16 AGENTS: $66 A WEEK taking orders for Can’t Coal-Oil Burner Clog Burns just like gas. By regulating valveyou get as little heat as you want, or you can heat oven to baking point in ten minutes. Most perfect burner ever invented. Can’t clog up. ^ BIG SUMMER SELLER. Burns coal-oil. One hour for two cents. Cheapest fuel known. New. Nothing else like it. Not sold in stores. $1.80 AN HOUR TO HUSTLERS. No experience or capital needed. You take the orders. We ship by Parcel Post and do all collecting. Commission paid same day you take order. Write quick for Agency. PARKER BURNER C0.664Coal St., DAYTON. OHIO. 20th CENTURY ■ЯН» Watch S3¿* This 1920 model Men’s or Boys'popular 16 size perfect time keeper lor only So.25. Highly polished thin model case, open face, stem wind and set, position adjustment, fully tested. This is a real time piece. Guaranteed not to be a clock or rebuilt movement. C. O. D. *Âiÿœuacsra׳ii»״î.ï?sâr,r if емЫт CONSOLIDATED WATCH CO.,Dept. 26160 ־ N ־Wells St.,Chicas DON’T WEAR A TRUSS! After Thirty Years’ Experience We Have Produced an Appliance for Men, Women or Children That Cures Rupture. WE SEND IT ON TRIAL If you have tried most everything else, come to us. Where others fail is where we have our greatest success. Send attached coupon ttoday The Above Is C. E. Brooks. Inventor of ־the Appliance. Mr. Brooks Cured Himself of Rupture Over 30 Years Ago and Patented the Appliance from His Personal Experience. If Ruptured. Write Today to the Brooks Appliance Co., Marshall, Midi. and we will send you free our illustrated book on Rupture and its cure, showing our Appliance and giving you prices and names of many people who have tried it and were cured. It gives instant relief when all others fail. Remember, we use no salves, no harness, no lies. We send on trial to prove what we say is true.^ You are the judge and once having seen our illustrated book and read it you will be as enthusiastic as our hundreds of patients whose letters you can also read. Fill out free coupon below and mail today. It’s well worth your time whether you try our Appliance or not. FREE INFORMATION COUPON Brooks Appliance Company 130-K State St., Marshall, Mich. Please send me by mail, in plain wrapper, your illustrated book and full information about your Appliance for the cure of rupture. Name ................................ Address ............................. City.................. State......... MOOSEHEART MAGAZIK¿ eluded that the following are necessary for a child’s best growth and development: SHELTER: A decent, clean, well kept house. Plenty of fresh air in. the house. Warm rooms in cold weather. Separate beds, with sufficient bed' clothing to weep warm. A pure, abundant water supply. Comfortable place to welcome friends. FOOD: Three square meals a day. Clean, simple, appetizing, well cooked food. Meals at regular hours and sufficient time for them. Dinner at noon for children under seven. The daily diet should include milk, at least a pint a day; cereal and bread; green vegetables, especially leafy vegetables; fruit; eggs, meat or fish. CLOTHING: Clean, whole garments. Different clothing for day and night, suited to the climate. Change of underwear at least weekly. Change of stockings at least twice a week. Warm underclothing and stockings in cold climates. Heavy coat, cap and mittens for cold weather. Shoes long and wide enough for protection against the rain or snow. HEALTH־ & PERSONAL HABITS: Hands and face must be washed before meals and at bedtime. A bath every day or at least once a week. Teeth brushed at least twice a day (morning and night). A regular bed hour. Ten hours sleep at night with open windows. Correct weight for height. RECREATION AND COMPANIONSHIP : A safe, clean, roomy place for outdoor and indoor play. At least two hours outdoor play a day. Constructive and suitable tools and playthings. Someone with sympathetic oversight to direct the play. The right sort of .playmates. EDUCATION AND WORK: Schooling for at least nine months a year from seven to sixteen years of age. Not more than two hours of chores outside of school. Not enough work either in school or out to cause exhaustion. VACATION WORK: If any, must allow ample opportunity for the proper amount of rest and recreation. RELIGIOUS AND MORAL TRAINING: Opportunity for religious training. Proper moral and spiritual influence. Teaching of standards of right and wrong in daily life. IS YOUR CHILD GETTING A SQUARE DEAL? Every child has the right to he well born, well nourished, and well cared for. ־Wise parents are a child’s best asset. Foregoing are the precepts of the folk wise in the care of childhood at Washington. MOOSEHEART subscribes to and practices most of them. It cannot guarantee a child’s heredity. But Superintendent Adams does not agree with the long faced scientists who say that heredity is the strongest force in our lives. “PoohP he says cheerfully, “If children are not affected mentally and only slightly affected physically by the conditions of their birth, environment is ninety per cent of what makes the man or woman.” by the fire fiend, he too died. Grief had lessened the resistance that otherwise he might have offered to influenza. His last choking words were “Send my little girls to MOOSE-HEART.” They made the journey from Oregon. Loving arms enfolded them. All MOOSEHEART mothers the wee ones and tries to help them to forget the red day in the forest. What Mooseheart is Doing For War Orphans .MOOSEHEART is doing noble work for the world’s war orphans. It is