ü '7 MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE by recommend and ask the Moose lodges and Moose members in New England to present to Mooseheart a dormitory to be known as the New England Building, and we hereby form oureslves into a committee from New England for this purpose and we pledge our time, efforts and substances to the end that this noble •purpose may be attained. We exhort all lodges in New England and members of the Moose to open their hearts and purses so that the funds may be subscribed and the building built and dedicated at the next Convention to be held in Moose-heart in 1922. Put It Beside a Diamond In appearance and by every test, these wonderful TIFNITE GEMS are so much like a diamond that even an expert can hardly tell the difference. Have won-derful pure white color of diamonds of the first water, the dazzling fire, brilliance, cut and polish, btand every diamond test-fire, acid and diamond file, lo introduce TIFNITE GEMS into every locality, we will send them absolutely free and on trial for ten days wear. Pay only $4.50 on arrival, balance ?0.00 a month if satisfactory. Solid Gold gbSk1™ set in solid Mountings clusively fashioned in latest designs. Send coupon—no money— for your choice today. No reference—no obligation. If you can tell a TIFNITE GEM from a genuine diamond, or if for any reason you do not wish to keep it, return it at our expense. Flat How to Order Cut a strip of heavy paper so that the ends exactly meet when drawn tightly around second joint of finger