17 MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE News From Legions and Chapters Here and There Legion Notes Chapter Notes turns which were splendidly executed and were very attractive. The Chapter is growing very rapidly having over 100 members at this time. Piqua, Ohio, Chapter No. 394, which was recently instituted with fifty members, is making rapid growth under the supervision of Alberta Claire Moore. The Chapter gives promise of being a “live wire” for it has already given a masquerade dance at the Moose Hall, the proceeds of which netted' them $75.00. The members of Piqua Lodge No. 1073 also gave a banquet recently for the Chapter which was followed by a dance for members only, and everyone seemed to thoroughly enjoy it all. Binghampton, N. Y., Chapter No. 411 was recently instituted by Deputy Grand Regent David C. Huff of Buffalo^ Legionaire Huff was assisted by Senior Regent Huff and Guide Louise McElroy of Buffalo Chapter. Thirty-eight candidates for the new Chapter were present to take the initiation and the prospects are that this Chapter-will grow very rapidly. A large delegation from the Loyal Order of Moose in Binghampton witnessed the big installation of the Women’s Chapter. Portland, Ore., Chapter No. 297 has organized^ sewing circle which meets in the different Legionaires’ homes every Thursday afternoon. Beautiful prizes of different descriptions are made and are given away at the weekly card parties held by the Legionaires. A crazy patch quilt was recently made and the Chapter will raffle it off, the proceeds of which will go to the general fund of the Chapter. Portland Chapter was one of the winners of the big Free Trip to Mooseheart Contest last year and has worked very hard during the present contest in order to come out a winner. Clarkdale, Ariz., Chapter No. 366 has^ become very active in giving-social affairs of different kinds and the Legionaires of that Chapter expect to increase the membership very much during the year of 1920. The Chapter recently held a big masquerade ball which was a big success. The Legionaires of this Chapter are working very hard for the success of MOOSEHEART and it is hoped that some of the members of this Chapter will arrange for a visit to MOOSEHEART during the coming months. Pansy Chapter No. 282, located at Powers, Ore., has become interested in the Mooseheart Endowment Fund, and has held several raffles on small articles, the proceeds of which are to go to the Mooseheart Endowment Fund. The Chapter also has what is known^ as a penny drill, the proceeds of which go to the Flower Fund of the Chapter to be used in purchasing-flowers for sick members. This Chapiter is working very hard for an increase in new members, and with such activities going on within the Chapter it is certain that they will be success- ALL CHAPTER MEMBERS SHOULD BE “FOUNDATION BUILDERS״ The Women’s Legion will strive hard to reach the 600 mark in Chapters before the next •Convention. There are now 450 Chapters and it looks as if the goal will be reached. Every Legionaire should promote the development of new Chapters during the next 12 months. Clarksburg, W. Va., Chapter No. 409 was recently instituted, by Brother A. H. Logan. It appears that this Chapter will be one of the strongest Chapters in West Virginia because arrangements have already been made for a campaign for new members as well as a number of interesting social affairs. New Rochelle, N. Y., Chapter No. 59 held a very successful euchre party during April which was very well attended. Several prizes were offered which were won by visitors and Le-g'ionaires of the Chapter. This Chapter is making a particular effort to increase its membership and is well on the road to success. The MOOSEHEART photographer was only able to get eight of the ten prize-winners together at a time for a group picture. The picture will appear on this page of the magazine in the next issue. Two of the winners came all the way from Maricopa, Calif., and Marshfield, Ore., but they were mighty well pleased with MOOSEHEART and the kiddies. Umpqua Chapter No. 352, located at Reedsport, Ore., held a very successful dahce during May, and as well as clearing a lot of money for its treasury, every Legionaire became better acquainted with the other members. Many new people became interested in the Chapter and its activities at this 'dance and the Chapter has therefore arranged for future social affairs. Angola, Ind., Chapter No. 266 has made a very substantial increase in membership since the first of the year. The Chapter lacks but three members in doubling its membership, and it expects to get many more members before this year is ended. The Chapter expects to hold several social functions for the new members who have come into the Chapter so that everyone may get better acquainted. East Syracuse, N. Y., Chapter No. 418 which was recently instituted, will soon take its place as one of the leading Chapters in New York. The Legionaires of this Chapter are very much interested in the Legion work and, furthermore, the Chapter is receiving fine co-operation from the men’s Lodge in that city. The Chapter recently held an old fashioned dance which was very interesting to all members and their friends. Deputy Grand Regents Tobin, Hall, Sloan and Ramsey were kept mighty busy during the Convention week between the ritualistic contests, conferences, and other local affairs. The Deputies have been very busy during the past year visiting the various Chapters in their community, giving ritualistic instruction and instituting new Chapters. They will also devote practically all their time on supervision work during the remainder of this year. Mooseheart Chapter No. O, which consists of the matrons and mothers of MOOSEHEART, held initiation during Convention week. The officers and drill team of the Chapter are to be congratulated on the fine manner in which they exemplified the ritual. The drill team ׳ added many fancy months. Perhaps there is a chance for an argument, boys. May the best one win. Southwestern Idaho Legion No. 98 was instituted at Boise, Idaho, on May 13th with one of the. largest memberships instituted up to