23 MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE Dont Send a Penny Work and Outdoor Shoes BP The Usual Sunday at Mooseheart. Religious Services, Musical and Dress Parade. Many Visitors are here each Sunday Throughout the Summer These Len-Mort Work and Outdoor Shoes are such wonderful value that we will Rladlysend them to you by mail* no money down. You will find them eo well• made and so stylish and such a bigmon. ey saving bargain that you will sure« ly keep them. No need to pay higher prices when you can buy direct from us. Why pay $6 and $7 for shoes not near so good ? m i:A This 5•׳■׳®« shoe is built to meet the de* mandof an ^outdoor city workers’ shoe as well as for the **1־'modern farmer. Built on stylish laco Bluche-r last. Special tanning process makes the leather proof against the acid in milk, manure, soil, gasoline, etc. They outwear three ordinary pairs of shoes. Very flexible, soft and easy on the feet. Made by a special process which leaves all the “life” in the leather and gives it a wonderful wear-resisting quality. Double leather soles and heels. Dirt and waterproof tongue. Heavy chrome leather tops. Just slip them on and see if they are not most comfortable, most wonderful shoe you ever wore. Pay for shoes on arrival. If, after careful only examination, you don’t find them all you expect, send them back and we will return your money. Order by No. AX18028. , . . CFMn your name and address, and be sure to dEiFIBJ state size you want. You be the judge of quality, style and value. Keep them only if satisfactory in every way. Be sure to give size and width. IEONARD-MORTON & COr, Dept. 6744 Chicago cial life. There are the morning and afternoon bathing hours. Every here and there matrons and proctors and visitors are seen entertaining groups of young people with story telling and quiet games, while the swings and other outdoor playground apparatus are peopled with the little folks who do not yet reach up to the mentality of continuous stories and more intricate games. The Close of a Perfect Day. And so the sun, westerning himself and throwing the long shadows of hall and house and tree over the campus, smiles his evening benediction upon the thousand Mooseheart people, and at last the 9 o’clock whistle is the final good-night wish, as Mooseheart people seek the rest of the dormitory, and the visitors stream homeward *with the cheer and remembrance in their hearts of an ideal Sunday of rest and blessing. U.S.COMPANY, Box 36, Greenville, Pa. DOLLARS IN HARES We pay $7 to $18.50 and up a pair and express charges. Big Profits. We furnish guaranteed high grade stock and buy all you raise. Use back yard, barn, cellar, attic. Contract and Illustrated Catalog Free. Standard Food & Fur Ass’n. 409F Broadway, New York. M oo Down Stunning Dress Silk-Satin and A splendid bargain offered for a limited time only. Send only $1.00 with the coupon and we will send this charming silk satin and georgette dress on approval. Your money back instantly if you ask for it. Send the coupon now. Rich Silk Embroidery This ■tunning: frock designed in most becoming style. We!s< Is fine silk satin, in becoming: circular neck effect richly embroidered both front and back. Both sleeves and overskirt are silk Georgrette crepe, edged with folds of satin. Overskirt is elaborately embroidered while beneath is a lining: of serviceable tussah silk. Drop skirt is satin to match the waist. Colors: Plum, Navy Blue. Black or Taupe. Sizes: 34 to 44 and Misses 16 to 20. Give color wanted, also bust. belt, hip and length sizes. Order by No. >•37. Send $1.00 with coupon• Monthly $4.85. Total $29.95. 6 Months to Pay Buy the Elmer Richards way. Thousands are doing it. Anything you want in clothing and Bhoea for men, women or children. You pay in small monthly sums so low you will never feel them. No charge for credit. Latest styles and strictly dependable qualities only. Send Coupon Order this special bargain on approval now. Don’t be too late. You take no risk. Send the coupon with $1.00 P. O. order or a dollar bill. If you are too late we won’t be able to fill your order Act NOWi Elmer Richards Co. Dept. C321 —West 35th Street* Chicago* 112. Elmer Richards Co.. W. 35th St. Send the Silk-Satin and Georgette Dress No. ? 87. Color... Bust............felt..........Hip..........Length.. If I am not satisfied with the Dresa, I can retnrn It and get mj payment back. Otherwise, I will pay the advertised price. $29.33 on your terms of $1.00 with coupon, balance $4.85 monthly. ,. .Statt.. Wm r /f FREE g W /׳ ! Write for our Free Bargain Catalog of men’s, women's and children's / \ clo thing and shoes. Every- mil thing on small monthly pay• vi ments. m § Junior Moose Lodge No. 1. At 1:30 o’clock the young men constituting Mooseheart Junior Lodge No. 1 convenes in Roosevelt Auditorium, where furniture is all set to give the proper dignity to a Moose lodge meeting. The earnestness and attentiveness with which these young men apply themselves to the ritual and business, is prevaded with such a sense of spirituality that you feel that this Junior Moose meeting is a natural following upon the religious services of the morning. At the coming Convention one of the special features will be the promotion of the Junior Order of Moose throughout Moosedom. This Mooseheart Junior Lodge No. 1 will give an exhibition ,meeting and initiation for the benefit of visiting governors and Past Dictators and as many of the membership of the Junior Moose as can be gathered.