16 Mooseheart Legion for Men a״d Women MOOSEHEART MAGAZIN¿ Winners of Free Trip to Mooseheart Contest Attend Convention. Chapters in Contest Make Big Membership Growth one every minute. Following the initiatory section of the meeting several first class vaudeville acts were put on which were enjoyed by all. The Frolic was started early in the evening which allowed the meeting to adjourn at midnight. LEGION DRILL TEAMS AND INDIVIDUAL RITUALISTIC PRIZE WINNERS The drill teams and individuals competing for prizes in the Ritualistic contests at the Convention this year representing various Chapters of the Women’s Legion were very much above the average. Below is given a list of the winners: Best Drill Teams— . Madison, Wis., Chapter No. 291, first prize, $200.00. Pittsburgh, Pa., Chapter No. 1, second prize, $150.00. Philadelphia, Pa., Chapter No. 4, third prize, $50.00. Individual Prizes Best Past Senior Regents—• Natalie Unterokolfer, Philadelphia, Pa., Chapter No. 4, first place, $25.00. Maud Smith, Mooseheart, 111., Chapter No. O, second place, $10.00. Mary A. Williams, Madison, Wis., Chapter No. 291, third place, $5.00. Best Senior Regents—• Carrie B. Swihart, Sturgis, Mich., Chapter No. 132, first place, $25.00. Nellie Gennell, Calumet Chapter No. 253, Chicago, 111., second place, $10.00. Anna Albright, Philadelphia Chapter No. 4, third place, $5.00. Best Junior Regents— Mattie Humpheys, Linton, Ind., Chapter No. 209, first place, $25.00. Mary Kucker, Philadelphia Chapter No. 4, second place, $10.00. Lulo MeAvoy, Aurora, 111., Chapter No. 83, third place, $5.00. Best Chaplains— Emma Hanke, Mooseheart Chapter No. O, first place, $25.00. Margaret Hackett, Philadelphia Chapter No. 4, second place, $10.00. Ada Wilson, Ft. Wayne, Ind., Chapter No. 18, third place, $5.00. WESTERN CHAPTERS SHOW GOOD REPORT In a recent report given by a representative of the Grand Regent’s office, after_ visiting several of the Chapters in the Western States, one must come to the decision that a number of these Western Chapters will soon be among the best Chapters in the Women of Mooseheart Legion. Several Chapters which have made particular progress and which were very good at the time of this visit, were those Chapters located at Ottawa, Parsons and Arkansas City, Kans.; Casper and Sheridan, Wyo.; Butte, Anaconda and Deer Lodge, Mont. Missoula, Mont., Chapter deserves particular mention just at this time because of the sudden rise in membership which was from eighty to one hundred twenty-one. Fotry-one candidates were initiated at one meeting. The Women of the Legion in Missoula are making a big effort to increase the membership of their Chapter so that it may be the biggest Women’s Legion in the West. There are of course other Chapters with large memberships and it will mean a great deal of work for the Missoula women, but they are without a doubt capable of the undertaking. The Grand Regent’s office is at this time arranging for special representatives to visit all of the Chapters of the Women of Mooseheart Legion for the purpose of instruction in the ritualistic work, as well as the organization work. From recent investigations the majority of the Chapters are rendering the ritualistic work in first class style. LEGIONAIRES FROLIC AT CONVENTION Many Moose Receive Second Degree The Legionaires of the Mooseheart Legion enjoyed two big meetings of the Legion during Convention week which were held under the auspices of Mecca Legion No. 11 with headquarters at MOOSEHEART. The first meeting which was held on Tuesday night consisted entirely of the ritualistic work including the Symbolic Degree. All of the ritualistic parts and Symbolic Degree were rendered by the crack Degree Staff and Drill Team from Ft. Wayne Legion No. 18, and they exemplified the work in a most exacting manner. Those Legionaires attending this meeting found the same very instructive and were able to take home several helpful hints to be used in their home districts. The Ft. Wayne boys are to be commended for their fine work. Grand Regent Rodney H. Brandon opened the big meeting with the big Roosevelt Auditorium packed with Legionaires and candidates. After completing the preliminaries the Grand Regent turned the meeting over to the Ft. Wayne officers. Everybody present enjoyed the meeting and left the auditorium with their heads chuck full of the proper way to exemplify and render the work of the Second Degree. On Thursday a big Frolic was given in Aurora, 111., which adjoins MOOSEHEART. The Armory in which the Frolic was held was not of sufficient size to hold the large assemblage of Legionaires and at the same time allow plenty of room for the burlesque initiation features. Preceding the Frolic a big Legion parade was held through the up-town district of the city, with several bands, drill teams both from the men’s Lodges and women’s Legions in the line of march. The fez, cane and many beautiful uniforms were much in evidence in the parade and plenty of enthusiasm was there, too, which gave the local citizens an insight into the way in which the Legionaires go after things when they start. The Ft. Wayne Team again took charge of this Degree and made things most interesting for the candidates who aspired for the Second Degree. Everybody had a good time keeping iheir eyes on the various burlesque features which were hurled at the candidates in rapid concession. The Ft. Wayne team was on the job with a new ed at the wonderful progress made at MOOSEHEART and were particularly pleased to see the fine dormitories, etc., which have been given to MOOSEHEART by the Legion. Legionaires’ Conference The conference held by the visiting Legionaires at the Convention was conducted as a meeting where suggestions and talks for the good of the Order could be given. . Arrangements for all affairs held in connection with the Women’s Legion were carried out by a committee consisting of Deputy Grand Regents Mrs. Katie Tobin (Philadelphia), Mrs. Fannie Sloan (Pittsburgh), Mrs. Grace M. Hall (Chicago), Mrs. Josephine Ramsey (Chicago), Mr. Benj. F. Mayes (St. Louis), Mr. Ben A. Oswalt (Mooseheart). Deputies Sloan and Tobin presided at the conference which was opened by Grand Regent Rodney H. Brandon who gave an encouraging report on the wonderful progress which the Legion has made up to this time. The financial condition of the Legion was shown to be excellent which the Grand Regent said would mean great assistance to MOOSEHEART during the next twelve months. Various other reports and talks were given by the Deputy Grand Regents concerning their travels and visits during the past year. The ten prize winners also made reports on the success of their Chapters in the contest which was very interesting to all. All of the attending Legionaires were loud in their praise of the great progress being made at MOOSEHEART and the wonderful advantages being given to our foster children, and they were also surprised to see the actual results of the. wonderful assistance which the Legion is giving to MOOSEHEART. Below is given a list of the five Chapters in both Class A and B which were • close to the winners. These Chapters were close on the heels of the winners. Class A. Hamilton, Ohio, Chapter No. 28. Rome. N. Y., Chapter No- 274. Portland, Ore., Chapter No. 297. Vancouver, B. C., Chapter No. 130. Buffalo, N. Y., Chapter No. 322. Class B. South Side Chapter (Chicago, 111.), No. 110. Mulberry, Kans., Chapter No. 137. Beloit, Wis., Chapter No. 56. Vineland, N. J., Chapter No. 38. New Philadelphia, Ohio, Chapter No. 290. The big Free Trip to Mooseheart Contest which ended on May 31st was very successful and was hotly contested to the very end by all Chapters entered. Some Chapters that were well up at the top during the first month or two were overtaken by others at the finish. Each Chapter in the contest this year realized the benefit of having one of their members win a free trip to MOOSEHEART to secure all information about the school and then return with a full report to the Chapter, and the competition was therefore very keen. The names of the ten winners are given elsewhere on this page! and each of these Chapters are to be congratulated upon the fine record they have made. These various Chapters have held campaigns of various kinds in their endeavor to get new members during this contest. Social affairs, including dances, picnics, box socials and card parties have prevailed, while each Chapter did not forget to secure plenty of newspaper publicity, etc., as they went along, which was a great help in attracting the attention of the people in their respective cities to the fact that their Chapter was a progressive and active organization. The majority of these Chapters received wonderful co-operation from the men’s Lodge in their cities which was invaluable, and was a great factor in their success. Some Chapters divided the membership in two sections, thereby forming two teams with a captain for each. The winning team was to be banqueted by the losers. This system worked out good because it is much more fun to sit at a table as a guest rather than be the hostess who foots the bills and does the work. According to the rules of the contest the winners were to be determined according to the Moose membership in each city which meant that Chapters located in bigger cities where there were large Lodges would not have any advantage over the Chapter located in cities where the Moose Lodge was small, because the first Chapters would be required to get more new members than the second class inasmuch as they had more people to draw from, and accordingly would have a greater opportunity to get new members. This plan made the contest fair and equitable to all. Some came very close which made a high percentage for them. Some Chapters that took in quite a few new members failed to be winners because they did not take in enough new members from the big Moose membership in their cities as other Chapters which had less people to draw from and still took in almost as many new ones. On the other hand there were some Chapters located in cities where the Moose membership was very small that took in less new members by far than some other Chapters that admitted quite a few members, but still this first Chapter finished higher because they got the most from the number they had to draw from. The ten Legionaires who attended the Convention at MOOSEHEART as the guests of the Grand Regent’s office with all expenses paid, enjoyed their trip very much. These Legionaires visited all points and places of interest at MOOSEHEART and returned with a complete report to make to their local Chapter. Many of these Legionaires_ will speak to various Chapters in their community on MOOSEHEART and the children. At the conference held by the Legionaires during the week the prize winners made a report on how their Chapters were successful in the contest which was very interesting to all present. These Legionaires were quite surpris- *]IIIUIIIIIIIC]llininilllt]lllllllllll|[lllllllllllllC]||||||||||||[]|||||||||||l[]|llllllllllinilllllllll№]lllllllllll1UllllllllHIIClllllllllllllC]lllllllllllinillllll* TEN PRIZE WINNING CHAPTERS —IN— | i BIG FREE TRIP TO MOOSEHEART CONTEST j § CLASS A I j§ Name Represented by = Ej Englewood, 111., Chapter No. 221....................Anna Gallaher = j§ Lima, Ohio, Chapter No. 52...........................Elizabeth Lego s i Waterbury, Conn., Chapter No. 79.....................Margaret Dahl g 5 Ft. Wayne, Ind., Chapter No. 18.........................Mary Klenke 1 | Davenport, Iowa, Chapter No. 106........................Theresa. Jess | I . CLASS B | 1 Marshfield, Ore., Chapter No. 257. ................Margaret Sullivan | H Maricopa, Cal., Chapter No. 252.........................Lucinda Tarr g g Missoula, Mont., Chapter No. 243....................Mrs. C. N. Carter | 1 Napoleon, Ohio, Chapter No. 158......................Affie Haggerty = | Apollo, Pa., Chapter No. 127............................Hattie Shirey g $millK]llllllllimC1IIIIIIIIIIIIC]IIIIINIIIII[imilMIIIII[]IIIIIIIIIIIIC]llllllllllll[]IIIIIIIIIIIIC]llllllllllll«l!lllllllllinil!lllllllllt]llllllllini[)lllllll{mi[>:•