Famous Bluebird Design 110 Piece Dinner Set Amazing value. This offer breaks all bargain records. In each A Complete SeFVICe piece the highest type of color harmony and exquisite design has r been attained. The entire set is the popular colonial shape, decorated with that emblem of happiness, the Bluebird, whose varied hues blend wonderfully with the perfect natural colorings of the flowers in pink, green and lavender. Has lovely blue bordering on each piece. Each piece is fired in the glaze and guaranteed not to check or craze. Then, too, that splendid Old English finish is applied to the clay even before it is fired. This finish permeates and gives to the piece the indestructible glaze of rich snowflake white. This wonderful dinner set can be yours for only $1.00 down and $3.00 monthly. Price, in all, $32.95. Complete satisfaction guaranteed. 1 1/1 This splendid set consists lit/ rieCeS of 12 dinner plates, 9 in.; 12 breakfast plates, 7^ inches; 12 coupe soups, 7H inches; 12 fruit Baucers, 5H inches; 12 cups: 12 ■aucers; 12 oatmeal dishes, 6 inches; 12 bread and butter plates, 6incheB; 1 platter, 111-2 inches; 1 plat• ter, 12 3-4 inches; 1 covered vegetable dish (2 pieces): 1 oval open vegetable dish, 9 1-2 inches; 1 round vege* table dish, 8 1-2 inches; 1 gravy boat; 1 gravy boat stand; l bowl, 1 pint; 1 sugar bowl and cover (2 pieces) 1 cream pitcher; 1 pickle dish; 1 butter dish, 7 1-2 in. This set is one that will add tone and beauty to diningroom. With ordinary care it will last a time. Weight shipped, about 100 pounds. i8Z Order by No. G6138A. Send SI.OO with order« $3.00 monthly. Price ot 110 pieces, $32.95, No C• O. D. No discount tor cash. Easy Payments Open an account with us. We trust honest people _ _ anywhere in the United States. Send for this wonderful bargain shown above or choose from our big catalog. One price to all, cash or credit. No discount for cash. Not one penny extra for credit. Do not ask for a We cannot offer any discount from these No C. O D. special cash price, sensational prices. Our guarantee protects you. If not perfectly satisfied, re-_ turn the article at our ex- pense within 30 days and get your money back—also any freight you paid. Could any offer be fairer? Send for it. Shows thousands of bargains in fur- ___ niture, jewelry, carpets, rugs, curtains, silverware, stoves, women's, men’s and children’s wearing apparel. Send the coupon today—NOW! Send the Coupon 30 Days’Trial pense within 30 days and get your n you paid. Could any offer be fairer? Free Catalog along with $1.00 to us now. Have this 110-Piece Bluebird Dinner Set shipped on 30 days’ trial. We will also send our big Bargain Catalog listing thousands of amazing bargains. Only a small first payment and balance in monthly payments for anything you want. Send the coupon today. Right now! STRAUS & SCHRAM, Dept. C32f West 35th Street, Chicago, III. S £nclosed find 11.00. Ship special advertised 110-plece Bluebird Dinner Set. lam to have ■ 80 days' free trial. If I keep the set I will pay you $3.00 monthly. If not satisfied, I am to ■ return the eei within 30 days and you are to ref und my money and any express charges lpaid. ■ □ 110-Piece Bluebird Dinner Set No. G6138A» $32.95• Street, R.F.D. or Box No........ [ Straus & Schram g We 35th St, Chicago, 111* Shipping Point..................................................................... poet Office.................................................State........ It You Want Only the Catalog, Put X in the Proper Box Below: □ Furniture, Rags, Stoves, Jewelry □ Mre’t, Women’s and Childrens Clouiifif j