12 MOOSEHEART МЛвЛZ INE •25 :.OO FOR THIS MADE W YOUR MEASURE ALL WOOL SUIT s Every snifr made to Individual measure ehip itonapproval, delivery charges pre-paid, for you to try on, to inspect and examine. Unless you are well pleased your / trial order will cot cost ״ you a cent. BIO CATALOG Send postal today for copy of our big new catalog and style DOOK with 62 cloth samples of the very finest, high grade fabrics and latest New York and Chicago styles. It shows how any member of your family can take your measures, ,g ־“ We guarantee a- perfect fit. By dealing direct with us.the manufacturers, yon save the unnecessary expense and profit of 1 agents and obtain the very highest grade of L tailoring at a saving of 25% to 40%. Write ■ today for catalog and full information. THE BELL TAILORS Adams at Green St., Dent. 938 , Chicago, Illinois i£CBrinqs these Classy ,.UJFineWorsted Г Made to Order ». I PANTS a " offer to prove that we MONEY £ive biggest ”״lues in , clothes. Only $h.. j. Mad¿1 to-order, exactly to your measure. Satisfaction guaranteed or mone back. No money now—just post cart, and we'll send measurement blank by which you get perfect fit. Swellest, style. We prepay express. Hurry while low price lasts. MAKE'$2500 A YEAR „ Coin money by our wonderful sales plan. And#$ get your own clothes FREE. We’ll tell you R; about this if you write now. Nothing like it.R FREE Greatest Style Book ever shown j; ■ giving all particulars about plan—§ 152 wonderful wool samples—magnificent! fashion plates and—men look here—the most! stunning pictures of movie stars in the moBt I tantalizing, daring poses. Printed in colors. Think of it, a post card brings all this. You can't beat it. Send today. RELIABLE TAILORING CO. 335 S. Peoria Sf. 4M,Ch־ Send for our (free) illustrated 200-page Book “The Origin & ireatment of Stammering ” and our convincing 80-page Book Success --which gives the facts about a man whose speech defect of 35 years standing was corrected by America’s Pioneer School. No charge is made for consultation. THE LEWIS SCHOOL» 60 Adelaide St., Detreit, U. S. A• GET BIG BUSH OFFER We do not deal throngb r—-» distributors bat County Agents only. GET OUR BIG MONEY CATALOG TODAY, Don’t wait! Learn , how you. In your 'spare time can j make Rig Money, I introducing Rush .. «־ »vv -־ Cars in your Conn-Jig Money- ty. The cars with Making Offer for Money-Back guar- County Agents Only antae. Bush light four and De Luxe six. Don’t wait. Write today! BUSH MOTOR CO., Chicago, Illinois, Dept.Ki43 ush Temple OWN A MOVING PICTURE SHOW SMALL4 INVESTMENT^ STARTS YOU NO EXPERIENCE Professional machine and complete outfits on easy payments. CATALOG FREE. Monarch Theatre Supply Co. Dept. 548 228 Union, Memphis, Tenn. BOOK ON DOG DISEASES And How to Feed Mailed free to any address by the Author H. CLAY GLOVER CO. Inc., 118 West 31 st Street • New York Wrist Watch Given I You can.get this fine Wrist Watch or !otherbeautiful watch guaranteedfor 5 years. Also Lac• Curtains, Rogers' Silver Sets, fine Lockets, La Valliera and many other valuable presents for selling our beautiful Art and Religious . ,, .-•־, pictures at 10 eta. each. Order 20 pictures when sold, send the $2.00 and choose premium wanted, according te bis list. liAY AM CO„ Dept. 6־, CHICAGO Graduation Address by Mooseheart Student HENRY JOSEPH GARRETT Des Moines (Iowa) Lodge No. 849 of course are most beneficial to a ,community. In athletics the three major sports are baseball, football and track work, and up to this time all of the teams ■of these sports have been unusually successful and I presume and hope that they will continue to do so. Hockey, swimming and basket ball all have their place, but haven’t been developed to any great extent as yet. The numerous musical organizations at Mooseheart offer great advantage to the student. There are two bands. The Senior Band, organized in the winter of 1914, has forty-seven pieces, fourteen of which are played by girls. The band plays comparatively hard selections and has been on concert tours to both Atlantic and Pacific coasts. I became a member in 1916 and for the last two years have been solo clarinetist.. The other band was organized in the spring of 1918 and is