—J I 1 Muff only Name .... Address.. d°—not for hours you work. Learn wonderful profession. Prepare to manage a station. DON’T WAIT. START NOW. Begin making from $3,500.00 to $5,000 annually. I teach you everythin(? you need know. Show how to build trade. Tell how much to charge. Equip your station. 22,000,000 tires wearing down daily— that’s your field. Tire Surgery is new repair method. Easy to learn. Two weeks and you know how. Thousands successful students. Only Tire Surgery school in the world. Send for big *$?EJ>oo^L,Iaal,nam0 EOW and get all facta. Address Haywood Tire & Equipment Comnanv ®^ * Capitol Avenue, ,nalanaDolis, Ind. ;ani| Tnrlavand xet our new £ ena ! uaay big bargain bookJ? J of our sanitary ;_______ J Beds and Pillows. Our di- . rect Factory-to-Home J prices will open your eyes, f Before buying any feather bed i at any price—send for this free book i ' and sample of feathers. Agents __ Wanted Everywhere. AMERICAN FEATHER & —״־ f PILLOW CO., Desk 42. Nashville.Totm. f пл>£