26 Classified Department AGENTS WANTED _ Co., 127 Locust, St. Lou.s.' . mileage. Liberal pro. its. Details free. American Accessories Co., Cincinnati, Ohio, Dept. 139. A‘ . bottle makes 32 glasses; all flavors'#?]‘ust add wafer; lightning seller; small package; carry in pocket; outfit furnished free; send postal today. American Products Co., 2304 American Bldg., Cincinnati, O. . or replaced free. All styles, colors and finest silk hose. You can sell at less than store prices. Every home a prospect. Write for sample3. Thomas Dos-iery Co., 3346 North St., Dayton, Ohio. B" trouble. Saves gas. Exclusive territory. Jub. lee Mfg. Co., 821 Sta. C., Omaha, Nebr. АЦ _ today. Sanford-Beal Co., Inc., East 4th, Newark, N. Y. S' l works wonders; one rub keeps glass clear 24 hours; steel mountings; fits pocket; whirlwind seller at $1. Vetter made $75 first day. Security Mfg. Co., Dept. 294, Toledo, O. A. . ~ season now on, act (!nick. Sample 25 cents. TRANSO CO., Greenville, Ohio. SALESMEN WANTED Si ticulars. Prepare in spare time to earn the big salaries—$2,500 to $10,000 a year. Employment services rendered Members. National Salesmen’s Training Association, Dept. 137-H, Chicago, 111. S‘~ Guaranteed 6,000 miles on liberal adjustment basis. Big commissions paid weekly. Experience or capital unnecessary. Auto Tire Clearing House, 1564 West 15th* Chicago. WRITE PICTURE PLAYS Y. .. .. _____.......... poems on any subject. The Metropolitan Studios, 914 So. Michigan Ave., Room 128, Chicago, 111. W~ - — .... mit poems on patriotism, love or any subject. Chester Music Co., 920 So. Michigan Ave., Room 105, Chicago. ___ ducers League, 385, St. Louis, Mo. PATENT ATTORNEYS P' _ Kimmel, Master of Patent Law, 47-1 Loan & Trust Bldg., Washington, D. C. FEMALE HELP WANTED L~..................... ’ ______ . vassing; send stamped envelope for prices paid. Universal Co., Department 18, Walnut Street, Philadelphia. l'a. GOOD FARM WANTED ...... ................. SONG POEMS WANTED ___ ___„ - - Chicago. MALE HELP WANTED ־ * Ü sired. Unlimited advancement. No age limit. We train you. Positions furnished under guarantee. Write for Booklet CM-53, Standard Business Training Institute, Buffalo, N. Y. W" where •Inly 14-August 11. Vacancy list free. Franklin Institute, Dept. W34, Rochester, N. Yr. MISCELLANEOUS R~~ „___ _____ L” ___ rard, Box 463, Jenkins, Ky. T" America. Write Vogeler Seed Co., Salt Lake City. Utah. _______________________________ ’״■ •” ---------- --------- days.° Complete outline Free. Write, C. J. Ozment, 37. St. Louis. M m h ־ ־ ־ • a '־־ | r size and 20c for six prints. Or send 40c for one 8x10 mounted enlargement. Prompt, perfect sen ice. Roanoke Photo Finishing Co., 303 Bell Ave., Roanoke, Va. J400SEHEÆRT Ml/IGJIZINE Childhood’s Greatest Opportunity (Continued f rom page 19) asked at the Friday night dance at the Assembly. “That is dear Mrs. Grant’s little girl. She belongs to all of us.” Suiting the action to the word a matron drew the child into an encircling arm, like the defending circle which is the emblem of the Loyal Order of Moose. MOOSEHEART has a general store. There the children, aided by the matrons, buy their own clothing. Thus they are taught early discretion in shopping and marketing.' If childish imagination runs riot, and there is an impulse to extravagance, the salesmen and salewomen gently and conscientiously check it. MOOSEHEART is a point at which town and country meet. The children have all the advantages of farm life, including hundreds of horses, cows, sheep, hogs and chickens, so giving an education in farm life. But also they have the elementary and high school facilities of a large city. Besides these they have the conveniences of city life, as fireproof buildings, steamheat, electric lighting and metropolitan water, sewage and street lighting systems. The children pursue their education. Within twenty minutes ride of Aurora and five minutes ride of Batavia and but an hour from Chicago. > The possibility of an education in music cannot be too much emphasized. Each child can join the forty-piece junior band, the fifty-piece senior band, the fifty-piece orchestra, or one of the choral or glee clubs. The Senior Band made a concert tour of a dozen cities last summer. On its tour it made and spent $15,000.00. It visited Washington and Mount Vernon, Buffalo and Niagara