21 MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE A 46-PIECE FULL SIZE HANDSOME DINNER SET NO MONEY NEEDED. WE PAY FREIGHT. Sell Only 13 Boxes of Soap, each box containing 7 cakes fine Toilet Soap and with every box. give as premiums to each purchaser all of the following articles; a R״Un׳£ Baking Powder, Bottle Perfume. ou1 *a^cani Powdor, 6 Teaspoons. Pair of Shears and Packago of Needles and this artistically decorated Dinner Set is Yours, many other equally attractive offers and hundreds of useful Premiums or Cash Commission ror your time, -------- И.1 pay Oash for .ppJintingVenü: J« <1*■■ *־b Pan. ־ * lllÆgninCent J THE PERRY G. MASON СО. _Е5Ы89л_765 W. Pearl St. CINCINNATI, 0, Dont Send a Penny We only wish that we had a big enough stock of these wJ wonderful shoes to prove to every man in the country that they '־־*״ _ are the most sensational shoe bargain ever offered. _But the supply is limited, and we can promise to fill orders only as long as they last—“first come, first served.״׳ You must hurry to avoid disappointment. Listen: TheseLen-Mort Hard Knox, Black Solid ״ Leather Work and Out Door Shoes are“ wizards׳ ,for wear, the absolute limit in sturdy strength combined with comfort and dressy appearance. Built on stylish lace Blucher last; drill-lined;leather insoles; guaranteed counters; two full solid leather soleg—clinch nailed and sewed —running clear through to the solid, ctrong heels that won’t come off. Wonderful shoe value. The illustration tells the story. You see almost at a glance why we are safe insaying“DON’TSEND A PENNY.’׳ Note the rugged construction— the Wear-defying quality built right in, giving protection at every point. So durable—so strong —yet so flexible, soft and !asy on the feet! Is it any wonder that shoes like these outwear two oi? three pairs of thl) ordinary kind? Truly a Great Shoe Offer Remarkable Bargain These shoes are special!: ally - ------------ - the s of modern farmers and out door city workers. Yet they are much more than a mere work shoe. The snappy, clean cut style anc dressy round toe make this model shoe suitable for almost any wear, and a remarkable bargain at our low special offer price. You be the judge of all this. Just slip a pair of these fhoes on your feet, and let them do the talking! SEND NO MONEY. Just your name, address and size wanted. Pay only $3.69 for shoes on arrival. them on. Examine every feature critically. If you don"׳t them the easiest, most comfortable, best wearing and satisfactory shoes’-™® .. „r7r£e,rÄ Leonard-Morton & Co, Dept. 7168 Chicago, III. I SUGAR 5c LB Per Barrel . D°2 1 m'?s thl?, ere“4 opportnnity to get sugar at 6c a pound, and don’t forget that you can ¡ret lost as Bin bar-yoai’F a״ your■groceries from us. First Quality. Goods at Lowest Prices. Instead of offering you th״ p .״״u״״,y“Urri:0°ds• 5׳e put the ;0If 1¡i ‘be premiums into the Quality. Remember Tlmt You Pay For °kr go?ds ‘?Presentsull Value. You get your Money's Worth. With your first order you ?5* ' °P‘big bargain cataiog^the greatest money saving book that will ever come into your home. Hera are some sample bargains sold with Grocery Orders. y SUGAR $5.00 ,¿V _ _ _ (One of our Leaders) Our Best Granulated Sugar..$5.00 per 100 lbs. Our Best Granulated Sugar..2.50 per 50 lbs. Our Best Granulated Sugar.. 1.25 per 25 lbs. Our Best Granulated Sugar....50 per 10 lbs. Other Big Bargains in Our Catalog Uneeda Biscuits, 12 packages......40 cents Quaker Oats, 6 large packages....36 cents AND OTHER BIG BARGAINS. jO P |U§ pT §yi pgQ we send no catalog unless ® ■ "■■I “ ■ w we receive your trial order. DON’T DELAY. Rush your trial order at once and ?u wt ״®F.Grocery Catalog and begin to cut down the High Cost of Living at once. No article sold separately. Orders are sold complete only. !-Trial Order Coupon No. I2־i I GOLD MEDAL GROCERY CO. Dept. D-101424 Lytton Bldg., Chicago, HI. Gentlemen: Enclosed please find £* 93־ for which | send me Bargain Grocery Order No. B-loand include 1■ free your catalog ahowino- vnnr Hi״ oewQueu umi, ji can rctuni me gooas ana you Will at | once return my money. I Name.. ■ Address......................................... ! City.................... State................ I Express Office.............................. . ׳ FLOUR $8.36 (One of our Leaders) Our Best Flour..........$8.36 per barrel Our Best Flour.......... 4.18 per half barrel Our Best Flour.......... 2.09 per 49-lb. sack *,Begin NOW to cut the High Cost of Living, fill out and mail the Trial Order Coupon Today, and the goods and Big Bargain Catalog will be mailed to you at once. -־TRIAL ORDER— (Estimated) Our Retail Price Price 2 lbs. Best Granulated Sugar.......50c lOe 1 Tube Concentrated Vanilla Extract.50c 29c 1 Pound OurVery Best Baking Powder.50c 39c 1 Large Box Extra Fine Face Powder.75c 44c 1 Tube Dental Paste....:...........50c 39c 1 Box Sardines................25c 19c 3 Bars DYFOAM Soap..............30c 19c one catalog Free Retail Price $3.30 Our Price $1.99 You Save $1.31----------------- Goods will be shipped direct to you and remember that you don’t risk a penny, for our guarantee says: “Money Back if Goods Are Not Exactly as Represented. The object of the Trial Order is to get all your orders for groceries in future. Fill it out and send it before our offer is withdrawn. GOLD MEDAL GROCERYCO. Dept. B-10 1424 Lytton Bldg., Chicago, III. Are We Happy? Well Guess! (Continued from page 18) the nature, the kind and amount of the punishment is fixed. There is also a students’ council which is to the assembly what the Senate is to the House of Representatives of the United States. It was the students’ council that determined the one expulsion from Mooseheart. Dr. Albert Bushnell Hart, professor of government at Harvard, drafted the course of study at Mooseheart. “You will have the greatest school in America,” he predicted. A Mooseheart boy or girl, sometimes irreverently termed a “Moosie,” receives a common and high school education that takes him to the doors of a university, but what is more important, furnishes him with a double-barreled education, intellectual and vocational. Every pupil who is graduated from Mooseheart goes out equipped to earn his living by head or hands. Many of the failures of life are made because the man has not found his work, Mooseheart saves a boy from the oft painful experience in the outer world. He is helped to find his vocation. This object is attained by prevocational training. A child of school age confers with the instructors, expresses his preferences and is placed let us say, at gardening. He concludes he doesn’t like it. He is assigned to the garage or to the machine shop, or the cement works, or the carpenter shop. Or he is put at typesetting. , If discontent pursues him he may try still another and another. Each assignment continues for three months, assuring him a fairly thoro trial of it. For two years these prevocational trials continue unless a child makes a happy choice at the beginning. In two years he has had a chance to learn one of six trades. He finds the one that is his and stands smiling at the threshold of four years’ tuition in the work of his choice. The beginning of happiness is finding one’s job. Prideful Moose claim that a son of one of their deceased brethren, if educated at Mooseheart, would know what to do if dropped at the corner of Broadway and Forty-second streets alone. A visit to Mooseheart convinced me that this claim is true. Experience in governing the town that covers 1,000 fertile acres between the silver stream of the Fox River and the brown Lincoln Highway has taught him the art of governing himself and others and of working. LEGION NOTE¡ : Hampton Roads Legion No. 199 which takes in the entire state of Virginia, held its regular monthly meeting for month of July at Richmond Va. And it was said to have been one of their most successful “Frolics” The meeting was held on Sunday afternoon, July 18, and a class of twentj was initiated into the second degree ol Moosedom. As usual after the meet ing the candidates all claimed thal they had been given their money’s worth, chiefly because it’s hard ‘tc buck the Norfolk No. 39 degree team and say afterward that they hadn’t had enough. Tho “eats”- were in greai evidence and after the big feed there was a watermelon feast on the lawn, which was sure enjoyed by the Legion-aires as well as the great number oi Women of Mooseheart Legion from Norfolk and Phoebus Chapters. Hampton Roads Legion No. 199 is now about the fourth largest Legion m the United States, having close to 1.000 members, and is still growing, as they are initiating from 20 ♦o TO every meeting. The August I-Yoiic is to be held in Newport Ne vs. Va , Sundry afternoon, August 22, and the October Frolic in Portsmouth, on Saturday afternoon .and evening (and night—and incidentally all next day), September 25, 1920. Snap up this chance to get 2 splendid garments fop CIS ОПЛЙ of nna A .1.