19 MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE BE A CERTIFICATED ELECTRICIAN I WILL TRAIN YOU AT HOME A REAL Position Like This For You ern instruction. You can learn at home, without interfering with your regular work, by my highly successful method of Home Instruction in Practical Electricity, The country needs thousands of trained Certified Electricians, to fill good positions—and at big pay. It’s all a matter of knowing how and I will, teach you by up-to-date, mod- Prepare Now and be Ready in a Few Months to Earn Your $46 to $100 a Week and I can train you in a few months. Are you ambitious to make a real success—then send me the coupon—today. Electrical Outfit FREE To every student who answers this ad I am giving a Splendid Electrical Outfit of standard size Electrical Tools, Instruments, Materials, etc., absolutely free. Furthermore to every Electrical Student I give a truly valuable surprise that I cannot explain here. Free Employment Service I am continually receiving requests from employers to send them trained Electrical men. I assist my students to secure good positions. I keep in touch with them for years, helping and advising them in every possible way WRITE TODAY— Don’t Delay Delay never got you anything. Action is what counts. Get started— and get started now. Write me, or send me the coupon, right NOW. SEND FOR THIS BOOK My book, “HOW TO BECOME AN EXPERT ELECTRICIAN,” has started thousands of young men on the way to splendid success. A new edition of this has just been printed. I want every young man interested in Electricity to have a copy, and will send you one, ABSOLUTELY FREE AND PREPAID. Write me today. How I Train My Students As Chief Engineer of the Chicago Engineering Works I know exactly the kind of training a man needs to enable him to get and hold good positions, and to earn big pay. I have trained hundreds of men who are holding splendid electrical jobs. I give each of my students personal attention and a complete and thorough training. I give him a splendid Electrical Outfit Free, and much of the training is done by actual work. When my students graduate and receive their Certificate, they are ready for a real position. But still more, at any time you wish you can come to our splendidly, equipped Electrical Shops for special training. No other school can give you this. L L. COOKE, Chief Engineer A Real Opportunity For YOU Wishing is never going to make your dreams come true. You’ve got to study to learn. A man is worth possibly $2 or $3 a day from his neck down—and no more; but there is no limit to what he can he worth from his neck up. A trained mind is what gets the big pay. It is this training that you need, Chicago Engineering Works 1918 Sunnyside Ave. Dept. 95 CHICAGO, ILL. play “The Ginger Bread Man” and 1 “Sing a Song of Sixpence” while the older girls play “Hungarian Raphso-dies” and “La Chapela de la Foret.” One night Mr. Gullotta would have a solo or duet from members of the orchestra. One night it would be a violin solo then perhaps the next would be a ’cello solo or perhaps a ’cello and violin duet. Mr. Reeder would have some one play a solo and have some girl accompany them on the piano. This plan has been very successful and we hope that it will continue to do so. Shoe Shop (By Evelyn Long, Blueiield (W. Va.) Lodge No. 1079. (East Legion) The shoe shop is located at the rear of the store. The shoe shop at MOOSEHEART is run on a very different scale from other shoe stores• Evesy student has two pairs of shoes, the one he has on or the pair that is held for him at the shop. When a student wears out a pair of shoes he takes them to the shop and is given another pair. If the old pair can be mended they are mended and put away until the student wears out the pair that he has just received. If the old pair cannot be repaired, the student’s matron or ; ׳roc-tor is given a discard ticket; this is done so that the student may get a new . pair of shoes. A Day in the Country in Winter By Edward Goss, McKees Rocks (Pa.) Lodge No. 61. (South Assembly). I left the city, in a sleigh, for the country about four o’clock A. M. and I had a very beautiful and a delightful ride along the snow-bound roads which led to my uncle’s farm. While I was going along I thought of how much prettier the country was than the city. It has a beautiful cover of snow and the creeks and rivers were frozen over. Every once in a while I would see a rabbit or an animal dart across the road in front of me and I would see all the boys and girls who had skates skating on the river and the ones that didn’t have any skates would pick out a nice hill to coast on. When I arrived at my uncle’s farm I found that it was getting pretty near to noon and I saw all the cattle go to the barn to be fed and this is a sight you never see in the city. I asked my uncle to take me around the farm so that I might be able to tell my sister and brothers about it. There were no side walks here as there are in a city and as I