21 MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE TOURING CAR GIVEN BRAND NEW 9 23 1 ^־־► 1 ^ 1 1 ^ 1 o 1 15 23 9 14 SOLVE THIS PUZZLE. WIN FINE PRIZE The figures in the squares represent corresponding letters in the alphabet. Figure 1 is A, 2 is B, 3 is C, and so on. The ten figures spell four words. Send the four words on a slip of paper with your name and address quick if you want to win. I have given away many Autos and scores of other prizes. My plan is so simple it is easy to win prizes and cash rewards. Thousands of Dollars in Other Grand Prizes and Cash Rewards Besides the New Ford Car 1 am going to give away Superb Cabinet Phonograph, Bicycles, Gold Watches, Kodaks, Traveling Bag, Chest of Silverware, Dinner Set and Cash Rewards. No experience is required. You don’t put up a penny or do any hard work. Just an opportunity to realize your ambition to have an Automobile all your own and a chance to get it in the easiest way imaginable. Don’t let anyone in your neighborhood beat you to it. The quicker you act, the bigger your winnings. Send me vour answer to the puzzle with your name and ad-aress, without delay. DUANE W. GAYLORD, 537 Dearborn St., Dept. 25 CHICAGO, ILL. rTire Prices Smashed־■ Tremen^eiis Reduction in Price Saves You More Than We have just purchased a carload of fresh rubber tires. These tires formerly sold for three times our prices and were guaranteed for 6000 miles. These high quality fresh rubber tires are not to be classed with seconds and double tread. There is only a limited number to be had at these prices. 1/2 No. Tires For Sale SIZE TIRE Pricer TUBE Prices No. Tires For Sale SIZE TIRE TUBE 130 $ 9-85 $2.35 96 ..33x4 $14.65 $3.60 114 ...... ,.30x3'/â 10-70 2.70 150 14.95 3.75 110 ..32x3'/2 12.85 2.85 32 ..34x4'/2 16.85 4.35 128 13.45 3.20 20 17.75 4.45 92 ..32x4 13-95 3.35 8 ..35x5 18.75 5.45 Tubes Guarani *Gd Strictly New,Fresh stock. standard Makes Send No Money—See Before You Buy Simply write us today stating the number and size of Tires and Tube9 wanted. We will ship Tires immediately Express C. O. D., with privilege of examination. You take no chances. If you are not entirely satisfied, after inspection that this is the greatestTire bargain ever offered,return the tires to us at our own expense. Orders will be filled promptly each day as received, until our limited supply is exhausted—so order today and make sure of the big saving. You cannot appreciate the remarkable saving you are making on these Tires until you have seen them. We know you will be more than satisfied. You may take 5% discount if you send cash with order. Gold Seal Tire Co., 3847 West Lahe Street, Chicago, Illinois This 42 pc. “Wild Rose” & Emblem China With Superintendent Adams at Mooseheart (Continued from ׳page U) who speak well. This gives them an ideal, and it, together with practical instructions in public speaking, has made a great improvement in the students in this line. Practice has been followed, during the last few hand trips, of calling upon boys and girls in the band for a short speech about MOOSEHEART. No boy or girl is told before time that they will be called upon to make a speech, but when introduced they are given their topic to talk on. These are such as “A Girl’s Life at MOOSEHEART,” “Assembly,” “Vocational Education at MOOSEHEART,” “Baby Nursery,” or some other topic covering some phase of MOOSEHEART life. The splendid response to this arrangement on the part of the boys and girls in the MOOSEHEART Band has been a source of inspiration to those in charge of the students. The same MOOSEHEART spirit shown in athletics and in the ideals the boys and girls have crystallized for the institution comes out in this public speaking. We who have charge of the boys and girls are often criticized for being so proud of them by people who sometimes feel that the MOOSEHEART boys and girls are “just ordinary hoys and girls.” They may have been “just ordinary boys and girls” in the beginning but due to the MOOSEHEART training, life and education is what it was meant to be and what it is, this is exactly the result that would be produced. One of the_ Seniors writes of the value of Public Speaking as follows: “Many men have risen to prominence merely through their ability to speak in public. They grasped their opportunity and, by saying the right words at the right time, were able to force their point of view upon others. Thus Anthony, by a few well selected words over Caesar’s dead body was able to make the public see the deed not as a sacrifice to save Rome, hut as a crime to justify the greedy ambitions of Brutus and his followers. “Occasions arise every day where it is possible for a man to show himself a leader by his ability to appear before an audience and give them his argument in