? w MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE Talk to Lodges By Geo. N. Warde, General Dictator Lodges are quite explicit and well defined, but the title of the Lodge, initiation fee charged, dues of beneficiary and non-beneficiary member, meeting-nights of the Lodge, amount of sick benefit and funeral expense paid, and compensation paid to officers are essentially by-laws of the Lodge and ought to be printed as such. Care should be taken so that what is a General Law of the Order may not be reprinted in local by-laws for the reason that General Laws are subject to change at each Legislative Convention of the Older and as a consequence this would cause the Lodge by-laws to be in conflict therewith, which, of course, is not permissable. To Lodges contemplating the drafting of by-laws I will gladly, upon application for same, send a blank form for guidance, thus saving the Lodge a considerable figure in the printing of superfluous matter. This form will not be in conflict with General Laws every two years. All bylaws of Lodges must be submitted in duplicate to General Dictator for approval before same can be considered in force and effect. Permits to Operate Clubs or Homes The laws of the Order require that all Lodges before operating a club or home have permit to do so issued by thè General Dictator Many letters have been mailed to Dictators of Lodges calling their attention to this and a large number of them have responded making application for permit to operate. The attention of the officers of Lodges is called, however, to the fact that all permits for clubs or homes expire the first day of October, following date of issue of permit and that a request for renewal must be made, otherwise, club or home will operate without permit to do so, and as a consequence the certificate of good standing to the Lodge may be withheld for this violation of the General Laws. It is hoped that the Secretary of the Lodge operating club or home will make note of this and file application for renewal of permit. The term club or home is interpreted to mean a room or rooms maintained by the Lodge for other than strictly lodge meetings. If merchandise is handled, official books must be secured and all accounts kept therein and report made quarterly to Supreme Secretary. If club i? free, no books are required but permit to operate must be obtained. House rules should be adopted and hung in conspicuous places about the social quarters and full and due observance of the rules must be insisted upon at all time by the House Committee. To operate clubs all General Laws of the Order must be strictly and conscientiously observed. Any violations of these laws may cause revocation of permit to operate without notice. It should be the effort of every member to see that his home is conducted in a manner that will attract the attention of the very best people in his community, elevate the name of the Order and add to the prestige of each individual member. This cannot be done unless our laws of decorum and operation are followed in every instance. With this in mind let us make effort to raise the standard and build for the future. That the Moose Order will be a “home owning” institution in a very few years is most clearly demonstrated by the increasing number of applications for “permit to buy” received in the office of the General Dictator every week. Never before in the Order’s history have such efforts been apparent as are now being made by our most progressive Lodges to secure comfortable homes. Just a few months ago we counted one hundred and twenty-three (123) Lodges of the Order that held real estate valued at more than five million dollars ($5,-000,000). The most interesting feature of this home getting nowadays is that, knowing that the funds of the Lodge cannot be used for such purposes without special permit from Supreme Lodge, the individual members are coming forward and loaning to their Lodge the amount necessary to. purchase the desired home, thus eliminating all claims of outsiders upon Moose property. A Certificate of Indebtedness is issued by the Lodge to the member for his loan, this 'certificate to be redeemed by the Lodge when it is able to do so. This absorbing of the liabilities of the Lodge by the membership thereof has a solidifying effect that is most beneficial. It means security and an awakened interest in the hopes and aspirations of the loyal members of the Lodge. Incorporation In some States of the Union it is found that laws have been enacted by legislation requiring the incorporation of the Lodge when real estate is to be purchased and title held to same. The laws of our Order require that before application is made for incorporation all papers necessary shall be sent to office of General Dictator for approval and that incorporation can be legal only when made in “name of the Lodge.” This is very important, however. I find in checking the records here that a few corporations have been formed and a name other than that of the Lodge has been used, yet the funds of the Lodge have been applied thereto. This is a serious violation of the laws of this Order and effort will be made to have application filed amending name of corporation or to dissolve same so that the members of the Lodge may be properly protected in their investment and title held in the name of the Lodge. This information is given at this time with the thought that when the Lodges referred to receive such notice the officers will take action to conform to the laws of the Order without delay. By-Laws For several months I have endeavored ,to secure a coj)y of all by-laws adopted by the Lodges of the Order. This effort met with only fair success, or I am forced to the conclusion that a very large number of Lodges have not, as yet, adopted by-laws. The laws of the Order require that this be done. See Section 307, General Laws of the Order. I might say, however, in this connection, that it is not the intent of the law that a by-law be adopted to govern every operation or function of the Lodge, for the very reason that the General Laws for the operation of “I WANT EVERY MAN TO HAVE A GOOD JOB; EVERY WOMAN A GOOD HOME; AND EVERY CHILD A GOOD EDUCATION.” DARIUS BROWN, Supreme Dictator — THIS HOUSE FREE THIS is the most wonderful offer ever appearing in this magazine. It is so stupendous, you may find it hard to believe, but it’s true, every word I say. It will positively be given free of cost. I mean just what I say—there are no strings to my generosity—no “ifs” nor “ands.” I want to advertise my business and I take this new and novel means of telling people about myself and my business. Just imagine now for a moment, that this beautiful Home was yours, located right in your own town, or on your own farm, a neat picket fence around it, flowers growing in well arranged beds, rose bushes climbing the lattice at the porch ends, sending their fragrance into your nice, cool bedrooms. No Matter Where You Live— Anywhere in the U. S. IT DOES not matter to me where you may happen to live— you may be on a ranch, a farm, a ten-acre garden tract, in a village or a large city, (just so you live in the United States), your chance is equally good of being presented with this elegant six room modern home. Don’t sit back—don’t say, “It is not for me,” or “No such luck could be mine.” You are only fooling yourself when you let such thoughts enter your mind. Set yourself right down and send me your name and address today, before you lay this magazine aside. It’s a duty you owe to yourself. I Buy The Lot and Build The Home For You PERHAPS you do not own a lot—don’t allow this to prevent your sending in your name and address. I’ll take care of everything. I’ll buy a lot for you in your own town, and arrange to have the house built on the lot. I will buy the lot in your own neighborhood, or in a suitable neighborhood, allowing you to select the site—you will be proud of this home. I will be proud of it, for it will be a monument of advertising for my business. That is where I get my reward and that is why I make this most marvelous of offers. For the advertising it will give my business. JUST mail me the coupon and I will rush you a set of floor plans of this home, showing the arrangement of the several rooms. It’s the chance of your lifetime to own a home of your own without one cent of cost to you. Be prompt. FREE HOME COUPON C. E. Moore, Pres., Home Builders Club Dept. 91 Batavia, 111.___ ^ Send me, absolutely free, fuil particulars and free plans and pictures of the Home offered in The Household Journal NAME ................................................................... TOWN ................................................................... STREET or R. F. D....................................................... STATE.............................................־...................