walked around I took notice of the beautiful trees with their white covering on them. I had to leave early so that I could get back to town in time for supper and I had a long ride before me. It was a little dark when I started home and I didn’t think much about it, although I could hardly see the roads on which I had to travel. But I came to the conclusion that the country is much prettier than the city. Junior Order of Moose By Walter Norton, Minneapolii (Minn.) Lodge No. 38 (Overlook Hall). The Junior Order of Moose was organized during the latter part of 1919, with a membership of about seventy-five. The first meeting was held in the Roosevelt Auditorium, under the direction of Superintendent Adams, Mr. Brandon and others. The officers were elected and the password was chosen, and other secret signs were demonstrated as in other Lodges. The members voted to have a meeting every other Monday night but later this was changed to every Monday night as some of the members did not come regularly• During the meeting the Ritual is discussed and once in a while a visitor is present to influence the boys with their words. New Westminster, B. C., Lodge, No. 854, entertained a delegation of visitors from Vancouver, B. C., Lodge No. 888, on the occasion of the installation of officers. Brothers Sheppard and McDongall made addresses which were responded to by Dictator D. J. Lewis. The ladies provided a sumptous repast. composed them, where and when they were composed and the different instruments being played in them. This continued for some time until it began to get so warm inside that we decided to have Assembly at the Aboretum. Being out in the open would make it impossible to have music of any kind there. So, seeing that there could be no Victrola music, Mr. Reeder suggested that the band play a special number in Assembly. They already played at the opening, for the “Star Spangled Banner” and at' the close of Assembly- But the pieces they played were just marches and waltzes, so that meant that they had to practice on their overtures. So at band rehearsals nearly the whole practice time was spent in practising overtures. Just before the Juniors were dismissed for Assembly, Mr. Reeder v/ould explain the piece that was to be played, the different parts of it and the life of the composer. This was carried on during the summer months but as it began to grow cold we moved to Roosevelt Auditorium, and there started to carry out another plan. The new plan was to show the other students what they were being taught. Mrs. Hickey had girls taking lessons of her play at Assembly on Thursday nights. Some times there would be duets such as “Waves of the Ocean,” “Stars and Stripes Forever” by Sousa and the “Charge of the Uhlans.” The girls of Mrs. Hickey’s class are older girls and of course better players than those of Mrs. Reeder’s class, but the little girls play as well as could be expected from girls of their age. They Dont Send a Penny Here is the Queen of all the season's most attractive V-ist models—the daintiest, smartest, most beautiful waist imaginable—at a price so low that we do not hesitate to send it without a eent in advance. Just your name and address on post card brings this exquisite creation forex-v amination and try-on. Dt n’t delay — send • today for this ex• >£$־■ tremely Season’s Greatest Bargain Order Now! y Stylish Georgette WAIST A simply stunning value ! Made of splendid quality Georgette, the finest, sheerest fabric known for waists. This artistic model has the latest à fashionable lines so :■!; highly prized by ׳& smartly dressed ׳:& women. Note th: richly embroider«׳ ed front, and . daintily tucked vest; large collar ' V W arid vest edged *Wwith handsome lace; full length ■f sleeves; side button closing. Finished with elastic waistband. Sizes, 34 to 40 bust. SEND N0 MONEY Pay onIy $4•45 for waist ? • , . , 1”11״^■.on arrival. Examine ma- terial, style, workmanship and finish carefully. Try it on. Compare our low price with waists selling for much more money. If not delighted with your bargain return to us and we will refund your money. Order white by No. BX739; flesh, No. BX740; peach. No. BX741. Send today! v LEONARD-MORTON & CD., Dept, 6392 Chicago 6־&ÜWNBBLES Guaranteed Less than Half Price SEND NO MONEY Here is the absolute limit in tire offers—never before such wonderful values 1 Pay only when convinced. Used standard makes rebuilt by our own experts to give 6,000 miles—or more. No comparison with double tread tires which are sewed. Lowest Prices Quick Delivery Size Tires Tubes 28x3 $ 6.45 $1.60 Size Tires Tubes 34x4 $12.95 $2.55 33x4K 13.45 2.75 34x4K 13.95 2.95 35x4K 14.50 3.10 36x4% 15.25 3.25 35x5 15.45 8.45 37x5 16.26 3,65 f S.end your order today while we have 9 big stock on hand and can ship same day order is received. Send no money with order, just your name and address and size tire desired, whether clincher or straight side. MITCHELL TIRE & RUBBER COMPANY 115 E. 39th Street Dept. 156 Chicago