■ i___. bargain and a petticoat abso-jlutely free. Not a penny to send •with order. Only your request (no ׳money)andyou get by mail direct this wonderful,stylish,well made skirt and also the free petticoat —the petticoat included if you send right now. The number of free petticoats is limited. So don t wait. Get couponoS post card in mail today. Sicilian Mohair Skirt Beautiful Modal SplendidSicilianMohair cloth. Looks like silk. Skirt gathered at back with double shirring. Wide detachable belt. Fancy trimmed pockets-finished with imitatioo buttons’^ and buttonholes. Silk fringe trimmed pockets. Exact copy * of very costly model. You'll be proud to own this stunning skirt and amazed when ?׳on see what a bargain tis. Just compare it with what you see st stores. Choice of Navy Blue, Black or Gray. Comes in all sizes. No extra eh!__ Give waist, hip and front length. Price 54.98. Taffetine Petticoat Free. Order No. BX14791. 1 Taffetine Petticoat S Sicilian Skirt FREE! Yes, free (but only one to a person), this splendid petticoat sent « with the skirt. Good quality taf- $ fetme. Deep flounce, smartly . trimmed with clusters of air i tucks, finished at bottom with , knife plaited ruffle. Elastic i . waistband. Front length 32 to 42 < inches. Hip measures up to 45 inches. - Color black. This splendid petticoat is free. Nothing to pay at any time. Simply order the Sicilian Mohair Skirt and you get the free petticoat right along with skirt. AlЛШ Se3d no “oney, not a penny. Just your request fVOM/ end we will send the stylish skirt and the free petticoat. Only one free petticoat to each per-eon will be Bent with skirt. Send the coupon now. LEONARD-MORTON & CO., Dept. 7172, Chicago Send the Sicilian Mohair Skirt No. BX14791 and the ire• taftetine petticoat. When they arrive. I will pay £4.98 for the skirt; nothing for the petticoat. If not satisfied after ex-amination, I will return both and you will refund my money In. Width..................in. ,in. Color.................... Length, Hip— Name. CORD TYPE TIRES Puncture Proof ■■ П ф §■ FREE Inner Tube 8ooo Mile Guarantee We are introducing a new recon-structed, reinforced cord type anti-skid •Si1»•00® design only. Perfectly moulded with live snappy rubber and all tires are true and uniform (not sewed or seconds). J.nese carry the usual guarantee, and In addition as an appreciation of your first order we will Include with every tire one (standard tube FREE, fevery car owner should send for a trial order, iney give by far the most miles per dollar spent and add attraction to every car. WR|nEH GUARANTEE IN EVERY TIRE 30x3...____$ 7.85 ־ ־ ־־ 32x4 Я-.....$12.40 33x4 К______ 12.95 34x4 Я______ 13.60 35x4 К______ 13.85 36x4 X______ 14.35 35x5....... 15.35 36x5 ...... 15.45 30x3 Я.... 8.95 32x3 Я 9.55 31x4... ™.1I 10.80 32x4_______ 11.15 33x4______ 11.60 34x4...... 11.95 DURABLE TIRE & RUBBER CO. Dept. !08 2431 W. Chicago Ava. Chicago, III, size for a pair of these wonderful l Warwick Men’s Dress Shoes. I! Only a small, special lot at this! profit-smashing price. These fine t shoes are made of specially se- / lected fine quality gun metal/ leather on the popular Ritz last. Blucher style. Full chrome leather Goodyear stitched sole Military heel. Full lined—leather insole. Strongly sewed andreinforced. Best workmanship. Wonderfully comfortable and sty-lisnly snappy in appearance. Splendid-for business The kind of shoe for which yon would expect to pay $7.50 to $9.00. ¡־™®r ®P?,r ouJ Don't send any money now? Just your ¿68B ar!d B,ze. Pay only $4.48 on arrival. Try them onf ״״«in/™!״,״S'108¿ °f V10 remar>able value and the excellent wi״ refuQd yourmoney* Now DAVID STRONG COMPANY “Same Management Since 1885м Dept, si29 Chicago, III. \