MOOSEHEART magazine 14 Tifnite Gem rings to wear for » a diamond, send it back. ■' No.1. Solid gold No. 2. Solid gold No.3. Solid gold mounting. Eight- Ladies’newest six-prong tooth claw ׳design flat mounting. Has a mounting. Guar-wide band. Almost guaranteed genu- anteed genuineTif-a carat, guaran- me Tifnite Gem, nite Gem, almost a teed Tifnite gem. almost a carat. carat in size. ^ In sending, send strip of paper fitting around second joint of finger. If satisfied upon arrival send $4.60—then $3 monthly until the price, $16.60, is paid for either one. Otherwise return the ring within ten days and we will refund any payment made. This offer is limited. Send while it holds good. The Tifnite Gem Co., Dept. 7Q7 Chicago, III. OFSERVICE AT i/4 THE PRICE Guaranteed for 5000 Miles STANDARD GUARANTEE Strong Double Tread Tires are recott structed by our skilled mechanics, made of double the amount of fabric than any ordf® nary tire. Free from punctures or blow® outs. Our customers receive from 4,000 to 10,000 miles of service. Reliner Free. Order today at these low prices? _ Price Tires Tubes Price .$5.50 $1.60 34x4,.... $8.75.״, $2.60 . 6.60 1.75 34x4^.. 10.00 3.00 . 6.75 1.85 35x4%.. .. 11.00 3.15 , 7.00 2.00 36x4%.. .. 11.50 3.40 , 8.00 2.25 35x5 12.50 3,60 . 8.25 2.40 36x5 8.65 . 8.60 2.50 37x5 3.75 32x3%.. 31x4... 32x4... Send $2.00 deposit for each tire ordered, balance G. O. D. Tires shipped subject to your examination. State whether S. S. or Cl, plain or non-skid is desired. All same price. By sending full amount of order you can save 5 per cent—our special caste» with-order discount. STRONG TIRE m RUBBER CO. SGI 9 Michigan fivu Sept. 44 Chicago, ill, Perfect hearing is now being re* 6tored in every condition of deaf״ ness or defective hearing from causes such as Catarrhal Deafness, Relaxed or Sunken Drums, Thickened Drums, Roaring and Hissing Sounds, Perforated, Wholly or Partially Destroyed Drums,Discharge from Ears, etc. Wilson Common-Sense Ear Drums e*Little Wireless Phones for the Ears9‘ require no medicine but effectively replace what is lacking or defective in the natural ear drums. They are simple devices, which the wearer easily fits into the ears where they are invisible. Soft, safe and comfortable. % Write today for our 168 page FREE book on DEAFNESS, giving you full particulars and testimonials. _ WILSON EAR DRUM CO.. Incorporated * 871 Inter-Southern Bldg. LOUISVILLE, KI DOLLARS IN HARES We pay $7 to $18.50 and up a pair and express charges. Big Profits. We furnish guaranteed high grade stock and buy all you raise. Use back yard, barn, cellar, attic. Contract and Illustrated Catalog Free. Standard Food & Fur Ass’n, 409F Broadway, New York. £ at Indianapolis in Tomlinson Hall. Aproximately 3,500 Moose witnessed this ceremony which was a most perfect exemplification of the ritual by Indianapolis Lodge. This class put Indianapolis over the 5,000 mark. That great Lodge has a record for the last seven years of never having made a quarterly report which did not show an increase over the quarterly report previous. The meeting at Tomlinson Hall was addressed by Brother Edward C. Toner of Anderson, Director General Davis and Supreme Secretary Brandon. In the evening a great vaudeville show was held in Tomlinson Hall and General Dictator Warde made one of his inspiring addresses. To the visitor who attends the Lodge in Indianapolis it is very clear that there is a determination in that city that the same quiet, careful steady progress in membership will be made, until Indianapolis becomes one of the first three Lodges of the Order in size. Great Meeting On Sunday, April 25th, a state meeting of Moose was held at Indianapolis. Past Dictators and Secretaries were present from most of the Lodges throughout the state. At two o’clock in the afternoon these were called together and the