this time. Over 200 candidates were initiated at this Frolic and everyone had a rousing good time. Many important speeches were made by members of the Loyal Order of Moose in Idaho, and a big banquet was served to all present after the festivities had ended. Boise, Emmett, Nampa, and Caldwell, Idaho, Lodges were represented at this big institution meeting. Deputy Grand Regent R. G. Spaulding advises the Grand Regent’s office that Legion No. 98 is going to keep up the wonderful work with the idea in mind to become one of the biggets Legions in the entire organization. Westwood, Calif., Legion No, 172 which was instituted by Regent Albert Yander Naillen Jr., although one of the smallest Legions in the entire organization, is one of the most lively. This Legion also has the honor of contributing the largest fez fund according to the size of the membership of any Legion yet organized. At the institution meeting of this Legion the fez fund averaged $3.00 per member, which is much in advance of any other Legion. These boys also sent $140.00 to the Convention fez fund. The Legionaires of Westwood Legion are very busy at this time interesting the other Lodges within that district so that their Legion may grow and become one of the largest Legions in California. Regent Vander Naillen is to be congratulated upon the fine showing made by the Legions in the State of California during hte past year because he has been very active in promoting the membership and good fellowship in every district. To say that he has been successful in his efforts is putting it mildly. Brooklyn Legion No. 20 is now making big arrangements for the big fraternal night which will be held at Coney Island, N. Y., during the last' week of the summer season at this big summer resort. Each year the authorities at the Coney Island resort have reserved the first night of the week to be known as Fraternal Night, but this year, through the efforts of the boys in the Legion and Moose at Brooklyn and Coney Island, the authorities have decided to make this former Fraternal night a Moose night only. The Moose and members of the Legion have therefore started extensive plans to entertain at least 5,000 members of the Loyal Order of Moose and Legion at Coney Island at this big-day and night entertainment. Particular prominence will be given to the Legion on this occasion because invitations a in now going out to members of the Legion throughout the State of New York, New Jersey and Connecticut. A Legion Frolic which will attract the attention of all the Legionaires throughout the country will be held that day. A big parade and Moose ball will be held at one of the big dance halls on the island. This big occasion speaks very well for the members of the Moose and Legion because the last week of the summer season at Coney Island is a very big one, and this recognition coming from the authorities of the summer resort shows that our Legionaires and Brother Moose in that particular locality have established themselves very firmly in the minds of the business men in that community. The outcome of this affair will be watched with much interest. Deputy Grand .Regents Jake Artzer of Kansas City and Ben F. Mayes^ of St. Louis were sure on the job during Convention week. Supreme Dictator-elect Darius A. Brown of Kansas City sure had something to say at the Legion Frolic when he once got on his feet. Regent Albert Yander Naillen Jr., of Oakland, Calif., says that things, are going to hum in the Legion throughout California during the next year. We believe you, “Van,” because you have certainly made California wonderful so far. All Legionaires who were initiated at the Convention will receive their first receipts from Herder E. J. Hanke of Mecca Legion very soon. Anyone desiring to get in touch with Herder Hanke relative to their dues will address him at MOOSEHEART. Did you hear that popping good speech made by former Governor Cole Blease of Carolina when the Grand Regent called on him at the initiation ? You Carolinians have certainly got a real Legionaire in your midst and you are to be congratulated. The Governor fell in love with MOOSEHEART, and MOOSEHEART fell in love with the Governor, too. What do you know about the Legionaires from Westwood, Calif.; they sent $140.00 all in one splash for the Fez Fund. The Legionaires in this district make the unusual claim of * being the smallest Legion with the smallest club room in the country, and they are going to get the distinction of contributing the largest Fez Fund if they are not careful. Lumberjacks must develop powerful big-hearts. Maple Leaf Legion No. 53 was instituted at Vancouver, B. C., on April 10th. This Legion has started with over 200 members which means that it. is the biggest Legion in Canada at this time. The prospects are that this organization is going to grow very rapidly because all of the new Legionaires have the growth and welfare of their Legion very much at heart, and are anxious to make it a rival of any Legion in the United States. It will be interesting to watch the growth of Maple Leaf Legion. Pike’s Peak Legion No. 156 and Colorado Legion No. 22 which was instituted at Denver last year, held a big joint frolic recently where over one hundred candidates were initiated into the mysteries of the Second Degree. These two Colorado Legions are fast becoming two of the best Legions in the entire Legion organization. The membership of each is growing very rapidly and all the Legionaires of that district have been enjoying themselves very much at some very fine Frolics which have been recently held. A big-banquet was served at the recent joint Frolic which was enjoyed by all the Legionaires. Mecca Legion No. 11 with head-ouarters at MOOSEHEART, now claims the distinct honor of being the largest in the world with over 1,500 members. This honor has been held by Philadelphia Legion No. 4 for some time. Philadelphia now holds second place with Ft. Wayne a very close third. It will be interesting to watch the_ growth of these three Legions during the next six months. Great North Moose A1 Ladner said before leaving the Convention that Mecca would only hold the lead about three