21 MOOSEHE/1RT MAGAZINE Ow2is$600@ Home has substantial bank account; does $10® business daily; ready to start second and larger Tire Surgery Station. This is record of John W. Blair, Ohio. Two years ago he was practically broke. Today he’s successful. All credit to his prosperity is given to We teach you free. Can be learned quickly in our school at Indianapolis, Ind., or at home by mail. This interesting and profitable profession is available to every man—to YOU. Big records; Oldham earned $2,200 in 4 months; Gibbard, Mich., took in $45,000 in 9 months, etc. Can be EQUALLED or SURPASSED by you Tire Surgery Reclaims Casings From Junk Pile $200 to $500 Month Earnings g method of rebuilding worn, ragged, threadbare casings. Makes them like new. Adds 4,000 to 5,000miles to old tires. Millions of tires used; thousands prematurely discarded — field is unlimited. Our instruction is thorough and complete — and free. We give you a diploma that fits you for business management—shows you are capable in every phase of Tire Surgery. Big openings everywhere—cities, small towns or villages. You are looking for an unusual money-making opportunity. Here it Is! Great Opportunity for You! Write today—investigate; read and learn what others & Mr. M. Haywood, President, have done—our FREE book and circulars explain every- M HAYWOOD TIRE & EQUIPMENT CO. tiling. Simply sign your name to coupon. Do it now! 898 Capitol Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. v Dear Sir:—Please send me by return mail fall details about your new Tire Surgery busineas. ®avwood Tire & Equipment Co. son Capitol Ave., Indianapolis. Ind Get This Car And the Agency In Your Territory Borg & Beck Clutch Beveled Class Rear Windows Full Floating Rear Axle Hotchkiss Drive 18-inch Steering Wheel 37 H. P. 117-inch Wheelbase 32x4 Goodrich Tires Electric Lights and Starter Boyce Motometer Write NOW for full specifications of New 1921 Model you can get one of these superb cars for yourself and make money selling them to r 1.V is nncn tn amhiimns mon nrVin qi-h iinll¡״;״״!״*•״״ i-u״______________________________________________i______ ... , 6 . 101 ,,IND out how You Can Share In This Prosperity You can make bit! money selling Birch Motor Cars. 1920 is going to be a wonderful year for men wno sell automobiles. 1 he next six months will see more money paid to agents than ever before The opportunity is open to you. Act now. Mail the coupon. Our Fifth Successful Season 1920 Isour fi׳׳h succes-rul sc״™. There is nothing utttied or experimental about Birch cars. They have woven their writh by P'.ilions of rules of dtvipg in every s'ate .n tl-e Im.on Fact, year the demand has been gihater thin The ye« tefrre- v.nen you deal with us y.u are dealing with an old established firm tvith a remarkable reeled f.t succiss amoW financed and m business to stay. Find out iuw what we have to offer you. Write today auttess, ampiy Be The BIRCH AGENT In Your Locality Cash in on the demand for a strictly high-grade, light-weidht. fully-equipped motor car that exists right now m your vicinity. You have the customers. We have the ears. Let's get together Hurry m the coupon so we can send you all the facts about this great opportunity. Previous Experience Not Necessary SS£ S-St 85 ffiASYiMSSS S2 hoide-it kind of st l vice. Mud. sand, rocks, hi'Is and rv,ugh going have no terrors foAbese sLurdy carsf town3• »et tbe Send COUPON For Big FREE BOOK and Full Information # __________________ _____,__________________jSS*/ 308 N.M,chi,an Ave. Chicago \ °* ** C°UB<>° * ?h^־îe.Â*oe-b?-ok_and.f9״ particulars b'ltwewant an a*r -nt in eve !y county. Yen'will be astonisi., at tiie lAiexality of our offer. I/t us put slitte facts before you a as to Eirch Super-four and Agency. # 9 9 Name. RALPH BlKLHARi>, Pres. BIRCH MOTOR CARS Dept 701 308 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ilf. Member of Chicago Association of Commerce Moose Drill Team Contests (From The Daily Bulletin, printed Convention week). Roosevelt Auditorium was the scene of some very pretty fancy drills yesterday afternoon when four teams of different Lodges were in contest. The Hall was filled with men and women who were interested in the teams of their home Lodges as well as representatives of other Lodges which either have drill teams or are contemplating them. The drills were almost perfectly performed in every case. The Judges were only able to make their