a natural way. “On the other hand, trying situations usually bring forth well balanced men who by their quiet assurance can direct the minds of the people into sensible channels. This sort of speaker is of value to his country as he is able to keep the population from going into hysterics over every little incident. Especially so was this true during the recent war. The air was full of rumors and it took the power of all the level headed orators to keep things balanced.” Akron Lodge No. 62, Akron, Ohio, at a snecial meeting on March 21st, initiated a large class of candidates. Director General Davis was the principal speaker, and he was loud in his praise of the work of the “Rubber City” Degree Team, under the leadership of Past _ Dictator George W. Falor. Palor is not only Dictator of the Degree Team, but he has charge of the home and club. He is better known in the Lodge by the title of “Keeper of our Stomachs’ Call”. He certainly knows how to prepare meals, with steaks, chops, chicken, rarebits, deserts, and a thousand other good things. It surely is a first class restaurant. and he knows how to ‘rap’ the high cost of living. Captain Trace, the Dictator, and all other officers were re-elected for the ensuing term. The ritualistic work was impressive and protrayed the great object of fraternity—“To be of service to our fellow-men”. All the officers and Past Dictator were present. illustrate opera, instrumental music, etc. The children became so enthusiastic over this that last year some of them saved up money and went to Chicago to hear the real opera. Through a special gift, about thirty other children were taken by the instructor in singing. As a result of all this the best music has been selected. It was noticeable that the children developed a taste for good music.. This •was seen in music selected for our band. Some of the pieces that the boys originally played, with pleasure, they do not like as well now as some of the newer pieces that are really better music. These are a great joy to the children now, and will continue to be so throughout life. The Cooking Class In the work in cooking, the classes meet for two hours, a much better period for this work than the Public Schools usually have. The morning class is called the Pre-voeational Class. This is a brief course in cooking. It deals with the elementary-principles and theories of cookery and emphasizes manipulation. The afternoon class is a Vocational Class, and is, of course, offered to older girls. One year the time is given to cooking, the next to home management. In this Cooking Class the girls are given more of a theory and are taught to apply it for themselves. Twelve months’ ־work gives time for a good bit of actual practice, so they have a chance to develop skill. They serve actual meals in the dining room of the Practice House, learn to set the table, learn the courtesies that give one attractive table manners, and many other “little things.” Practice House One of the classes has had home-management. First they planned a house. While they are not expected to become architects, they do learn the importance of some things in securing comfort and convenience in the home. They likewise learn to be more observing. Next they plan the furnishings of the house. A few lessons on color, line, and materials teach them the principals of good taste. They learn that an attractively furnished home need not be very expensive, and that an expensively furnished home may not be very attractive. They likewise study the budget and learn what percentage of the income should be spent for rent, for food, for clothes, etc. They plan the wardrobe for a girl in a family with an income, of $2,000 when there are four others in the family. They learn the actual care of the home,—sweeping, dusting, care of kitchen utensils and stoves, and general cleaning. . In fact, they learn the hosts of little things that one cannot find in any one book. The course likewise includes home nursing, and dietetics. The girls learn what balanced menu is, and how it can be adjusted to meet various needs. They arrange an invalid’s tray, learn to take temperatures, count the pulse, etc. They learn to make beds, to bandage cuts and bruises, and learn what to do when some one faints, or in cases of poisoning. When the necessary arrangements can be made the Home Management Class and the Dietitian will live in the Practice House for a few weeks. Home conditions will be duplicated as nearly as possible and each girl will have sole charge of the house and family for at least a week. Public Speaking Definite instructions in Public Speaking have been in force at MOOSEHEART for about a year; MOOSEHEART students are very fortunate in hearing at Assembly and elsewhere people, visitors and others,