MAGAZINE MobsEHEART You know how hard it is to get sugar, even when you pay the big price demanded by grocers, and what it means to be able to buy it direct from us at only 4M! cents a pound. Yet sugar is only one of a long list of groceries on which we can save you money. Just in order to prove what a big advantage you have in dealing with us, we list below a trial order which saves you $1.20. Regular value of these articles is $3.19—our price only $1.99. And we guarantee that every item is absolutely pure, fresh, standard high grade—just what you have been paying about twice our wholesale price for. You wouldn’t think of going back to the costly old way of buying groceries after you have proved the economy of buying from the Big 4 Grocery Bargain Catalog. Send only $1.99 with the Trial Order Coupon below, and begin saving money right away. Catalog Bargains Remember that with your first order you get a free copy of our big wholesale catalog which saves you money on all your grocery purchases. Here are just a few catalog specials. Sold in wonderful money-saving combinations. Flour, Per Barrel $7■98 Sugar, 100 Lbs. $4-5° Bneeda Biscuits, 12 Packages 35c Quaker Oats, Large Package 4c /Hall Coupon Now I Our low prices merely indicate what you can now save on all your groceries, a full line of which is listed in our Wholesale Catalog—The Big Money Saver. This catalog sent to customers only. A free copy will be sent with your first order. Send this coupon NOW-TODAY. Trial Order No. 14 Big 4 Wholesale Prices 2 pounds Granulated Sugar . > • 1 bar Fels Naptha Soap - • • 1 bar Ivory Soap - - - • 1 package Big 4 Brand Best Tea • y4 pound pure Cocoa ...» 1 pound pure Baking Powder -1 4-oz. bottle Vanilla Flavor Extract -1 box Powdered Bluing (*£“?!,!2) 1 box Majic Dye Soap Flakes YOU SAVE SI.20 Total $1.99 V TRIAL ORDER COUPON 1 £2*118 North May Street Dept. Bio"״ Chicago, Illinois Big 4 Co Gentlemen:—Enclosed find $1.99 for which send me at once your Trial Order Ijfo. 14, and a copy of your wholesale Grocery Catalog, free. It is understood that if I am not satisfied, I may return the goods at your expense and you will return my money at once. ^ ״ -h Name. Address. Express Office., B9 S I IS? MM your trial order at once and get our whole-₪m MJ CP Mb sale grocery catalog in which you will find many of the most startling grocery bargains ever offered, ■ ¿arQjT.T’Ckg. We are one of the big leading Wholesale Grocers in Chicago. Oui^ bank, Foreman Bros. Banking Company, or any mercantile institution in Chicago can tell you about us. 1/8/«» you absolute satisfaction ww& & or your money back. In every instance you get pure, fresh goods of the very highest quality. Send the coupon for the trial order today. ! Big 4 Company 112-118 N. May St., Dept. 1210 Chicago, III.