MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE 22 ¡Brings This 4-Passenger 8 Complete, Hard Wood, Durable A Jlawn swing PPjgffM Here is the season’s greatest Lawn Swing tt 8fgWW value—a genuine HARTMAN bargain sent ur ior on,-V$1.00(seecoupon below), at our risk I ESBBb tor 30-day trial on your lawn. Latest im-I proved 4-passenger model, made entirely I from durable hard woods. Can be set up I m 10 minutes. Noiseless malleable bearings; 1 easy motion; extremely comfortable; seat and 5 back can be quickly adjusted to two positions • and platform raised forming couch when j desired. Width of seat between arms, 35 _____ ____1 inches; extreme height, 8 feet. Center 11 ■mi ii ini■ brace under seats adds rigidity. Slats are extra heavy, and supporting frame is of lx4-in. stock, giving great resistance where strain is greatest. Shipped direct, carefully crated from our factory in Indiana or Wis-consin. Shipping weight, about llOlbs. Order Lawn Swine by No. 347BMA12. Price $9.65. Only$l now; balance, lo 9,rder Canopy by No. 347BMA13. Price 3>o.9o. uniyisinow; oOcamonth. Mail coupon order today! TRY IT 30 0AYS Only $1.00 with the coupon brings this attractive Lawn Swing for actual test. Use it 30 days. If not absolutely satisfactory, send it back and we will refund your $1.00 and pay transportation both ways. IT ISP IT IT BARG Am CATALOG Send post card for this big book. Filled with thousands of f bargains in furniture,carpets, rugs, stoves, jewelry, phonographs, sewing machines, l farm equipment, etc. Any- L״,,,. thing sent on easy terms and #fpW¡¡№ 30-day trial. tj/m HARTMAN I _ Furniture & Carpet Co. 3913 Wentworth Ave. Dept. 2S83 Chicago HARTMAN Furniture & Carpet Co. 3913 Wentworth Ave., Dept. 2683 Chicago, III. Send me merchandise marked X for which I enclose $1 on each item wanted. If I decide to return goods after 30 days’ trial, you will refund my money and pay freight both ways. If I keep it I will pay on terms below. n Send FREE Hartman Bargain Book □ “ _ $1.00down, $1.00 a month. , 60 cents a month. Name................................... Address............................... City..................... .State..... Build Iliis Phonograph Yourself TREMENDOUS SAVING IN COST Easy,'fascinating work, with our SIMPLIFIED PLANS. We furnish blue prints, diagrams, motor, cabinet pieces, ready-built horn etc. You don't need to be a cabinet maker. A few hours assembling; and you will have a fine instrument at one-quarter the regular retail price. AGENTS MAKE MONEY making and selling these instruments. Write today for full details and our FREE OFFER. Address;- M0DERN PHONOGRAPH SUPPLY CO. 275 Springer Building 313 So. Clinton St. CHICAGO, ILL. j Junior Order of Moose j I [Mooseheart Lodge | I No. 1 I | If there is no Junior Lodge | | in your city or town, your | | boy can join the above | | Lodge. Initiation Fee $2.50, | | Dues, beneficial member- | | ship, $2.00 per quarter. | | Social membership $1.00 g | per quarter. ! John C. Meikle, Dictator ! ! Henry J. Garrett, Secretary | I MOOSEHEART, ILL. Щ *||||||1||||[]111|||||||||Ш|!!|||1Ш1)|||||||1ШЮ|1||1|||111|1]111111Н1Ш[?־ Illinois Mayor Expresses Appreciation When the epidemic was over the beds were moved out and the lodge and " club room furniture were replaced and the club went quietly back to its routine life. They asked no favors nor sought any favors. They felt that they had had an opportunity to do some good for the community and they were proud that they were able to meet the emergency. Again the dread disease struck the city. There was a terrible derth of nurses and family after family was stricken down with every member sick. The Moose again tendered their home for the purpose and when nurses could not be obtained the women of the Moose Legion stepped into the breach until assistance could be secured and the work turned over to the regular nurses. Much the same conditions prevailed at this time as previously, but the Moose did not falter and today after the epidemic has spent its force the Moose are again running the even tenor of their way with only the credit of having done a g'ood deed. As mayor of the city I feel that some public appreciation should be shown for the service rendered and words fail me as I would express the appreciation that the citizens of Tay-lorville feel and also that feeling that there is one organization in the city which can always be relied upon when an emergency comes. Yes, Taylorville Lodge No. 1516 of the Loyal Order of Moose has the respect, admiration and the thanks of every citizen and I, as mayor of the city, am proud that such