Falls, New York and Coney Island. It spent thirteen hours in the sight seeing wagons of New York seeing the metropolis. It was entertained at luncheon in the home of a U. S. Senator at Washington. To prepare thoroughly for their part in the world’s democracy, the children are trained in self-government. In debating societies, and on the athletic fields they are prepared for intellectual and physical leadership. Brawn and vigor are developed in the valuable gymnasium of the cornfield and the potato pach. So uninstitutional is MOOSEHEART that no child can predict certain food for certain days. There is no inevitable “bean” day nor “mush” day. Every day’s menu is a surprise food bill of fare. Under the direction of a dietician nurishing food is provided in well balanced and appetising meals in such variety as to baffle guessing. Thus appetite waits on uncertaintity. The sense of beauty is developed in the wards of the Loyal Order of Moose. The appreciation of the arts is developed in them covering a wide aesthetic field. They are taught to cultivate the flowers in the green houses, to design model rooms at Practice House, and they have the privilege of attending symphony orchestra concerts and grand opera at Aurora and Chicago. MOOSEHEART furnishes model family life by establishing groups of from twelve to sixteen. That number it considers a model family. Grouping children in ages from four _ to seventeen it fosters the family spirit of love and service. Each group has its own house, its own kitchen, its own table and its own “mother”. The health of the children is safeguarded by a resident physician, a resident, dentist, and nurses in a fully equipped hospital. When the child comes to MOOSEHEART he is subjected to a thorough and scientific examination. There is following up care of these children, a scientific rebuilding of the weak tissues, until the little one becomes as nearly perfect as science and affection can make it. (Continued on page 31) HEART. He has blown the spark of the Moose spirit into a substantial blaze in the bosom of every pupil. Matthew P. Adams has the genius of understanding of the young. Of all his multiform duties none is quite so congenial as his man to man, “come let us reason together” talks with the little ones in his office. That is where, distraction or indirection, mind meets mind. Respect without fear is the keynote of these conferences. The boys jump on the funning board of his automobile. They cavil openly at the slow tempo he insists upon at the Friday night dances. But they esteem him as the boys of Rugby esteemed their most beloved teacher. Eminent preparation has Mr. Adams had for his work. He was graduated from the Boston English High School and Harvard University. _ He took a special course at Columbia University. He was a student of the New York School of Philanthropy. He was a student teacher of the Ridge Manual Training School of Cambridge; supervisor of Agriculture of the New Britain (Conn.) State Normal School; superintendent of the New York City Children’s Aid Society Schools. _ He has been secretary of the National Society for the Promotion of Industrial Education and is a member of the Board of Managers of the National Society for Vocational Education. Mrs. Laura Spencer, _ the school principal, pursues her life work on the site of her grandfather’s farms. The Loyal Order of Moose wants to grow to a million members. Why not many million? It wants MOOSE-HEART’S 1000. acres to become 5000 acres. Why build a fence about great beneficence ?• Mooseheart, the Different. MOOSEHEART is different than any other orphanage I know. ־ A big outstanding fact about it is that it encourages self-expression. It develops a child’s individuality. There isn’t a uniform on the place except the uniforms worn by the seventy disabled soldiers whom the government has sent there to learn arts by which they can earn a livelihood. Every girl or boy wears clothes of his or her own choosing to the extent that MOOSEHEART is able to supply them. In colors and styles and textures the child’s faculty of selection is exercised. Every child has its own bank account. It pays all of its bills by check. Checks are written , upon the local bank for one cent and upwards. The children earn the money for these bank accounts by doinJ>■ extra stunts of housework or