18 MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE four lives. A Wisconsin boy makes candid confession: “When I came here I hadn’t the slightest idea what trade I was going to take up. So I tried several different classes and then went into the printing class. I like this work and think I will stick to it. “MOOSEHEART has gotten me very much interested in athletics and I ■can hardly wait for ball practice. When I came to MOOSEHEART a year ago I could not swim five feet. Now I can swim with ease fifty yards or more. “MOOSEHEART has awakened my patriotism. I often wished during the war that I were eighteen so that I could have enlisted and helped Uncle Sam win the war. “Another thing which is very important that MOOSEHEART has taught me, is to look after my own things. When I was at home I would go into the house and throw my coat or hat down wherever I happened to take them off. My mother tried to break me of this habit but she couldn’t. I soon learned that a person must not do those things here. “I have broken myself of many habits which I couldn’t break at home.” A youth from Pennsylvania acknowledged his debt before he enlisted as a Red Cross ambulance driver. “MOOSEHEART, with its vocation-, al, moral, physical and mental training, can within a short time make a change for good in the life of anyone that comes within its fold. Its whole environment and the good care of its students bring about a change almost unbelievable. “When my father died I lost most of the moral suasion that had kept me leading a clean, wholesome life. My mother seemed to have no control of me and I fell in with a lot of rough necks who taught me to smoke and swear. “My mother, hoping to make a man of me, sent me to MOOSEHEART. The change is hardly conceivable. I am receiving a High School education, learning a good trade (garage work), and feel that I may make a mark in the world yet. “The Sunday School has undeniably uplifted and strengthened my morals; ׳school has trained my mental capacity; work and exercise have built me up physically. “Athletics have worked a great change in me. I am no longer the undersized and pasty-faced boy I used to be. Three years of football, baseball, and athletic meets, skating, swimming have built me up. “MOOSEHEART has given me a splendid education, a good trade, and has made me a God-fearing citizen of the United States.” A boy from Leadville rises to remark : “When I came to MOOSEHEART in July, 1914, I was about four feet nine inches tall and weighed about eighty-four pounds. The first years of life at MOOSEHEART I grew gradually until Mr. Adams got Mrs. Clark from Aurora to cook for us boys at Lake Shore cottage. It was then you could almost see us grow. We grew so fast we were all sick from ‘growing pains.’ During this time I have gained almost sixty pounds and a foot in heighth. “I have had instruction in all kinds of scientific farming, wood mill, floral and nursery work, of which I knew nothing when I came to MOOSEHEART.” A gentle maiden from a Pennsylvania town places laurel on the brow of theMOOSEHEART-idea-come-true: “When I came to MOOSEHEART I knew very little about sewing, but now I can make all of my own clothes. I surely do appreciate what MOOSEHEART has done for me in the sewing line. “I had wished so long that I could, take violin lessons and MOOSEHEART has granted that wish. the students work when they are not running machines.” “We have the Honor Roll system at MOOSEHEART,” he continues. “When boys or girls do something to deserve punishment they are kept off the Honor Roll. In the summer the boys that get on the Honor Roll have the privilege of sleeping out at the camp by the lake. We have a swimming instructor and a life guard corps.” A square-shouldered, square-jawed, merry-eyed boy of eighteen was presented to me. He was a student of the life saving corps. He had saved INDIANAPOLIS, eooking and could take the cook’s place when her day off came round. “In doing this cooking I learned something that I hadn’t learned at home. If I should need a job any time I won’t have to worry about not being able to get it. Cooks are always needed. “The trade that I am taking up is that of machinist. I have been in the machine shop for nine months, during which time we put up all the shaftings, belts and pulleys. We also placed all the machines and we are now putting up the benches at which Dept. P26: This handsome 50-piece Blue Bird set of 'art china can adorn the table of any reader of the Mooseheart Magazine without a penny of cost. Each piece full size and decorated with that symbol of happiness—the Blue Bird—and besides with your own initial in purest gold. You Pay Nothing—¡!5© Free. SIMPLY USE COUPON BELOW The remarkable thing about this offer is that we do not sell you these dishes but give them to you. We trust the people because they trust us. No matter how many fine dishes you have, you have nothing like this set and you cannot buy it in the stores. Really Beautifully—Read This Description Carefully Like an Heirloom, they are as handsome and as exclusive as any set that your great-grandmother of Colonial days could have handed down to you. To appreciate how really beautiful they are, you must see these dishes with the Blue Birds flying in a white sky, and your initial in gold standing out like a rising sun. There are 50 pieces, all edged in blue, six large dinner plates, six large cups and saucers, six butter plates, six oatmeal dishes, six sauce dishes, one large round vegetable dish, one salad dish, one closed sugar bowl (two pieces), one large meat or game platter, one pickle dish, one fancy cake or bread dish, and one cream pitcher. Each piece, except butter dishes and saucers, will be decorated with your initial in purest gold, giving them an added personal value. EXTRAORDINARY OPPORTUNITY Just think—we give you these dishes free for telling your neighbors about Kibler5s ASI 5Round Oil THE OIL OF A THOUSAND USES It is truly the perfect automobile and furniture polish, cleaner, and brightener, rust preventative, and leather preserver. It’s the national standby. Takes the drudgery out of cleaning—makes cleaning a pleasure in over two million homes. _ It is now put up in these extra big bottles especially for automobile owners and garages. It brings out the original luster and is absolutely harmless to the finest finish. It is so well known that it sells on sight. Send No Money —Simply Mail Coupon To get this beautiful dinner set—or cash commission—simply order and sell twenty big bottles of this wonderful oil at $1.00 each. Return the $20.00 collected and the dinner set is yours. We trust you and take back the oil if you cannot sell it. Order today, giving your nearest express office. Be first to enjoy the luxury of these new, novel and beautiful dishes. Avoid disappointment—get your order in early. If you will send the $20.00 with your order, we will ship dishes and oil to you at once, and include an extra free premium. THE KIBLER COMPANY Is the Perleri furniture PoJ«h Lubricant Leather Dressing nfeT״es־rVe Childhood Greatest Opportunity (Continued from page 15) this good lesson: To love my friends, my teachers, and supervisors, as myself.” A future citizen from North Dakota tells of the practical value of his training: “I was assigned to the kitchen during the three months of November, December and January. While I was there I received instructions about SEND NO MONEY Mail Coupon Today THE KIBLER CO., Dept. P26, Indianapolis, Ind. Ship me the 20 bottles of oil. I will sell them at $1.00 each and send you the $20.00, on receipt of which you will send me the Blue Bird Dishes. Name ............................... r. O............................... Street Number.....................R. State................... Exp. Of....