Classified Department AGENTS today. Sanford-Beal Co., Inc., East 4th, Newark, N. Y. trouble. Saves gas. Exclusive territory. Jubilee Mig. Co., 121 Sta. C., Omaha, Nebr. Co., 1-7 Locust, St. Louis. INSYDE TIRES—Inner armor for automobile' tires; 1 prevent punctures and blowouts; double• tire mileage. Liberal profits. Details free. American Accessories Co., Cincinnati, Ohio, Dept. 139. A GENTS—•Reversible Raincoat. Two codts in one ■*"■־ One side dress coat, other side storm overcoat. Guaranteed waterproof or money back. Not sold in stores. Big commission. Samples furnished. Parker Mig. Co., 164 Rue St, Dayton, Ohio. AGENTS—•Reversible raincoat. Biggest seller ever introduced. Something new. Latest style. Not sold in stores. Guaranteed water-proof. Two coats for the price of one No capital retiuired. We deliver and collect. Write for .territory and sample. Thomas Raincoat Co., 1-146 North St., Dayton, Ohio. . SALESMEN WANTED OALESMEN—City or .traveling. Experience _un-necessary. Send for list of lines and full particulars. Prepare in spare time to earn the big salaries—$2,500 to $10,000 a year. Employment services rendered Members. National Salesmen’s Training Association, Dept 137-M, Chicago, 111. OALES BOARD SALESMEN—We have the most attractive line of premium assortments on the market today. Commissions $5.00 to $20.00 per order, with full repeat commissions. For a live, up-to-date proposition, write today. Canfield Mfg Company, 4003 Broadway, Chicago. FEMALE HELP WANTED I AD1ES TO SEW AT HOME for a large Phila-*-* delpliia firm. Good pay; nice work; no canvassing; send stamped envelope for prices paid. Vni-versal Co., Department 18, Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. No experience necessary. Write today lor full particulars. American Products Co., 2305 American Bldg., Cincinnati, O. SONG POEMS WANTED mit poems on patriotism, love or any subject. Chester Music Co., 920 So, Michigan Ave., Room 105, Chicago. cago. WRITE PICTURE PLAYS ducers League, 385,\ Si. Louis, Mo. PATENT ATTORNEYS _ Bommel, Master of Patent Law, 47-J Loan and Trust Bldg., Washington, D. C. .... GOOD FARM WANTED _ FILMS DEVELOPED ' size and 20c for six prints. Or send 40c for one 8x10 mounted enlargement. Prompt, perfect service. Roanoke Photo Finishing Co., 303 Bell Ave., Roanoke, Va, MALE HELP WANTED . sired. Unlimited advancement. No age limit. We train you. Positions furnished under guarantee. Write for Booklet CM-53, Standard Business Training Institute, Buffalo, N. Y. MISCELLANEOUS , ......... A| rijMj I■ Hi i ! ■ -, ticulars free. DeSelO-PhonE, Ave/ K, Attica, Bici F' Joseph Dobek, 3409 W. 21st Street, Chicago, Illinois, Phone Lawndale 568. C_ ___ guaranteed, John B. Hall, 443 High Street., Lancaster, Pa. ------- ---------- ----------------- days. Complete outline Free. Write, C. J Ozment, 37. St. Louis. Delivered ¿u FREE Your choice of 44 sty fie», colors 0and sizes in the famous line of r «‘RANGER” bicycles, shown in full color in the big new Free Catalog. We pay all the freight ״־ ־■-Chic-*' ׳ chargea from umcago to your \ 30DaysFrseTriaU ilcago to your town. ____________ led on the bicycle you select, actual riding test in your own town for a full month. Do not buy untH yon terms and prices.___ TIRCC LAMPS,HORNS,ped-I lllCw als, single wheels and repair parts for all makes of bicyclea at half uaual prices. No one elae can offer each values and auch terms. SEND NO MONEY but write today for the bis new Catalog. It*• fr••. Cycle Company Oust A141 Chicago mtaor Agenta Wanted MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE Are We Happy? Well I Guess! By Ada Patterson, from The Independent Magazine. older. The juniors are between five and twelve years. It is confession time and penalty time. Superintendent Matthew P., Adams presides. The Mooseheart band begins and ends the meeting. Two students sit at a table on the superintendent’s left . They have been elected town clerks. The children sit in groups in the amphitheater? The group living in each cottage or dormitory sit in a body. Each group has a clerk. That clerk is the spokesman of the group. The clerk rises. Each young offender rises and reports the mistakes of his day to the clerk, who in stronger tones reports them to the assemblage. The town clerks make a note of the offense and its usual penalty. One demerit mark for being tardy. Two demerits for being rude to the matron. Three demerits for fighting, unless the assembly determines that the fight was a justifiable one, for which the motive was self-defense or the protection of another. The offender may appeal to the assembly, protesting against punishment and arguing his Own case. Each child has this right and it is frequently exercized. After the matter has been discussed (Continued on page 21) An hour out of Chicago a unique experiment in education is being made. Mooseheart, which has been called the city of childhood, is proving that orphans can be reared and educated without the brand of an institution upon them. The Loyal Order of Moose has established there a home and school and town for the children of its deceased members. It is sending out healthy, highly individualized boys and girls who are equipped to earn their own living by head or hands. It gaurantees that it furnishes good future citizens because