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One of the Special Bargains More than 1,000 of the articles listed in the Home Maker’s hook will be •hipped to you on this special offer for only $1.00 down. Think of it! Because of our method of bifying we are not only offering remarkable values, but One of the Special Bargains Fumed ? Solid Oak Mission Set Easy Payments When you get the big Furniture Bargain Book you can have any article listed therein, shipped to you for a very small payment down. After you receive it, you can examine it carefully and, if it is not satisfactory and up to all you expect it to be, you may return it to us and your original payment will be refunded. If you decide to keep the article you ordered, you can pay the balance in small monthly payments. One price to all. No discount for cash. Don’t delay. Send the coupon below. Get the big book today. Act now! uuun wuay. fid now! Money-Back *£־־ Elegantly Upholstered—Seasoned Solid Oak The beautiful 4■ Piece Mission Set is expertly constructed of selected and thoroughly seasoned solid oak, in fashionable waxed fumed oak finisfa and upholstered in fine artificial Spanish brown leather. The table has 24 x 34 inch top, with large roomy drawer, and two book shelves witfi spacious under-shelf. The posts are cut from heavy stock, carefully joined and reinforced. The backs of the rocker and chair are high and comfortable. Seats measure 18x20 inches and are comfortably padded and upholstered. The jardiniere stand is 18 inches high and top measures 12 inches square. All upholstery is artificial Spanish brown leather, guaranteed to give splendid service. Shipping weight of entire suite is about 140 pounds. Pieces not sold separately. Order by No. A109• Only $1.00 With coupon• there $2.78 per month, or $29.85 In all. Guarantee! We have no dissatisfied customers and don’t want any. Order any article listed here or in our catalog shipped to your home today. If, at the end of 30 days, you are not entirely satisfied with it, return at our expense and we will refund your money and any freight charges you have paid. No special discount from these advertised prices. 00 Brings You This Famous A Down 112-Piece Blue Bird Dinner Set This Blue Bird Dinner Set is made of the best quality of American, snowy-white. Send the Coupon for FREE Catal׳ .!1 .1 you .rebalance -illy payments, ״.on for catalog any-L)o it now—TODAY! O, ILLINOIS send only $1.00. We will 30 ־’ V Send for a free copy of the “Home Maker” catalog which is absolutely free. Just sign the coupon or a postal card will do. If you W.!-".wiDg (a want any of the big money-saving values shown in here, L. FISH FURNITURE CO. Dept. C288 i deep plumage with natural shaded breast, contrasting with the cluster of foliage in natural colorings—the wide band of deep blue ©n the edge of each piece, against the snowy-white semi-porcelain—and the clear crystal glaze over all, accomplish a rare harmony of color design. This hundred and twelve piece set, consisting of only useful pieces, is a complete service for 12 people. The sizes and actual measurement of the 112 piece set are: 12 dinner plates [9 in.], 12 pie plates f7 in.], 12 fruit saucers [5 in.], 12 bread and butter plates [6 in.], 12 eoup coupes f8^ in.], 12 cups, 12 saucers, 1 cream pitcher, 1 sauce boat, 1 deep Balad dish [9% in.], 1 fancy pickle dish [7% in.l, 1 covered butter dish [3 pieces], 1 covered sugar bowl [2 pieces], 1 medium meat platter [1U4 in.], 1 large meat platter [13H in.], 1 bread plate [9 m.], 1 round potato dish [8)i in.]. 1 covered vegetable dish [2 pieces], 1 oblong vegetable dish [8M in.], 12 butter chips. Shipping weight about 100 lbs. Order by No. A114. Only $1.00 with coupon, then $3.00 monthly, or $31.45 in all. L. FISH FURNITURE CO., Dept. C288, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS Please send me (without obligation and prepaid) your free catalog, D “The Home Maker,” listing bargains in Furniture, Rugs, Stoves, Phonographs, and General Household Goods. □ No. A-114—Blue Bird Dinner Set, $1.00 down, $3.00 a month. Total price $31.45. □ No. A-109—Mission Library Set, $1.00 down, $2.75 a month. Total price $29.85. Name., Address..................................................... Post Office...........................................Stats.,