called the Junior Band. When a member becomes fairly proficient in playing an instrument he is promoted to the Senior Band. Mooseheart has four orchestras, the first and largest of which is the Philharmonic Orchestra and is composed of thirty-six musicians, over half of whom are girls. It is only one year old, but has already won popularity and support from outsiders as well as Mooseheart people. The “Petite” Orchestra, or the seven musicians that play regularly for the Saturday night moving picture show, is much appreciated by the students and grown-ups of Mooseheart, some declaring that the music rendered by it is half of the performance. / Lately the piano playing for church and Sunday school has been supplanted by the Sunday School Orchestra’s music. There^are twelve members and all of the attendants unanimously agree that, while piano is good for religious work, there is something far more uplifting and enlightening in the rendering of music by an orchestra. My ability to play a clarinet Has gained me entrance into each of these orchestras and I know that this experience, along with my band, will surely be of some benefit after I leave Mooseheart. The fourth orchestra is a trio composed of a saxophone, piano and trap drums and affords fine music for our weekly dancing here in this hall. A number of singing and choral clubs have been organized. These are made up mostly of girls, but nevertheless have their active part in the life of Mooseheart and frequently give recitals here and in surrounding towns. Junior Order of Moose work is of no small importance at Mooseheart to students over the age of sixteen. Our Lodge is No 1 of the whole Order and we consider it necessary that we conduct our meetings and initiations in such a way that we may be considered an example to all other Lodges. We hold our meetings * every Monday night and I, as secretary, want to say that visiting Brothers of both Loyal Order of Moose and Junior Order of .Moose are always cordially welcomed to drop in, and be with us during our meetings. The Boy Scouts and Camp Fire Girls, as you know, are two similar organizations and are both encourag- (Continued on page 22) I came to Mooseheart from Des Moines, Iowa, and my first day of Mooseheart life was not so very pleasant, because of the fact that I was rather homesick as most eleven-year-old boys are when they leave their childhood home. However, on the second day I became a little more accustomed to the regular rçutine of the place, and after a few more days had elapsed I was thoroughly satisfied with my new home. At that time I was in the seventh grade, but T didn’t begin my school life until I had spent a week roaming over the grounds and becoming acquainted with Mooseheart and my new friends. The enrollment of the Mooseheart ' . school at the time of my entrance was less than one hundred, since then I have seen it grow to eight hundred¡ the present enrollment. The general character of the academic school here is practically the same as that of other high grade schools. It is different in that it has a much larger library, more practical courses, and a higher grade of teachers than most of these. Also in the last-year practical public speaking has become a required subject for graduation and you all know that a man well versed in this line is usually a successful one. (Please notice that I am no example of this training.) Our High School is on the accredited list of surrounding colleges, and a graduate may, if he wishes to do so, enter these colleges without an examination. For instance one may enter the University of Illinois at Champaign, where Wayne Wallace and Harold Taylor, two of the 1919 graduates, have for the past year so successfully carried on their college life. The object of the Loyal Order of Moose, as Mr. Davis says, is to make Mooseheart a “School That Trains for Life,” accordingly all of the students’ time must be confined to academic work, so each day with the exception of Saturday and Sunday, vocational classes are held. These classes for the boys, may be divided into two groups: one of the agricultural work and the other constructional work. The former contains all phases of theoretical and practical farming. The