an organization is located here and I am glad that as mayor I can express the joy of the people and also their gratitude to Taylorville Lodge No. 1516, the Loyal Order of Moose, and may they never be called upon to turn their Home over for an emergency hospital again. Yours very respectfully, THOS. J. DOWNEY, Mayor. MAYOR’S OFFICE Taylorville, 111., April 21, 1920. Ordinarily the mayor of a city does not pause in his duties to offer more than a mere word of praise done by some individual or association, but there are times and places when some word of praise is due to some person or organization and this in one of these occasions. I speak in reference to what Taylorville lodge No. 1516 of the Loyal Order of Moose has done in two trying times which have occurred in this city. The Moose have always stood for all that is good and uplifting and have devoted their time and energy to bettering any condition that should be improved. There are two examples of this, that words of the citizens generally are inefficient to cover, and these are the two times that the Moose lodge bodily turned over their home in this city for the benefit of the sick during an epidemic of the influenza which occurred in this city last fall and winter and the preceding winter. The Moose here have a beautiful and expensive club house for their exclusive use. They saw that the number of sick people was far greater than could be taken care of in the ordinary manner. They did not hesitate, but rose to the opportunity as a man and offered the exclusive use of their home for an emergency hospital. In an increditably short time the comfortable furniture of the big Home was removed and in its place were installed a number of beds and the whole place turned over to the Red Cross who took care of a considerable number of sick as there were nearly fifty beds placed in the Home and there were filled at all times by sick people fro mall parts of the city. No questions of religious creed or financial standing were asked of the sick. They were taken to the Home and received all the care that was possible to give them. '/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////М;;/////////////М////////////////////777?/У/7/7?7//////■///////,’. The Saddest Words “It Might Have Been” A Lesson were so sick. Fortunately the infant and I escaped the “flu.” I did not expect to hear from you ' as I found out that my husband HAD NOT PAID UP HIS DUES. Mr. --------, who was his closest friend for years, wrote me saying he was sorry to learn John had not kept up his payments. Believe me I am more than sorry for every month I would read in the Mooseheart Magazine of the wonderful help you give mothers left such as I am. My husband carried no insurance. His father took care of the burial expenses, and my four children and I are absolutely penniless and depending■ on charity. It’s awful hard to be left like this WHEN IT MIGHT HAVE BEEN SO DIFFERENT had he been in beneficial good standing. Since you have been so good to write me may I say any help you can give me will be thankfully received as my poor little ones all need clothes. Trusting to hear from you again, Gratefully yours, MRS. ------------- How sad those words “it might have been!”• What a lesson for each of us. How easy it is for a member to be paid in advance thereby guaranteeing to our loved ones the protection of MOOSEHEART. The vital importance of members keeping in good standing in their Lodges is frequently proven by cases which are reported to Lodges, and MOOSEHEART Governors. . A few weeks ago a kindly person reported the case of a widow and four children who were badly in need of assistance. The person reporting the case was informed that the deceased father was a member of the Loyal Order of Moose. In reply to a letter addressed to the widow she wrote the following: Mr. ------------- I have received your letter for which I thank you so much. About the first week in January my husband suffered a severe cold, so the doctor said; anyhow he left off working for a week, felt a little better, went back to work for another week, then got worse and he and my three small children—the oldest 6 years—were put to bed with influenza, January 25th. I did all I could for them and on January 30th my fourth baby was horn—that was the entire family in bed sick during the stormiest weather this winter. On February 5th the doctor found pneumonia had developed and ordered my husband to the hospital where he died February 20th. The children all recovered although at one time it looked pretty bad—they ШГ EVERY MOOSE SHOULD READ THIS I IF YOU FIND THE NUMBER OF YOUR LODGE BELOW, ASK | YOUR DICTATOR, SECRETARY, OR CHAIRMAN OF THE AUDIT-| ING COMMITEE WHY YOU ARE NO LONGER A GOOD MOOSE. | IF NEITHER OF THEM CAN TELL YOU, WRITE RODNEY H. 1 BRANDON, MOOSEHEART, ILL., AND HE WILL. i 35 — 121 — — . _ 392 — 442 — 498 — 666 — 687 1 742 — 780 — 821 — 882 — 919 — 966,- 1050 — — 1085 I 1142 — 1170 — 1238 — 1266 — 1379 — 1616 — — 1658 IT P Puncture Ь Ь Proof Tube Miles Guaranteed For a limited time only we are offering absolutely free a puncture proof tube guaranteed 6,000 miles, with every purchase of one of our famous Reliable Double Tread Tires which are guaranteed 5,000miles and often give 8,000 to 10,000. 