MO OSEHEAR T MAGAZINE 20 News From The Lodges Here and There ey placed in the Mooseheart Endow-ment Fund. Tower Hotel. With this building the Lodge will he able to entertain all visitors in a very handsome manner. it will occupy August 1st. Next year the Lodge contemplates the erection of a modern brick building. Lorain, Ohio, Lodge No. 376 will occupy its new quarters recently purchased about July 15th. $50 A WEEK I offer you this unusual opportunity. No collecting. No delivering. You simply take orders for wonderful, new Rotastrop for sharpening Safety Razor Blades. 600 Shaves FROM ONE BLADE Quick, velvety shaves. Models for sharpening nearly all makes of Safety Razor Blades. Write for details and Free demonstration offer. BURKE MFG. CO., Dept. 343, DAYTON, O. GUARANTEED Send No Money Positively greatest tire offe, ever made! Sensational value sweeps away all competitior —6,000 miles—or more—iron our special recon struction proc ess double tread standard tires —practically puncture proof Amazing Low Price! ,____Tires Tubes 28x3 $ 6.95 $1.50 30x3 , 6.25 1.70 ЗОхЗИ 6.95 1.95 32x334 7.85 2.15 2.45 8.95 ־ '״ 2.65 9.95 2.75 10.45 Size Tires Tube 34x4 $10.95 $2.8 33x414 11.15 2.9 34x434 11.45 3.1 35x414 12.85 8.2 36x414 13.00 8.3 35x5 13.45 8.4 -....... 37x5 13.65 8.6 Reliner FREE with each tire Send your order today-*׳?ar< —while these lowest prices last Statesize.alsowhetherstraigbl i - Bide or clincher. Remember.yoi oeea send no money, just your name and address •no tire with free refiner, will be shipped same day. MORTON TIRE & RUBBER CO. 3801 Michigan Ave•■ Dent. 408 LIFE MEMBERSHIP PRESENTED At a recent meeting of Alliance, Ohio, Lodge No. 362 a life membership was presented to Brother Harry Schooley, Secretary. The presentation was made in a very able address by Brother R. E. White. On a recent visit to Elwood, Ind., Lodge, Director General Davis in a very happy speech presented Brother William A. Lewis, former Secretary, a Life Membership. Brother Lewis is now Sheriff of Madison County. Sheriff Lewis and Director General Davis worked together in a rolling-mill when they were young men. Every owner buys DIP RAftLIETlf and fast sales. _________ Dlla IYIUNC. I Gold Initials for his auto. You chaege $1.50; make $1.35. Ten orders dally easy. Write for particulars aad free samples. AMERICAN MONOGRAM CO. Dept. 69, Glen Ridge, N. J. This offer is one of the biggest, most generous ever made by any tailoring house. It’s your one big opportunity to get a finely tailored־to־measure 2 piece suit with box back, eu- . We’re out to beat high tailoring prices You save $9.00 to $15.00. Why not save 50% on your next euit? We have such a tremendous business, buy all materials *n such large quantities and have such a perfect organization that we can make these wonderful prices—and remember we guarantee style, fit and workmanship or your money back. Big Sample Outfit FREE Write us today and we will mail you absolutely FREE our beautiful illustrated pattern book showing dozens of the latest city styles and designs, also many large size cloth samples to choose from. Don’t delay; we urge you to act quick; today. The Progress Tailoring Co,, Dept.305,Chicago Northumberland, Pa., Lodge No. 897 Alliance, Ohio, Lodge No. 362 started to build a club house, hut because of the war work was stopped. The steel girders for the building had been bought. Since that time the Lodge has grown so rapidly that the home originally planned on would be too small. Therefore a larger place will be built. The steel girders which are worth $1,450.00, are to be sold and the mon- Waltham, Mass., Lodge No. 1010 is making plans for a very lively winter season and with the coming of fall will hold a series of entertainments which will make the meetings of utmost interest to the members. Many members of the Order will be interested to know that Niagara Falls, N. Y., Lodge No. 838 has bought the Pensacola, Fla., Lodge No. 1158, organized February 22, is now in permanent quarters and at present busy with a campaign to add a goodly number of members to the Order. Glen Cove, L. I., Lodge No. 578 was instituted in November, 1919, with 50 charter members. Today the Lodge has over 400 members and has purchased a new club house. The next meeting of the Northwest Moose Association will he held at Aberdeen, Wash., in 1921. The event this year proved a big success. It was held at Ellensburg. Benham, Ky., Lodge No. 1270 is one of the progressive Lodges of the state. Plans were made toL start a campaign June 15th and things