about the grounds. The Lodges of the Loyal Order of Moose send the money to their little representatives at MOOSEHEART. There is no condition of eligibility except that the child must not be seriously defective in mentality and that there is room at MOOSEHEART for him . There is no age limit. There are babies in arms and senior students of nineteen and all the ages between these extremes. It keeps the mother and children together. The mothers are supplied with work, and a home and means of earning their livelihood and the children are placed in a home or school. If it is not feasible to place a mother in charge of the hall or cottage in which her own children live, she is able to see them every day. _ No child, even one fully orphanned is allowed to miss a mother’s love at MOOSEHEART. Two girls whose mother, one of the most beloved matrons, died during the epidemic of influenza, are mothered by every matron at MOOSEHEART. “Who is that pretty girl with the delicate face and golden hair?” I Work Shoes And Dross Shoes at $4.69 A Blow at Profiteering /88 f°r a Pa׳r $£■*»©0 1 real honest built work shoes. Sounds^ impossible but it is true’.nd the best part of it is that you do not have to send money to prove it. Let us tell you ^„__________ how ........“ You know that shoes are going! up every day. also you know that when you buy thousands of pairs of shoes at one time the prices are considerably lower. The dress shoe we are offering at $4.89. just think of it, $4.89 for a dress shoe. This in itself is the greatest bargain of the season, but in addition with every pair of dress shoes sold we will sell a pair of these work shoes for $2.48. A price that sounds like thedays before the war. Imagin• for a total expenditure of $7.37 actually less than the value of the dress shoes you will have two pairs shoes. *־־ oV .*V: t. V' Send Nq Money, JustSendYourOrder and pay your postman $7.37 and postage when the package arrives. You take no risk as the shoeB will be sent to you under our iron clad guarantee of money back including postage if you are not fully satisfied. Wo Positively Cannot Sell Either Pair of Shoes Separately When ordering be sure to mention the size required on each pair of shoes. WOLPER’S, Chicago Dopt.69 1201*1209 West Van Buren St. Here’s a wonderfully attrac-. tive Jap silk waist at a wonderfully attractive bargain price. And best of all — we will ship this extremely handsome garment without a cent In advance! So sure are we that it will sell itself at sight that all we require is tnerel tne coupon. Send no money We take all risk that you will be so delighted with . style.material.fit and finish of this beautiful waiBt that you will gladly pay our amazingly low bargain price to keep it Extraord*־ary Silk Waist Offering Sizes: 32 to 46-in. bust. Colors: White, flesh or black. “Extraordinary” ii the word that exactly sums up this very unusual op- must «1«*promptly MW1 ™? exquisitely dainty waist of to secure one of genuine Jap silk is a design of these waists, as £%'№$ great beauty — a model of smart-our low bargain MSKr. est style. Front is handsomely em-price will quick- /£¿¿8» broidered with pure silk in contrast-* • - •־ ׳ jng colors. Cut full, perfect fitting; popular “V” shaped neck and sailor collar. Front closes with pearl buttons. A waist every woman falls io love with at first sight, jr■m BJI . ® v Send coupon at once to avoid P. № fh #2 IB WmlrilBT possible disappointment. UBWMMW. Send no money. Pay only $2.75 for waist on arrival. Examine every feature carefully —the pure Jap silk fabric—smart, snappy style — beautiful finish—try it on and see the perfect fit. Then if for any reason you are not delighted with the extraordinary value, return waist to us and we will refund your money Order White by No. BX757; Flesh by No. BX758; Black by No. BX759. Mark X in □ in coupon to show color wanted. Be sure to give size wanted also. Send today! LE0NARD-M0RT0N&C0. DeplmfcTTcago □ No. BX7S9 Г־ ־ will return it and you will refund my □ No. BX757 r־l No. BX758 White Li Flesh I Black Size Name................................Bust, Addrese . Brass bound, powerful lenses, scientifically ground. Nearly everyone needs a telescope. Get this fine, large one FREE for Belling 24 packages Bingo Perfumed Ironing Wax at 10c ea. Send no money• BINGO COMPANY DEPT. 743 BINGHAMTON. N. Y•