meeting was presided over by District Deputy Su-reme Dictator Anderson, after which discussions were participated in by most of the Brothers present. All the Lodges at the meeting unanimously voted to build on the MOOSEHEART grounds a building in the name of the Moose of Indiana at a cost of ?40,000, the money to be raised through entertainments by each Lodge and each Lodge to raise approximately $1.00 per member by such entertainments. A most enthusiastic spirit predominated throughout the whole meeting, particularly when the Director General announced that Indiana’s record for growth for the past six years surpassed that of any state in the Union. Following the state meeting an initiation of a class of 567 men was held Wilmington, Del., Purchases New Home made a splendid address on MOOSE-HEART', which was much appreciated. A minstrel show followed which reflected credit on those who took part. Dancing and refreshments were׳ enjoyed as was the music furnished by the Lodge orchestra of 12 pieces. Wilmington Lodge meets every Thursday evening and visiting brothers are always welcomed. On April 8, after extensive additions and alterations, Wilmington, Del., Lodge No. 184 opened its “Home” by tendering a “welcome” to the ladies. The alterations have made it possible to entertain a much larger audience than was formerly possible. The meeting room is now large enough to meet the demands of such an occasion. Dictator Brother Maurice E. Walsh Cleveland Degree Team Initiates Class Lodge No. 766 Keevan, prelate; A. B. MeClearnon, sergeant-at-arms; George Green, inner guard. There were sixteen members of the drill team commanded by W. H. MeClearnon. The Cleveland contingent, going׳ to Lorain by special car, initiated a class of thirty candidates for the lodge of that city. One of their own party, City Forester Hyatt, was likewise initiated after he had been compelled to furnish the comedy for the occasion. Following the ceremonies, the Cleveland visitors were splendidly entertained at a banquet in their honor tendered by the Lorain brethren at the Lorain Hotel. for Lorain Ohio Accompanied by some of the leading citizens of their city, thirty members of the degree and drill teams of Cleveland Lodge. No. 63, spent Leap Ac-ar Day as the guests of Lorain (Ohio) Lodge No. 776. Ampng those in the party were Mayor Harry L. Davis. Cleveland’s popular chief executive and prominent Moose, and candidate for governor of Ohio; Floyd E. Waite, director of parks and public property; John G. Tomson, commissioner of streets, and Harry C. Hyatt, city forester. The officers heading׳ the trip to Lorain were A. C. Degner, past dictator; John G. Tomson, dictator; Wm. V . O’Reilly, vice dictator; T. F. I should worry about Punctures ¡^Blowouts A written guarantee bond for 5,000 miles of sat- Isfactory Berviceis furnished with every order. Wehave perfected a simple way to manufacture these NFEE ARMOR TIRES. Everybody knows that FULL VALUE that goe9 into any article manufactured is put In where THEY ARE MADE. When a tire passes from the factory to the jobber, and then through the dealer and there is a large overhead expense added for national advertising, the price is double or more than the actual value of the tire. The middlemen do not add_ one red cent’s worth of value to any tire. All they add is profits and expense. NN’ER ARMOR TIRESare Puncture Proof, prevent blowouts and are powerfully builtfor roughusage,and best of all, they are Bold direct to you. Not through dealers. NN’ER ARMOR TIRES give you your money’s worth In the largest sense of the word. You cannot find another tire that possesses all these features at the prices listed below. Don’t deprive yourself of the economy and safety gained by the use of NN’ER ARMOR TIRES. Over a hundred thousand satisfied users. Order a complete set today. Armor Heavy Armor Heavy Size Tire Tube Size Tire Tube 28x3.......