estimated, and accurately, I am told, that at this moment there are a million homeless children. I repeat that MOOSEHEART is bearing well its share of this burden. The number of children who would otherwise be homeless or inadeauately cared for, and that are growing up sturdy of body and character in the little Illinois town, fluctuates between 881 and .1־7 It plans an extension of its thousand acre tract to five thousand acres. While it can care for a thousand children now; it hopes and expects to provide home, education, and character training for 5,000 children. A little boy. a war orphan whom we will call Mickey, arrived unwillingly at MOOSEHEART. He wore what had been cut down from a man’s suit to his own immature size. He walked awkwardly in the big, illfitt-ing trouser. The tails of the big coat nearly reached the ground. In one of the pockets that had not been cut down to his size, he had carefully secreted a brick. It was a new brick, full weighted. Mickey had brought it all the way from Camden, carefully hidden. He believed, being the pessimist he was, that he would need it. The night of his arrival he removed it from his coat pocket and hid it beneath the bed. “Ready to shy at any fellow that gives me guff,” growled Mickey. For a week Mickey kept the brick. But the second week he drew it from under the bed and carried it down to the lake and flung it into the blue waves. He had learned that he didn’t need the brick. Everybody he met had given him smiles instead of frowns, friendly־^ greetings instead of “guff”. Mickey drowned the brick because he had no further us of it. With it he drowned his pessimism, for he had no further use for that. While the brick was making its swift descent to its grave in the mud of the lake bed. Mickey turned back to MOOSEHEART a sunny faced optimist. A sunny faced optimist he has remained. The Children’s Bureau of the Department of Agriculture has given out with wisdom and authority this advice as to “What Growing Children Need.” “The Child Welfare Committee con- Dont Send You never had any idea that you could wear a Beautiful Panama Hat—for only $2.95. Of course you didn fc and neither did we think it possible until we landed this world’s greatest scoop, but there are only 500 oi them—so send coupon for yours today—send no money, pay on arrival and return it if you don’t consider this the biggest hat bargain you ever heard of. Leonard-Morton are mPnwomen everywhere how to save real money and dress better. This is another example of how we beat •״competition. Cheap at twice this price. it’s ahrantifiil TowV J nat arrives— ‘atest Broadway style, long wearing, shape P^nKma Wlth b,3ck ribbon band, splendid qual- ^!1fflYt8־?haS־‘S&S,LT״'Xir־aft“summGr “ld ״ Quick Action—NOW Our stock of these hats will surely be snapped up for men ’״I1׳ «ffi“kly realize what a stunning bargain this is-so don’t put off. Remember, not a penny to send now and you can return the hat to us if not even a bigger value than you expect. Just send post card or letter today. Be sure to give size. leonard-Morior: & Co. Dept. 6391 Chicago PB P P Puncture rKbfcproofTUBE 6000 Mite Guarantee \UNION TIRES BSKSuS ard in reconstructed tires. Their reinforcement of 4 extra layers of fabric reduces greatly blowout and puncture possibilities. Over 200,000 i® use. To further increase mileage, w® include with every tire ordered PUNCTURE PROOF TUBE FREE: that under ordinary conditionswill last ten to 20,000 miles. Our 5,000-mile tir® guarantee certificate with every tire. Prices Include Tire andTube 30x3........$7.40 32x4 H....$12.00 30x3 8.80 33x4 ^....12.50 82x3 HS.S.only 9.10 34x4H.....13.15 31x4 10.35 35x4 Fa....13.40 32x4 10.70 36x4 ^.....13.85 83x4 11.15 36x5 14.85 34x4 11.50 37x5 14.95 ReGiner Free With Every Tire State whether you want straight side or clincher, plain or non-skid. Send $2 deposi* for each tire ordered» balance C.O.D., subject to examination, or 5 percent discount if full amount is sent with order. UNIOM RUBBER COMPANY Deot. 43 ; Racine Avot A 15th St.» Chicago Shipped ^׳'FREE Dm Genu ine Toyo^-¿^ PANAMA ГГ Pay Arrival Write quick for this amazing bargain. Only limited lot. /*» at this /fy■ profit, smashing low t\ price— ” S5 value for only $3.29 on arrival Just mail postcard or letter for this handsome w Toyo Panama Hat. Beautiful drop crown style; flexible brim; unbreakable. Made of super-grade, fine, tough fiber, tightly woven. Heavy, black grograin silk ribbon band. Non-soilable sweat band. Don’t send a penny. Pay only $3.29 on arrival. We pay transportation. We GUARANTEE refund your money if you can match at leea an $5. Save money by writingtoday, before true astounding offer is withdrawn Just name address and size■ BE^ARD-KEWSTTAND COMPANY Dept H«l7 6t 900 W. Van Buren S4.» Chicago» III. The letters of the alphabet are numhered: A Is 1; B 2; C 8; D4, and so on. The figures In the little squares to the left represent four words. (20 Is the letter “T”). What are the four words? Can you work It out? If so, send your answer quick. Surely you want this fine, new Ford auto. Send no money with solution. SEND ANSWER TO-DAY We not only give away this Ford auto, but hundreds of dollars in cash and scores of other valuable prizes. Bicycles, Guns, Watches, Talking Machines, something for everybody. Everyone who answers this can have a prize of some sort. There are no losers. Nothing difficult to do. Everybody wins. Someone gets this new 1919 Ford Auto free. Why not you? Address FORD WILLSON, 141 West Ohio Street, Dept. 58# Chicago, Itl.