second group, construction classes, is the one that has interested me most. I decided to finish my vocational work with a course in concrete work. During my five years of Mooseheart life I have had assignments of at least six months in the carpenter, drafting, painting and machine shop classes, all of these beng subordinate to the concrete course. In the auxiliary classes I have at least learned the elements of each particular kind of work. In thé cement class I have worked on everything from modeling to making the cornerstone for the Philadelphia Memorial Hospital. While speaking of vocational work I would like to mention the fact that Mooseheart, upon the request of the National Government, for the last year has been instructing handicapped returned soldiers of• the World War in all of the different vocational classes so that they may in a few years be able to go out and earn a livelihood and not become a burden to themselves and the country. Mooseheart is blessed faith a great number of organizations and these Elgin Watch 14-kt. Gold-Filled Case 20-year% Guar• mtee New. thin model Elgin wstch, warranted movement In 14-kt.gold-filled esse, 20-Fe»r guarantee. Decide tor yourself. If you keep it. this beautiful high class watch may be paid for at less than 7 cents a day. Chain and Knife FREE A 14-kt. rold-filled knife and chain absolutely free with this offer. State if yon wish a Wildemtr, (shown In cut), Dickens, or rest Less Than 7c a Day value in America, return immediately. If you decide to buy, send $2.00 a month until $22.60 is paid. Remember, yon are not obligated 1 to buy when you / order on trial. [ Just send your { name end ad- ! dress. No red \ Then wear the watch for 1 Maiden Lane New YorkjN. У, Order Today —On Trial_________ tape or annoyance. State which chain you wish. Thia \ offer limited. Act now. Send your name to Dept. 42-G• Our 128-vaae catalog shows more than £000 bargains in Diamonds, Watches end Jewelry. Write for it NOW. J.M.LYON&CO., Jj&s /CL ¿am£ —II■11■ ■■ Ml IHUIIIITT Made to your measure, payable after !,with the clear understanding that if the fit ia not perfect i or if you are not satisfied in every way, if you are not convinced you have received 3־ fine, high grade, stylish, perfect-fitting tailored suit k made to yo ur measures and . have saved $15 to $20{ you are not under the slight-I est obligation to keep it. Don’t hesitate or feel timid, simply send the suit back, no cost to yon. You are not out one penny. Any money you may have paid us is refunded at once. SAMPLES FREE Any man young or „ ________ old interested In sav- ing money,who wants to dress well and not feel extravagant ia invited to write ua for our free book of samples and fashions explaining everything. Please write letter or postal today, just say/‘Send me your samples'* and get our whole proposition by return mail. Try it—coBts y ou nothing—just a postal, get the free samples and prices anyway» You will learn something important about dressing well and saving money, PARK TAILORING COMPANY Dept 268_______________Chicago, ILL, 11 \\ gill Men! * Get intoButo in- dustry.^he business that makes millionaires. Get rich. Take in money every minute of day—don't wait tor paydays. Get paid for what you no—not for hours you work. Learn wonderful profession. Prepare to manage a station. DON'T WAIT. START NOW. Begin making from $3,500.00 to $5,000 annually. I teach you everything you need know. Show how to build trade. T< how much to charge. Equip your station. OO ППП flfin ♦ ¡f.iq irr.n.li,„ .) - .1... .i — il _. _2,000,000 tires wearing down dally— that s your field. Tire Surgery la new repair method. Easy to learn. Two weeks and you know how. Thousands successful students. Only Tire Surgery school in the world. Send for big FREE book. Mail name now and get all facts. Address Haywood Tire & Equipment finmnanv 899 Capitol Avenue, company ,nalanapol¡•. Ind. AGENTS: $12 a Day HEW KANT-KL0G COAL OIL BURNER Most perfect burner ever invented. Can’t clog up. Burns 85% air and 15% gas. Turns any coal or wood stove into a gas stove. Pays for itself in a short time. Cheaper than coal. Big seller. Write for Agency terms and territory. PARKER MFG.XQ. 264 Coil St. DAYTON,׳ OHIO