25 MOOSEHEART AIA GAZINE Club, wants to be married. Brother Bowers writes a very sensible letter about it. He has been a Moose for years. He is forty-nine *years old and a widower. He has a three-year-old daughter and needs a wife to help him take care of her. He is a carpenter, makes $35.00 a week and is perfectly serious in his proposition. A letter from Brother Anderson states that Brother Bowers is sensible, sober, reliable, honest and an upright man and will make a good husband for some plain sensible, industrious woman. prizes for the best exemplification of the ritual with degree team, eight prizes ranging from $750 as the first to $50 for the eighth. It recommends $1,275 in prizes for the best rendition of the ritual; $1,550 to lodges coming longest distances; $1,100 to best appearing marching clubs; $1,600 to bands; $1,400 to lodges best exemplifying the ritual, and $1,400 to best drill teams. WANTED—A WIFE Brother Freeman T. Bowers, care of William Anderson, Secretary, Moose NOW FOR TOLEDO Big Prizes to Be Offered Next Year (From The Daily Bulletin, printed Convention week). Brother Lester W. Bloch, reporting for the Supreme Trustees, said that Toledo has qualified for the convention next year by depositing with the board $10,000 in cash and securities and by already beginning on elaborate plans for the entertainment of the convention. The report recommends $2,000 in OHIO NEXT State Proposes to Give Library to Mooseheart (From The Daily Bulletin, printed Convention week). Delegates and Past Dictators from the various Lodges in the State of Ohio met yesterday afternoon in the Supreme Council room at the invitation of Bro. J. Jack Stoehr, District Deputy Supreme Dictator for Eastern Ohio, and formulated plans for the establishment of an organization with the caption .of the Ohio State Moose-heart AssoCThtion. The following officers were elected: President, J. Jack Stoehr of Steubenville; Secretary, Harry S. Schooley of Alliance; Treasurer, James Daly of Cleveland. The following Executive Committee was appointed by the chair: Walter Ruff of Canton, Thomas Bannon of Youngstown, Harley Brown of Akron, A. C. Ball of Alliance, Frank Anderson of Cincinnati, Jask Worrell of Dayton, A. L. Rafter of Toledo, and Judge J. A. Williams of Sandusky. The Committee has been instructed to arrange for an Ohio State meeting at Columbus on Sunday, September 5th, for the purpose of establishing a permanent association and the building of a handsome library at Moose-heart to be presented in the name of the Moose Lodges of Ohio. BROTHER HARDING Presidential Candidate Regrets He Can’t Be Here (From The Daily Bulletin, printed Convention week). Supreme Dictator Broening invited Hon. Warren G. Harding to visit the convention, and read the following reply from the presidential candidate: “I want to gratefully acknowledge your cordial letter and thank you for the invitation to attend the Convention of the Loyal Order of Moose. I would be delighted to be in attendance if it were at all possible for me to come. I do rejoice in my membership in the Order, and like its wholesome democracy and hearty fraternity; and feel a personal pride in the great and splendid work which the Order is accomplishing. You will do me a very great favor if you will convey my most cordial greeting to the members who are assembled in Convention. “Yours faithfully and sincerely, “WARREN G. HARDING.” HON. R. M. FUNCK Judge Municipal Court and Dictator of Duluth, Minn., Lodge No. 505, Loyal Order of Moose. 1a Per ■ :■־ : SUGAR4 ■ I 1 I ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ , ^0Uj k™w kow karc* ^ i,s t°. sugar, even when you pay the big price demanded by grocers, and what it means to be able to buy it direct from us at 0 cents a pound. Yet sugar is only one of a long list of groceries on which we can save you money. Just in order to prove what a big advantage you have in dealing with us, we list below a trial order which saves you $1.20. Regular value of these articles is $3.19—our price only $1.99. And we guarantee that every item is absolutely pure, fresh, standard high grade—•just what you have been paying about twice our wholesale price for. You wouldn’t think of going back to the costly old way of buying groceries after you have proved IHfSnV5LofrrbTSgJfr