the children have already been trained in the functions of citizenship. Mooseheart is a children’s republic. It is the only town in the world that is governed by childdren. Every child has'a vote and voice in its affairs. In the students rests the administrative power of the town wherein live 800 of their own number and 200 of their elders. At five o’clock on five afternoons a week the children meet in the Assembly hall to discuss matters of municipal importance. They are divided according to age into two branches. The wise seniors are the body of students of twelve years and ¿*:i!iiniiiiiini)iiiiini!iHiiiiiiiiiiiini!iiiiimiiC3iiniiiiiiiiHiiiii|iiiiiiniiiii!NiiiiHiiiii!iiiiiiniimiiiiKiHimiii!iiiK3iHiiimmBiiiiiimiiitJimm׳> J Every Moose Should Read This J § IF YOU FIND THE NUMBER OF YOUR LODGE BELOW, •ASK | 1 YOUR DICTATOR, SECRETARY, OR CHAIRMAN OF THE AUDIT- | | ING COMMITEE WHY YOU ARE NO LONGER A GOOD MOOSE. | | IF NEITHER OF THEM CAN TELL YOU, WRITE RODNEY H. | I BRANDON, MOOSEHEART, ILL., AND HE WILL. I 222 — 454 — 593 — 634 — 690 — 927 — 964 — 1016 | § 1084 — 1085 — 1101 — 1104 — 1170 — 1209 — 1229 — 1272 ¡ I 1275 — 1364 — 1418 1433 — 1529 — 1544 — 1577 — 1581 g I 1619 — 1649 —,1650 >Vmiii!!iiiimi¡iiii[3i!iiimiiii[3i|iiMiiiiiit3iiiimiimt3[iiimi¡iii[3ii¡iiiiiiiiit3miiiiiiiiii3iiiiiiiiiiiiE3MMimtmi3iiiiiiiiiiiipiiiiiimi!¡t3iii!iiiiiiiii:<• “THE BIG 25” MEMBERSHIP AS SHOWN BY APRIL 30th REPORT Lodge ■s Membership Philadelphia No. 54............... .~-c.............28,014 Rochester No. 113.................................. 8,001 Cleveland No. 63.................................. 6,020 Detroit No. 160. v.................................. 5,992 Camden No. 111................................... 5,711 Indianapolis No. 17. .............................. 4,556 Pittsburgh No. 46................................. 4,204 San Francisco No. 26.............................. 4,196 Trenton No. 164..................................... 4,029 Baltimore No. 70.................................... 3,791 Buffalo No. 8....................................... 3,405 Fort Wayne No. 200.................................. 3,234 Syracuse No. 625.................................... 3,176 Reading No. 155..................................... 3,123 Erie No. 66......................................... 3,085 Akron No. 62........................................ 3,036 Norfolk No. 39...................................... 3,001 New Haven No. 290................................... 2,956 Cincinnati No. 2.................................... 2,770 Aurora No. 400..........<........................... 2,706 Seattle No. 211..................................... 2,642 Hamilton No. 1437................................... 2,507 Utica No. 450....................................... 2,482 Canton No. 233...................................... 2,308 Allentown No. 129..............................• • • • 2,296 18 Send No Money, JustSendYourOrder and pay your postman $7.37 and postage when the package arrives. You take no risk as the shoes will be sent to you under our iron clad guarantee of money back including postage if you are not fully satisfied. Wo Positively Cannot Sell Either Pair of Shoes Separately When ordering be sure to mention the size required on each pair of shoes. WOLPER’S, Chicago Oopt. 141 1201-1209 West Van Buron St. Sand No WorkShoes And Dr••• Sho•• •t $4.69 A Blow at Profiteering $2.48„, honest built work Sounds im-but it is true r.nd the best part of it is that you do not have to send y to Let us teil can d o h i s. shoes are going up every day. that when you buy thousands of pairs of shoes at one time the prices are considerably lower. The dress shoe we are offering at $4.89. just think of it, $4.89 for a dress shoe. This in itself is the greatest bargain of the season, but in addition with every pair of dress shoes sold we will sell a pair of these work shoes for $2,48. A price that sounds like thedays before the war. Imagine for a total expenditure of $7.37 actually less than the value of the dress shoes you will have two pairs of shoes. MADE. TO MEAXURE 3Pieee SUIT The moat Temarkable values ever offered. A postal brings you a large assortment of cloth samples, wholesale prices direct from the manufacturer, style book and measuring charts. No | matter where you live 1 or where you have been I buying your clothes, and I even If you do not need * a new suit now, Investi-, gate at once the won-: derful savings you can 1 make by dealing direct with this large manufacturer. Long wear, fast color, perfect fit, and satisfaction guaranteed. Write today. Address your card or letter like this: :Lincoln Woolen Mills Company, Department 421 , 208214־ South Green Street, Chicago, Illinois. 82000 to 85000 now being made by good men by wearing and taking orders for the famous Lincoln made-to-measure clothes. No experience needed, we teach you and furnish free equipment, Write today! AGENTS: $54 a Week taking orders for Thomas Guaranteed Shoes, for men, women and children. All styles.' Heel cannot come off. Flexible steel arch shank. Must wear and give satisfac« tion or replaced free. started at once. A profitable business for men and women. No capi-tal required. Write for samples. THOMAS SHOE CO.,18Z04cds St., Dayton, Ohio All Styles and Sizes Brand New Proposition