MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE 22 A Message To Skin Sufferers We appreciate it very much as we had tried two of our best doctors over a year and he never got any better, but worse all the time. If you like you can use this statement any way you see •:it or I will answer any inquiries on receipt of postage. JOHN H. BECK. Norris C ity. 111. COL. STONE SAYS IT IS THE GREATEST REMEDY IN THE WORLD. I want to thank you for that great benefit derived from your wonderful medicine D. D. D. For years I was a constant sufferer from eczema and at times thought my pain was more than I could bear. Being in the drug business I was in touch with many so-called eczema cures but not until I used your remedy did I see or feel the slightest benefit. After using less than a bottle I could seeTa most decided improvement in my condition and was completely healed before I had completed my fifth bottle. I believe you have the greatest remedy in the world and I advise all sufferers from eczema to give D. D. D. a trial. Wishing you unlimited success. COL. H. H. STONE. 12 W. Tenth St., Kansas City, Mo. _ Perhaps indeed these letters are too enthusiastic. But if so, may not the writers be excused in the knowledge that they wrote in the ecstasy of relief—in the joy of freedom from years of suffering ? One thing is sure. Regardless of what they said, the spirit of what they said is unmistakable. It rings true. Joy, relief, gratitude, happiness ! If they have won this feeling, why not you ? If you could but have the feeling that inspires such letters, freely written, what would you not give ? What more indeed can you ask ? We’II not say that these grateful correspondents are relieved, healed or cured, but we will say that they are HAPPY AGAIN, after years of pain and suffering—and that’s what D. D. D. Prescription offers to do for you. We make no claims. You can draw far greater confidence and comfort from what D. D. D. has done through the past twenty-five years than from anything we can now say. D. D. D. Prescription will be found effective in cases of Eczema, Psoriasis, Ringworm, Barber’s Itch, Hives, Rash, Acne, Dandruff. Pimples often yield to treatment over night. In all cases, D. D. D. gives relief from itching upon the first application. Trial Bottle SENT ON REQUEST Without making any promises of miraculous results, we urge you to send the coupon below for a trial bottle of the famous D.D.D. Prescription. We can promise you that the effect of D.D.D. in most cases is instantaneous; a few drops and the itch is gone. Note that soothing, refreshing feeling! We have letters stating that our trial bottle alone was enough to free some sufferers from the torment of skin disease. If then, you are afflicted witii eczema, psoriasis, ring worm, scales, pimples, or any form of skin disease, mild or violent, send the coupon at once for this generous trial bottle of D.D.D. Prescription. Enclose only ten cents to cover cost of packing and postage. Do not delay for it may mean freedom at last for you from the agonizing torment of skin disease. D.D.D. Laboratories, Dept. C-321 East Ravenswood Avenue, CHICAGO, ILL. D. D. D. Laboratories, Dept. C-321 East Ravenswood Avenue, CHICAGO, ILL. Gentlemen : Please send me a trial bottle of D. D. D. Prescription. I enclose ten cents to cover cost of packing and postage. Name................................... Address............................... Town............... State.............. rest for five months until I commenced using your D. D. D., and oh! how sweet was rest after suffering five months of severe torture. MRS. LUCY J. TAYLOR. Mechanicsburg, Va. HIS ECZEMA RETURNED EVERY SUMMER UNTIL HE USED D. D. D. I have never known a case where D. D. D. failed to do all you claim for it. I used to dread the summer season, for with it always came the same old trouble “eczema” until I used your D. D. D. remedy, and since using it, over eight years ago I have had no sign of eczema but always keep a bottle of D. D. D. in my house. S. J. WILLIAMS, Msdford, Wis. ECZEMA TORTURE A Touch of D. D. D. Instant Relief For months I did not know what it was to enjoy a night of unbroken sleep, for I had a severe case of itching eczema which was a perfect torture. I am so thankful for having-heard of your D. D. D. remedy I scarcely know how to say enough for it. The first application gave complete relief, and I decided to keep on using it, and after three months’ treatment find myself completely well. To anyone suffering with skin disease I would say, “For your own sake use D. D. D.” It will heal you. WM. BENFIELD. 3252 Monroe St., Bellaire, Ohio. Sore Covered Skin Now Smooth After four years’ suffering D. D. D. gave me almost instant relief, and my legs that had been raw sores with eczema were perfectly smooth in four weeks. I used several preparations put up for eczema, but none ever did me any good , until I tried D. D. D. ALBERT SMITH. Asheville, N. Y. Sample Bottle Does the Work I received your sample bottle of D. D. D. and it has done so much good I sent to the drug store and got one bottle and it cured me of the barbers’ itch. I have had different doctors and I have spent $30,00 . They all used salves but they didn’t do me any good, can’t praise your D. D. D. too much. H. J. BOWERS. Baldwin, Ga. A BANKER’S REMARKABLE EXPERIENCE It has been my purpose for several months to write you what I think of your wonderful medicine, three Do’s, but have just neglected it until I feel that I have shirked a duty I not only owe you, but suffering humanity. While at a sanitarium in Kansas City about a year ago, I became affected with what I believe to have been one of the most aggravated cases of eczema any one ever experienced, and after trying several remedies I finally went to my attending physician and told him my trouble was setting me almost wild, and that I must have relief. He recommended three D.’s, and you have no idea how much relief I got even from the first application. I have a friend, an old gentleman, to whom I recommended your medicine, who stated to me that he had had eczema in such a violent form that he had not enjoyed a good night’s sleep in twenty years, and the first night that he used three D.’s he retired early and slept soundly all night. He is profuse in his praises. I am unable to express myself in as fitting terms as I would like, and if you wish a statement from me to use as a testimonial, if you will prepare one, making it as strong as you like, I will be glad to sign it. Yours very trvfly, H. J. BOWLERS. Cashier First National Bank, Travey City, Tenn. THIS BOY WAS A SOLID SORE Was Getting Worse Under the Care of the Doctors The