decision throug'h the percentage system which they used. The Lima Team were the first to exhibit and made a wonderful showing• that was no doubt the result of a great deal of practice. The Dayton Team followed in their tasty uniforms and were received by the audience with a great deal of applause. They too seemed to be perfect and only the trained eyes of the Judges could tell any difference between them and the other teams. Rochester, N. Y. Team was the next on the floor and they too did work of great credit. They were dressed in Zouave uniforms beautiful in all the colors of the rainbow. They too received much attention from the audience. Then came the radiantly uniformed Zouaves of Ft. Wayne. They were to enter in the regular contest but were ruled out on account of not having• registered early enough. There is perhaps not a prettier sight than sixteen men clad in the beautiful colors which comprise a Zouave uniform. Ft. Wayne did a wonderful drill and it was too bad they were not in the contest. Each year those Teams that enter come to the convention to compete for honors seem to be better drilled, better equipped and better able to make the grade required of them than the Teams of the year before. RESULTS OF CONTESTS Drill Teams First prize—$500.00. Lima, Ohio, Lodge No. 199. Second prize—$250.00. Rochester, N. Y., Lodge No. 113. Third prize—Dayton, Ohio, Lodge No. 73 (given third place for not having sixteen men). Ritualistic Teams Class 1, with drill teams: First prize—$1,000. Canton, Ohio. Second prize—$600.00. Fond du Lac, Wis. Third pj'ize—$300.00. Lima, Ohio. Class 2, without drill teams; First prize—$500.00. Indianapolis, Ind. Second prize—$250.00. Detroit, Mich. Third prize—$100.00. Madison, Wis. Individuals Prizes in order of names: Dictator—Wm. Shewmaker, A. W. Agler, Geo. Eubank, H. Hilsenhoff, Harry Walter. Vice Dictator—M. R. Gray, J. Gouth, S. Capron, John Lameciak, A. D. Peterson. Past Dictator—Hugh J. Davey, Chas. Flory, W. Chedsterton, C. H. Kunz, Hugo Withers. Prelate—H. W. McCain, Jos. Fiory, Thomas J. Caton, G. W. Brentlinger, Jos. Murray. Orator—R. R. Truby, Howard Lehr, M. J. Tannhäuser, Benj. Beandette, Joe D. O’Brien. ORDER TODAY Your Copy of “Truly a Home and More” The Most Beautiful Book Ever Issued in the Interest of Mooseheart 235 SCENES Printed in Three Colors Foremost Citizens Com-ment on the Book UNITED STATES SENATE Washington, D. C. January 6, 1919. Mr. James J. Davis, Loyal Order of Moose, Mooseheart, 111. My dear Mr. Davis: I was very much pleased to have your note of January 2nd and I am very glad to have the booklet conveying the development of the Moose Home. It is fine to have some realization of what you are doing there for eight hundred children and the numerous mothers and aged members who are beautifully cared for with them. The Moo~e are really doing a very wonderful work under very capable leadership. I beg to express my very cordial congratulations and earnest good wishes. Very truly yours, L W. G. HARDING. U. S. Senator from Ohio. STATE OF GEORGIA Executive Deportment Atlanta February 28th, 1920. Mr. James J. Davis, Director General, Loyal Order of Moose, 2117 Farmers Bank Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa. Dear Sir: . _ Referring to your communication of the l.th inst., I acknowledge receipt of book and literature sent me with reference to this Order, and thunk you for same. I don't need to be giv׳ n any assurances further than tho^e I already have, as to the splendid work being done by your Order at Mooseheart. Wishing you continued success, Yours truly, HUGH M. DARSEY, Governor. UNITED STATES SENATE Washington, D. C. TT T T ^ January 6, 1920. lion. James J. Davis, Director General Loyal Order of Moose, Pittsburgh, Pa. Dear J im: I have inst been looking over the new Moos neart booklet, “Truly a Home and More,” ai Jfar,t to congratulate you. It is the fine ttur.g of the kind I have seen in many a da with substantial eviden ot the splendid work that is being done Mooseheart. All of us should be mighty proi ot the fact that we can have a part in til service. V ith most cordial good wishes for your pe !011l1! 8/^a633 happiness and that of tl Lov .1 Order of Moose during this New Yea Very sinceivdv Order Your Copy Today Sent Post Paid Anywhere in the World 50c Per Copy For Lodges or Supervisors in Lots of 100 or More 30c Each F. O. B. MOOSEHEART Address: SUPPLY DEPARTMENT MOOSEHEART, ILLINOIS