10 SKff 1 [ Wond® !A¿ {»mtr■ Send postal for FREE sam-1 pie of this wonderful bait. Successfully holds its scent \ S. ^ \ underwater and snow, when \S\ty)erfff92 \ others fail. Thousands will tes- \ Sc So tify to its miraculous power. - Sample with compliments of \%! \ S. Silberman & Sons, FREE! , ** ' No other fur house does as much for the trapper. 64 Years Satisfying Shippers is our record. Nationally known as the House with Million Friends. Honest, Lioeral Grading-prompt and larger returns nave won for us the Trappers Seal of Approval. Ship to Silberman— and get “The Check That Satisfies.” 1C1 IC? Wonder Bait, Secrets of the Woods, E׳' BTC 5T*. IP*. Bargain Book, Latest Prices on Fur Market FREE. Just send a postal. SEAL OF Y, yAPPROVAL/J 226 Silberman Bldg., Chicago, !11־. A UNION TIRES hl^s“tand- ard in reconstructed tires. Their reinforcement of 4 extra layers of fabric reduces greatly blowout and puncture possibilities. Over 200,000 in use. To further increase mileage, we include with every tire ordered A PUNCTURE PROOF TUBE FREE that under ordinary condition swill last, ten to 20,000 miles. Our 5,000-mile tire guarantee certificate with every tire. Prices Include Tiro andTube 30x3......$7.40 32x4^....$12.00 30x3......8. B0 33x4^.....12.50 32x333׳S.S.only 9.10 34x4}$.13.15 31x4 10.35 35x4 V$...13.40 32x4 10.70 36x4 H.13.85 33x4 11.15 36x5 14.85 34x4 11.50 37x5 14.95 Reliner Free With Every Tire State whether you want straight side or clincher, plain or non-skid. Send $2 deposi1־ for each tire ordered, !balance C O.D., subject to examination, or 5 percent discount if full amount is sent with order. UNION RUBBER COMPANY Dent. 46 Racine Avo, A 15tt! St., Chicago ־GUARANTEED Inner Tube Free Here is the limit in tire bargains. 6000miles—or more—iron our special reconstructed double tread standard tires, and a practically puncture proof, standard make inner tube FREE with a purchase of one of our standard make double tread tires. We Risk All —You Nothing Your satisfaction guaranteed. See fli© Sawing Inner Tube FREE SIZE PRICE SIZE PRICE 34x4 ...$10.95 34x4H... 12.75 35x41•$. 12.95 36x43*$. 13.25 35x5 ... 13.95 —......... 37x5 ... 14.25 Free Reliner With Each Tire WriteToday!fSdS°M ¡z3r^' Balance C. O. D., subject to examination. b% discount a'lowed if cash is sent with order. Specify whether straight side, clincher, non-skid or plain ia wanted when sending in orders for these tires. SUPERIOR TIRE & RUBBER CO. 79 East 31st St. Dept. 68 Chicago, 111, NO MONEY IN ADVANCE Simply send your size and this pair of Army Work Shoes will come to your home at £¡} once. An ideal shoe for chauf nB fours, mechanics and all out-l₪ door workers. Barnyard acid M 1׳roof leather uppers. Bellows HI tongue. Genuine oak soles. !18 A solid leather shoe that B needs no breaking in. Wc Guarantee these shoes are of $7 or $8 value. We \ depend on their striking Éa — *------*-------■־ ■ ■ s satisfied. You risk nothing. •andNa Money. Fay only arrival POSTAGE FREE THE SHOE MAILING HOUSE, K-2, Sta. A, Postoffice, Boston, 18, Mass. Send Army Work Shoes on approval. My money back if I want it. I RISK NOTHING. Size. Name. Color . Addaess. MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE Mooseheart Legion For Men and Women (Continued from •page 8) Qanton, 111., Chapter No. 369, which was instituted during the first part of the year with 27 members, had made a very rapid growth until it now has 64 members on thte rolls in good standing. This shows that the Legionaires in Canton are a lively crowd and will not be long in reaching■ the century mark. Detroit, Michigan, Chapter, No. 337, has made a very fine growth since it was instituted, but it is expected that this chapter will more than double the membership this Winter because the men’s lodge in Detroit is a very big one which gives the Chapter a great opportunity to expand quickly. Wilmington, Del., Chapter No. 380, has already taken its place among the leading chapters in the Legion. This chapter holds many social affairs and has various ways of making extra money for the treasury which are essential features in the welfare of any_ successful organization. It will be interesting to watch the increase in Wilmington Chapter. Apollo, Pa., Chapter No. 127, which was one of the