boy that we have been doctoring with D. D. D. is completely well. He was a solid sore all over his head and body, and now you cannot tell he ever had anything wrong with him. We only used seven bottles. it take its course—and the course led to success. Now, you’ve heard the saying: “If a man can write a better book, preach a better sermon, or make a better mousetrap than his neighbor, though he builds his house in the woods, the world will make a beaten track to his door.” So it went with Dr. Dennis. His remedy could not remain forever buried in his small community. Its fame grew wider and wider, until finally it was put upon the market as a proprietary medicine where all who wished might use it. We make no extravaant claims for D. D. D. We do not shout from the housetops, “Come one, come all—see, I cure, I cure.” There is nothing miraculous about this prescription. It is just a common sense lotion, compounded of well known soothing and healing ingredients—thymol, oil of wintergreen, etc.—just such elements as any conscientious physician might prescribe But we can tell you that whatever is the true cause of skin disease, there is something about the peculiar, penetrating quality of D. D. D., the cooling, healing oils that sink through the pores, which has brought satisfaction to thousands who could find relief in no other remedy. Perhaps when science discovers the true nature of skin disease it will be found that the properties of D. D. D. are the ones which can most successfully curb its ravages. ’ At any rate, we know this: Throughout twenty-five years, day by day, the written testimony of restored happiness and health keeps pouring in. Letters by thousands come from everywhere, with words of thanks and praise. They came freely without solicitation or suggestion of any kind. If you should ask, “What is the secret of D. D. D.’s success ’* we should answer, “Read the letters which we receive and judge for yourself.” We reproduce a few letters'. Read them! Ten Year Misery Ended For ten years I have had a severe case of eczema and about one-third of that time I could not appear in public. I * tried everything, but found no permanent relief until my druggist recommended D. D. D. I beg every eczema sufferer to begin using D. D. D. at once and continue using it and feel sure that they will find permanent relief. MISS MYRTLE HAHN, Nurse. 1800 8th Ave., Hickory, N. C. After Four Years No Sign of Dreaded Eczema! I suffered for five years with the worst case of ringworm or dry eczema J ever saw. Tried everything I heard of or read about; also three doctors ; I got no relief. Finally I read of D. D. D. and tried a sample. It did me good and I got a full size bottle, and before I used half of it I was healed and for four years I have stayed cured, not having seen one sign of return. WILLIAM F. BUTLER, R. F. D. 1, Warrenton, Va. Results Permanent About ten years ago D. D. D. healed me of of the worst case of eczema I ever saw and it has never returned. I could never stop recommending it as long as I live. ALBERT SMITH. Asheville, N. Y. Instant Relief! About three years ago an itching scaly eruption appeared on my head. I tried several salves and remedies but it kept* growing worse and kept spreading. Night after night I walked the floor unable to sleep from the constant pain, itching and burning. A friend recommended Three D. for eczema. I tried it and the first application gave me great relief, stopped the itching so I could sleep. After applying it for several months I was entirely healed. D. W. HANNA. Burlington, Kan. Constant Torture Ended I certainly can recommend your medicine in this community for what it has• already done for me. I had not had a good night’s There are many skin sufferers, among them may be yourself, who have endured for many years the torment or humiliation of some form of skin disease, who have tried every form of treatment, who have followed all manner of advice and still have been unable to find the relief which they sought. Your trouble may be only a mild form of some simple skin eruption—• no great suffering, but very, very humiliating and uncomfortable. Your face is disfigured and you are ashamed to appear among your friends. You wish to clear away the blight that hangs like a drawn curtain between yourself and your companions. Skin Disease a Torment Or you are consumed, perhaps, with the burning fire of a violent skin disease. The scales and the scabs cover your arms, your legs, your entire hody. You are driven wild with the greedy itch that cannot be soothed or quieted. You know no sleep; your waking hours are hours of intense misery. You cry out for relief! Times without number have you followed some hopeful advice and each time you have met only disappointment and despair. “Who knows,” you ask. “Whose advice may I follow?” Here is an answer given you honestly and frankly. Reputable physicians will tell you today that the medical profession can only guess at what is the true cause of skin disease. Some say it is a blood disease, and try treatments, through the blood. Others say it is a skin disease, pure and simple, and treat the disease through the skin. But science isn’t sure. We shall not presume, then, to tell you what skin disease is when science itself frankly admits that it cannot tell. But we can tell you about a prescription which has been used for twenty-five years in the treatment of skin disease. And, without making further claims, we ask you to read the letters from those who have used it. A Doctor’s Prescription D. D. D. Prescription is the formula of a physician, Dr. D. D. Dennis, from whose initials it secures its name. The present enormous sale of this prescription is the result of twenty-five years of gradual growth from the time when Dr. Dennis first started treating patients in his immediate neighborhood. Of course there were many theories then, as there are now, regarding the most successful way to treat skin disease. Dr. Dennis held that the best way was to treat the skin through the skin, with a simple penetrating liquid rather than with zinc ointments and other salves then generally in use. Dr. Dennis didn’t argue about this. He just treated the patients that came to him in his own way. Success greeted him time and time again. Grateful patients wrote him glowing letters of thanks and appreciation. Soon his reputation began to spread throughout his neighborhood. He was called upon to visit distant towns to administer his simple treatment, each time with the same success—the same loyal and grateful patients. And so success was thrust upon Dr. Dennis. He did not seek it. He merely applied his simple remedy and let