have started to hum. Easton, Pa., Lodge No. 45 notifies all Moose not to cash checks for, or to extend any Moose courtesy to a man by the name of Joseph A. Malone who exhibits a receipt from Easton Lodge. A leaflet explaining the working of the “grocery system” adopted by Scottdae, Pa., Lodge No. 194 was circulated during the Convention and created quite a sensation among the delegates. _ Milton, Pa., Lodge No. 171 will begin work immediately to build its new home. The building when completed will be one of the best in that section of the State and will be fireproof throughout. Over three hundred members of Marion, Ind., Lodge No. 253 attended a banquet June 4th celebrating the tenth anniversary of the Lodge. Marion is one of the progressive Lodges of Indiana. One hundred members of Doyles-town, Pa., Lodge No. 1284 attended the sixth annual banquet of the Lodge. A splendid evening was enjoyed and all present resolved to get one new member. The children of New Orleans Lodge No. 477 took possession of the Lodge floor at the annual May ball. There was a may pole dance as well as a number of other specialties by the pupils of a dancing school. Logansport, Ind., Lodge No. 232 is conducting a very lively campaign. On June 15th a class of 37 was initiated. Rev. F. E. Patton, one of the candidates, gave a splendid talk congratulating the Moose on its inspiring work. California, Pa., Lodge No. 132 presented to the citizens of that town the Mooseheart moving pictures on June 15th. The proceeds were sent to P. S. D. John W. Ford for the Pennsylvania Baby Village at MOOSEHEART. Jacksonville, Fla., Lodge No. 455 has a building and new home committee busy seeking new quarters. It is expected that the Lodge will be in a new home soon, one that will reflect credit upon the Order as Jacksonville is one of the most visited Lodges in all Moosdom. Greater Chicago Lodge, U. D., held an old-fashioned barbecue at MOOSEHEART on June 5th. Expert carvers served the steaks from beeves donated by Thos. E. Wilson, who is a life member of the Lodge. In the evening a large class of candidates was initiated at Roosevelt Hall. At the same time the first class of Juniors was initiated in another hall. Lexington, Ky., Lodge No. 1378 has just finished a lively campaign and the charter will close with 500 members. Juneau, Alaska, Lodge No. 700 held a large social on June 4th at which time the mortgage on its home was burned with due ceremony. Anderson, Ind., Lodge No. 1 has purchased a piece of property which Bargain Catalog ¡n Home Furnishings Write today. Get the gigantic Free catalog of the great house of Straus & Schram showing thousands of amazing bargains in Furniture, Rugs, Curtains, Stoves, Jewelry, Silverware, Home Furnishings, Men’s, Worn» en’s ana Children’s Clothing. Easy Payments on small monthly payments, terms as low as $1.00 down! 30 days* trial. Satisfaction or money back. Send a post card or letter mow foi this big, free, money saving bargain catalog. STRAUS & SCHRAM, Dept, C921, W. 35th St., Chicago AUTO OWNERS here is your opportunity to save ¿4 of your tire cost by using Double Mileage Double Tread Tire* Guaranteed for 6000 Miles We lead, others try to follov( Double Mileage Tires are constructed of the highest grade material and hardly ever blow j out. Double Mileage Tires are only guaranteed for 6000 miles but they have run from 8000 to 10000 miles. Order today at these low prices: Reliner FREE with Every Tire Send $2.00 deposit for each tire ordered. balance G.O.D. Tires shipped subject to your examination. State Whether S. S. or Cl., plain or non-skid is desired. All same price. By Bending full amount of order you can save 10 per cent —our special cash-with-order discount DOUBLE MILEAGE TIREJLRUBBER CG. 3245 Ogden Avenue, Dept. 82, CHICAGO, ILL. 6000 MILES GUARANTEED FREE TUBE With Every Tire Ordered. CLIFTON DOUBLE TREAD TIRES represent the highest standard in reconstructed tires. By our exclusive process of manufacture you receive the service of Four EXTRA Ply of fabric which insures against blow outB and makes the tires practically puncture proof. Immediate shipment guaranteed.־ Prices Include Tubes and Tires 30x3 $ 7.00 34x4 $11.25 ----34x4 J¿ 12.50 35x4% 13.00 36x4% 13.50 35x5 14.25 37x5 14.50 Reliner FREE With Every Tire ' Send $2.00 deposit for each tire /ordered, balance C. O. D., subject to / examination, 5 per cent special discount if full amount is sent with order. State whether S. S., Cl., Plain Tread or Non-Skid—all same price. I CLIFTON TIRE CO., cHlcsdof i£uNoikl