winning chapters in the recent contest held by the Women of Mooseheart Legion, has benefitted very much by the big increase in membership which they made during the contest. Legionaire Hattie Shirey was the representative of the chapter at MOOSEHEART during the Convention. It will be interesting to watch the future growth of Apollo Chapter. East Syracuse Chapter No. 418, one of the newer chapters of the Women of Mooseheart Legion has started off very successfully. This chapter has learned the necessity and value of holding social functions and has set out to proceed along that line. There are now two fine chapters in Syracuse and East Syracuse; N. Y., which the people of that city may be proud of. Syracuse Chapter will make plans to increase its membership very materially during this winter. Madison, Wis., Chapter No. 291, which had the winning drill team at the recent Moose Convention, will no doubt appear at the Toledo Convention next year to contest for prizes. The Madison Chapter if it can be held together, will by that time be a very hard team to beat. It is true, however, that there have been many new drill teams of the Women of Moose-heart Legion developed during the past several months and are practicing each week with the idea in mind of attending future contests held by the Women of Mooseheart Legion. This will make competition very keen among the different chapters which will mean that any chapter winning must be classed a very good one. The following list represents the most recently organized chapters in the Women’s Legion. All of these chapters have started off with a fine membership: Sioux City, Iowa, Chapter No._____431 Glen Cove, N. Y., Chapter No.... .433 Lancaster, Ohio, Chapter No.......434 Harrisburg, Pa., Chapter No.......436 Valparaiso, Ind., Chapter No......437 Moberly, Mo., Chapter No..........438 Juneau, Alaska, Chapter No........439 Mauch Chunk, Pa., Chapter No.. .440 Washington, Iowa, Chapter No...441 Brandon, Manitoba, Can., Chapter No.............................442 Coalinga, Calif., Chapter No......443 Easthampton, Mass., Chapter No. .444 Crawfordsville, Ind., Chapter No..445 Breese, 111., Chapter No..........446 Lafayette, Ind., Chapter No.......447 (Continued on page 23) The women of the Legion contribute financially to MOOSEHEART and have already assisted in erecting several fine dormitories as well as to assist in giving many other fine gifts to the children of MOOSEHEART. The lodges which have had a woman’s auxiliary for some time have found it a very influential and helpful organization. The women of these chapters have been very helpful to the Men’s Lodge in giving banquets and other social affairs because they are always eager to assist along this line, and their experience and knowledge in handling big dinners, etc., is very valuable to the lodge when getting up a big banquet or picnic. For this reason, as well as for many others the Women’s Legion will show a big increase. It is well known that the Womens Legion is both a social and beneficiary organization and only the wives, mothers, sisters and and daughters of the members of the L, O. O. M. are eligible for membership. . This course makes it an exclusive organization, but at the same time very effective. The chapters of the Women meet in the . halls of the L. O. O. M. throughout the country which keeps them in closer touch with the workings of the Men’s lodge in their city. Some of the older chapters have up to this time grown very large and are still progressing. During a recent membership contest held by the Women of the Legion some of the chapters more than doubled their membership which has been a very valuable feature to those particular organizations. Other chapters which up to the time of the contest had but 25 or 30 members jumped up considerably. The contest in general increased the membership of the Women’s Legion five or six thousand members and strengthened the organization at large very materially. It will be the aim of those chapters which have already been organized to branch out into their neighboring cities to see that new chapters are organized just as thickly as possible in their particular territory. With all of the different chapters of the Women’s Legiori working toward this end one