4 Reasons for Buying this Bargain Offer 1—6,000miles without apunture! 2—Save repair bills! 3—Save entire cost of tube! 4—Save two-thirds cost of tire! Price Includes Tire and Tube Size Tires 28x3 .$6.85 30 X 3.. .$7.25 30 X 3X.S8.35 32 x3X.$8.95 31 X 4 $10.20 32X4 . .$10.55 33 X 4..511.0O Size Tire 34 x 4. .. .511.35 34 x 4%. .$13.00 35 x 4^. .$13.25 36 x 4Ji..$13.75 35 x 5. . . .$14.50 36 x 5 . ..$14 75 37 x 5. ...$14,90 Free Reliner With Each Tire fin ordering be sure to state size I wanted, also whether s. s. clincher, J plain or non-skid. Send $2.00 deposit ״ion each tire, balance C. O. D. subject to examination; 5 per cent discount if you send full amount with order. Rush your order today. RELIABLE TIRE & RUBBER CO. J ?414 IVlichigan Ave* Chicago, 11!« Classified Department AGENTS WANTED A GENTS—Our soap and toilet article plan is a ־*“■ wonder. Get our free sample case offer. Ho-Bo-Co., 127 Locust, Sh Louis. INSYDE TIRES—Inner armor for automobile tires; ־*• prevent punctures and blowouts; double tire mileage. Liberal .profits. Details free. American Accessories Co., Cincinnati, Ohio, Dept. 139. A GENTS—$60 a week taking orders for Guaranteed shoes for men, women and children. Must give satisfaction or replaced free. Brand new proposition. Write quicK for territory and samples. Thomas Shoe Co., 3646 North St., Dayton, Ohio. CASH IN ON BONE DRY BILL. Make $8 a day easy. Will show you how with our Concentrated Pure Fruit Drinks. Wanted everywhere. Small package—just add water. Here's the chance of a lifetime. Crab your territory. Write quick. American Products Co., 2392 American Bldg., Cincinnati, O. Tl/ANTED—Ex-service men as subscription agents Yv The Stars and Stripes. All or spare time, good commissions. Permanent proposition to producers. Write now for particulars and authority. 704 Munsey Building, Washington, D. C. INVENTIONS INVENTIONS WANTED. Cash or royalty for ideas. Adam Fisher Mfg. Co., 190 St. Louis, Mo. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES "|_I0W TO WIN” is the stoiy you can get by ad-*1 dressing postcard to Abner Davis, Ft. Worth, Texas. WANTED TO BUY GOOD FARM WANTED. Send description and piice. John J. Black, Chippewa Falls, Wis. MALE HELP WANTED DE AN EXPERT PENMAN—Wonderful device guides your hand—corrects your writing in few days. Complete outline Free. Write, C. J. Ozment, 37, St. Louis. FEMALE HELP WAITED ¥ ADIES TO SEW AT HOME for a large Phila-■*־־* delphia firm. Good pay; nice work; no canvassing; send stamped envelope for prices paid. Universal Co., Department 18, Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. SONG POEMS WANTED YOU WRITE WORDS FOR A SONG—We write the music, publish and secure a copyright. Submit poems on„ any subject. The Metropolitan Studios, 914 So. Michigan Ave., Room 128, Chicago, 111. WRITE THE WORDS FOR A SONG. We write music, guarantee publisher’s acceptance. Submit poems on patriotism, love or any subject. Chester Music Co., 920 So. Michigan Ave., Room 105, Chicago. IF YOU WILL WRITE the words of a song, I will write the music and guarantee publisher’s acceptance. Poems on any subject acceptable. Ethwell Hanson, Room 108, 3808 Broadway, Chicago, Illinois. WRITE PICTURE PLAYS WRITE PHOTOPLAYS; $50 each. Experience unnecessary; details free to beginners. Producers League, 385, St. Louis, Mo. SALESMEN WANTED SALESMEN—City or -traveling. Experience -unnecessary. Send for list of lines and full particulars. Prepare in spare time to earn the big salaries—$2,500 to $10,000 a year. Employment services rendered Members. National Salesmen’s Training Association, Dept. 137-G, Chicago, 111. CIGARS Guaranteed quality cigars at lowest prices. Shipping charges prepaid. Money returned if dissatisfied. Sample of 5 for 20 cents. Special quantity prices. Northwestern Cigar Co., Neenah, Wisconsin. MISCELLANEOUS RABBITS, Belgian Hares, New Zealand Reds, Flemish Giants. Stroll Rabbit Farm, Milford, Pa.