¡ Those who have had the privilege of witnessing the work of this Mooseheart Junior Lodge No. 1 have expressed themselves as unusually impressed with the value that the Junior Order of Moose will be to the young manhood that is expected to be gathered under this banner in the coming year. The present membership throughout the country numbers nearly three thousand and it is the mission of this Mooseheart Lodge to create such a determination in the hearts of the Past Dictators and Governors that they shall go out and by their effort double the membership of the Juniors by the first of January next. The Sunday Musical. At 3 o’clock Roosevelt Auditorium is again well filled with Mooseheart people and visitors to listen to the concert that varies every Sunday. Sometimes it is the Mooseheart Student Band, sometimes it is Professor Vincenzo Gullato’s Philharmonic Orchestra, and sometimes it is the Singing Clubs that entertain with delight. In the last months there has been no" feature that has been marked with so much progress at Mooseheart as these Sunday afternoon concerts. When they were first institutfied we said that they did very well for young people just beginning, but every Sunday there has been so much marked progress in execution that we need to make fewer excuses because of “Beginners” and one finds himself charmed with the excellence of the young performers. The Dress Parade of the Cadets. At 5 o’clock several battalions of cadets debouch upon the Arboretum for the Dress Parade. This is the time that you will get a comprehensive view of the physical manliness of the two hundred and thirty-five boys and youths of Mooseheart. While in former years the Mooseheart cadets elicited much praise from Convention members and visitors, it is predicted that the maneuvers of this semi-military organization will far exceed the aptness, precision and efficiency of former years. This Cadet organization is one feature of Moosehearts appreciation of its responsibility effecting that full preparation for citizenship that shall equip the student to be ready for his devotion and sacrifice if his country should call upon him for his special service in the defense of its honor and the support of its life. The Sunday Atmosphere on Mooseheart Grounds. All through the day there is the most delightful Sunday atmosphere over the grounds. When not in attendance on service or other funtions the 800 and more young people scatter about on play-ground and at Moose Lake in kindly groupings of lovely so- It is restful to come out to Mooseheart for a Sunday. During the week everything is hum and movement, everybody busy, everybody doing• something, going somewhere, quick step to the music of industry and business activity. Sunday everything slows down into quiet and restfulness. Even Havlik’s steam howler that rends the azure and cracks the clouds on week days, modulates itself on Sunday, reduces the number of its screams and almost approaches a benedictory tone as it tells the people to get up and go to bed, calls to worship or notifies that dinner is ready. It isn’t a Puritan Sunday of a Governor Bradford New England village atmosphere, awful in its solemnity, terrible to the jocund spirit of youth and childhood, and frowning upon smile and merry laughter and gladsome welcome. Neither is it what used to be called a “Continental Sunday,” wild with game and royster, and noisy with yell and riot. It is just the kind of Sunday that is obtaining more and more favor in our better kept American towns and villages, and even several of our American cities. The aim of Mooseheart is just to create an ideal American Sunday, restful, inspiring and sweet in its social atmosphere. Mooseheart Religious Services. In the morning everybody goes to some church and Sunday school services. The Catholic children, proctors, matrons and attendants have their mass at 7:45 o’clock. Until the House of God will shelter apartments for all the varieties of religious expression, Roosevelt Auditorium is used for Sunday worship. Altar, stole and appropriate furniture for the good priest’s ministrations welcome the children of the church, and the gathering takes on all that devoutness that characterizes the usual Catholic service. Altar and furniture are quickly removed at the close of the Mass, and the outgoing Catholics meet on the broad side-walks the ingoing Protestants, and there is no banter or scowl of prejudice as the two streams flow in their opposite directions. Roosevelt Auditorium is well filled for the Protestant service at 9 o’clock. First comes a forty minute service according to usual church forms. The aim is to create an ideal helpful young people’s religious service. There is the singing of the more stately hymns, responsive readings, short prayers and a twenty minute sermon, as much as possible adjusted to the varying ages of the worshipers. This service is followed by the Sunday school hour conducted along the line of the average American church with its lighter hymnology and easier formality. Teachers from Batavia, Aurora and Mooseheart take charge of the groups of children and young people of the Bible Class age. Mooseheart Sunday Dinner. All dinners at Mooseheart are as good and wholesome as the Dietician can dictate them. But the Sunday dinner, as is the case in all well regulated American homes, is just a little more toney and perhaps atmospherically more appetizing than the work-a-day mid-meal. Perhaps there is a bit more of relaxation us to the drill of knife and fork and a larger latitude for the exquisite in table manners. Upon the whole, however, it does not differ greatly from that genial spirit to which every Mooseheart table aspires.