can see the possibility in growing• which can take effect within six months time, and it is hoped therefore that each chapter will bear this in mind so that all of the 447 chapters of the Wopien of Mooseheart Legion will be contributing toward the growth of their own organization. The Grand Regent’s Office has already arranged with many representatives throughout the L. 0. O. M. to start the organization of a chapter in certain cities, but it will take the assistance of the women of the Legion to make this progress just as large and effective as possible. WOMEN’S LEGION NOTES Attica, Ind., Chapter 23, although a new chapter, has secured a small number. This is because the former chapter having that number has become inoperative. Attica Legionaires are working very hard at this time to increase their membership. Edwardsville, 111., Chapter No. 82, one of the leading chapters in southwestern Illinois, continues to progress in activity. This chapter has made a good membership increase during the past year and is growing all the time. Social affairs are common with the Legionaires. Ft. Wayne, Ind., Chapter No. 18, is one of the winning chapters in the big-contest which realized a very big growth. This increase has been very beneficial to Ft. Wayne chapter because they are ever on their way toward the leadership in the Women’s Legion. FRE E For Your Name ADollarSkinningKnifeShaipener We want the name of every trapper fn America so we can prove to them that their furs are worth more money than they have been getting. Just send your name and address and we'll ma.i you with our compliments one of the famous ' Dollar” Skinning Knife Sharpeners. Works like lightning. Big FUR Money There's a million dollars capital back of this ; house, and we sell fur all over the globe. That’s : why we pay big cash for fur. We pay more because we know how to get more. No commissions —no grading: charges—just more money for your fur. Send Your Name Today for the ״‘Dollar” Knife Sharpener and inside More-Cash price lists. We’ll pay more and do more for you than you've ever nad before. CLAY EXPORT COMPANY U19N—West 35th St., Chicago, Ills. s FURS EWorld’s Trade a®ci for IMS MADE TO YOUR MEASURE ML WOOL SUIT Every suit made to Individual measure from the exact fabric you select and according to your exact specifications. We ship it on approval, delivery charges prepaid, for you to try on, to in■ epect and examine. Unless you are well pleased your triai order Will cot cost you a cent. BIG CATALOG Send postal today for copy of our big new catalog and style book with 62 cloth samples of the very finest, high grade fabrics and latest New York and Chicago styles. ־*״ shows how any member of yc. _ family can take your measures.¿ We guarantee a perfect fit. By dealing direct with us.the manufacturers, yon save the unnecessary expense and profit of l agents and obtain the very highest grade of \ tailoring at a saving of 25% to 40%. Write “ today for catalog and full information, JP THE BELL TAILORS Adams at Green St„ Dept. 1082 > Chicago. Illinois 1») Express er Postage Prepaid Guaranteed for 2 years solid wear or your money cheerfully refunded. These pants are a “Wonder-Value” worth $5.50 sent to you for $3.45 as a sampieof fine tailoring. aGEHTSWatlTED Earn $50.00 a week in your spare time. No experience necessary. Write today for our IIS FREE OUTFIT with dozens of the newest styles and attractive woolen samples to choose from. Everything sent FREE. WASHINGTON TAILORING CO. Dept. 236 Chicago, IllinoiSi Cured His RUPTURE I was badly ruptured while lifting a trunk several years ago. Doctors said my only hope of cure was an operation. Trusses did me no good. Finally I got hold of something that quickly and completely cured me. Years have passed and the rupture has never returned, although ־I am doing hard work as a carpenter. There was no operation, no lost time, no trouble. I have nothing to sell, but will give full information about how you may nd a complete cure without operation, if you write to me, Eugene M. Pullen, Carpenter, 58G Mar-cellus Avenue, Manasauan, N. J. Better cut out this notice and show it to any others who are ruptured—you may save a life or at least stop the misery of rupture and the worry and danger of an operation.