11 MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE Get All Catalogs! Compare Choice — Prices —Terms We urge you to look everywhere before buying new furniture. Hurry-up purchases usually end in disappointment. For instance, we show one splendid bed bargain here. It is just an example of scores shown in our catalog. We advise against buying it until you have seen all. Picking from a meager selection is often wasteful, whether it’s a bed or a rocker, dishes, silverware or merely kitchen utensils. It’s the best plan to see a plentiful choice and get exactly what is likely to suit through years of service. Prices can then be compared—as well as terms. We ask only that you send for our book and lay it side by side with all others. 10,000 Furniture Bargains in Our Latest FREE Book! W V f«S>־K> «0 S^Taioc¡){ CHlCAcO,lïlfc Patent Corner Lock for Rails Send OnW $1.00 For this Bed Carpet Sweepers Graphaphone• MAIL PENNY POSTCARD for FREE BARGAIN BOOK Showing: Jewelry Wringers Washing Machines OilCIoth Towels Trunks, etc. I Draperies | Clocks I Watches I Sewing I Comforters I 1 Silverware 1 Lamps I Ranges I Machines I Blankets 1 Chinaware 1 Diamonds 1 Stoves 1 Linens 1 Linoleum | Furniture Carpets Rugs Over One Million People Always Get It The page size is unusually large so that all pictures are shown big. A great many things, like carpets, linoleums, blankets and comforters, are in actual cr lors. It not merely brings all items of furniture, but also tl.w every-day household needs—from cellar to garret. You ought to have it, no matter where you finally buy. With it comes a credit certificate opening your charge account. There is never any need to ask for terms. Our Credit is Exceptional— Compare These Features Anywhere ! Our unusual terms and methods of dealing with customers scarcely admits of comparison. Our credit is so entirely different. It never allows embarrassment or disappointment. We never ask for cash and do not want it. No discount is allowed for cash. Everybody receives the same generous treatment and enjoys all the special features of our wonderful plan. FAMOUS FREE LOAN OFFER MORE THAN A FREE TRIAL When you wish to see anything in our Bargain Book, you simply tell us so—just as you would ask us to send the bed shown here. There is no red tape; no bother or trouble of any sort. We send your selection for a month's Free Loan—not merely to look at, but to use as if it were all bought and paid for. Then Pay Little By Little. If everything pleases you, spread the cost over the longest time. Pay in small amounts, almost as you please. If you send things back, no apologies are necessary. No exchange or other arrangements are suggested. We immediately refund your trifling deposit; we also pay you back for all transportation costs and hauling expense. The whole matter is wiped off our books. ONE BED FROM SCORES WE PREFER TO SHOW ALL We greatly prefer to have you send for our book and see the scores of beautiful designs in all varieties of finish and color—in steel, wood or brass. We strongly urge you never to buy for your home just from a single selection. This is just to give you an inkling of what you may expect in the way of price, quality, appearance and terms. ONE DOLLAR BRINGS THE BED OUR BOOK IS ENTIRELY FREE There are no strings whatever to this offer. Merely send one dollar deposit with your request. That’s the way with everything shown in our big free book. We have no special terms for.spepial items; no special prices for “leader״ articles. White Enamel Steel Bed. Has continuous posts and top rails V/¿ inches thick. Five filling rods, 1/& of an inch thick, mortised into top and bottom rails by latest interlocking device. The patented corner lock for the side rails fits so firmly and bolted so rigidly that can never sag or rattle. 49 inches high at head end, 32 inches high at foot. 4feet,6incheswide.Whiteenamel only—baked in and everlasting. Order by No. XB5434—Price, $13.85 1455 West 35th Street Chicago ! itfiffiS A PLEASANT VOICE FROM THE SOUTH LAND Columbia, S. C., June 30, 1920. Honorable Rodney Brandon, Mooseheart, 111. My Dear Rodney:— I shall not write you a long letter, although it'would take several pages to express my deep appreciation for the kindnesses and courtesies extended to me by our genial and loveable Supreme Dictator, our dear friend and brother, Davis, and all the other officers and members of our beloved Order, during my stay at Mooseheart. I do wish it were possible for every man, woman and child in the United States, in fact in the world, to visit that school and see what is being done there. It is the greatest institution that it has ever been my pleasure to visit, and I have traveled from Maine to California and from the Gulf of Mexico to Canada. My prediction is that, if our people should be blessed with health and strength, ten years from today, the world will recognize that really and truly Mooseheart is a part of the Kingdom of God on this earth and that those who are in charge of it and who are contributing to its success are the present earthly disciples of our Savior. I am almost afraid to tell people what it is for fear they might not believe it, for, as I said to my Lodge last Monday night, if I had not seen it myself I would not have believed it, and, therefore, I can hardly expect others to believe me. I did not meet a stranger at Mooseheart, it was one great big family of men, women and children, one of which all mankind should be .roud, and I only would to God that the brotherly feeling exhibited there, the friendliness and the desire to see that others were contented and made happy could be, and would be, exercised all over this nation of ours. Any time I can be of service to you, or the Order, please command me. Give my love to all my friends. Very respectfully, COLE L. BLEASE. MISSING Information wanted as to whereabouts of F. J. Carroll, a member of Hampton, Va., Lodge. Was in U. S. service at Camp Ustice, Va., until last March. Kindly address Mrs. F. J. Carroll, 425 Carroll St., Akron, Ohio. Brother Chas. Dubois disappeared from Chester, Pa. Please send any information to Henry J. Dassirtg, Secretary Essex Lodge No. 764, Irvington, N. J. J. B. Hall, Emporia, Kan., Lodge, Brother Hall, a member in good standing of Emporia, Kan., Lodge No. 749, has been missing since last December. Height 5 .feet .9 .inches, weight 165 pounds, age 50 years. Information wanted by Mrs. J. B. Hall, 1219 Prospect Ave., Kansas City, Mo.