$3.75 $1.50 36x4 .......$7.00 $2.10 80x3....... 4.00 1.50 33x4%....... 8.25 2.55 36x3%...... 4.50 1.55 34x4%....... 8.50 2.60 32x3%...... 4.75 1.60 35x4^....... 8.75 2.65 81x4!״....36 1.80 5.75 x4%. 9.00 2.70 82x4....... 6.00 1.85 37x4%....... 9.25 2.75 83x4....... 6.25 1.90 34x5...... 10.25 3.10 84x4....... 6.50 1.95 35x5........10.50 3.15 85x4....... 6.75 2.00 37x5........10.50 3.25 We pay all express charges when complete remittance accompanies order. We recommend that you remit in full thereby saving the express charges, and the C. O. D. return charges. With your order for NN’ER ARMOR TIRES we will furnish our exclusive agency proposition which will give you an opportunity of establishing a profitable business in your territory. AUTO OWNER’S TIRE FACTORY Michigan Ave. Dept. 77 CHICAGO AGENTS: $60 a Week taking orders for Thomas Guaranteed Shoes for men, women and children. All styles. Brand new proposition—must wear and give satisfaction or replaced free. CHEAPER AND BETTER THAN LEATHER Flexible steel arch shank. Heel can’t come oft. Get started at once. Have a steady income No capital required. No competition. Write quick for Agency and territory. Big opportunity for men and women. Be first to introduce this new line. Thomas Shoe Co., 620 Long St., Dayton, Ohio AtmplAH Hoys, we have a rea I A eropl for yon. Modeled after fan; warmonoplanes.Called the E? because oi l ta long soaringflig jowerfalmotive power carrie£°und*. Vooks fine b jng in the air. Strongly built. Will longtime. Length28in. Wingapr I״™ U. S. COMPANY, Box 36, Greenville, Fa CATALOG SPECIALS Flour, barrel - $7.98 Sugar, 100 lbs. 3.00 GET OUR CATALOG SUGAR 3c TRIAL ORDER No. 6 ... .03 ... .19 ... .42 ....27 ....25 .49 ... .23 ....29 FREE FREE 1 lb. Sugar (Granulated)........................$0.20 £ . 1 Can Sardines (in pure oil)................... 30 § . 1 lb. Baking Powder........................... .50 g . 1 Pk. Sa-Van (equal to about 3 doz. eggs in cooking).40 * • 1 Package Face and Hand Lotion (for rough chapped hands).50 3 . I Package French Face Powder................... .... .75 & . 1 Tube Dental Paste.................. ............40 1 Tube Vanilla Extract (very fine)...................45 < 1 SILVER PLATED SPOON........................... 5׳ ־ 1 Bargain Catalog............................— w YOU SAVE $1.52 $3.50 $1.98 This trial order sold only complete. Five orders at this price limit to a customer. Wo Letter Needed—Mail This Coupon BROTHERS-LAW CO., Dept. 72 t Franklin and So. Water Sts., Chicago Gentlemen—You may send me your introductory Trial Order No. 6 by parcel post, (plus postage fee,) and I will pay the postman $1.98 for the trial order, and you will include the elegant SILVER PLATED spoon FREE, and also your big bargain catalog. If after examining your goods I am not satisfied, I will return them and you will refund my money at once. CATALOG SPECIALS Uneeda Biscuits, 12 pks - - .35 Quaker Oats, lhrge pack. 04. - ־ AMAZING BARGAINS is Your Protection St. or R. F. D.......................................State. Brothers-Law Company Dept. 72 Franklin & S. Water Sts., Chicago, III. Satisfaction assured. Simply send coupon and we will ship you this great Trial Order Offer No. 6 on approval. Prove to your own satisfaction that you can save almost one-half on staple, high-grade groceries. On this one order alone you save $1.52 or nearly one-half. Think of it! fillAFilllfse We guarantee absolutely the quality, freshness, and purity of our goods. We ship our goods direct to your home on approval—no money down. You take no risk —read coupon carefully—we protect you absolutely. Rush your trial order and get our great Bargain cat- We have, plenty of sugar and will positively fill Catalog Shoes, Clothing, Household Needs, your order. r- IT, •— rr With this trial order No. 6 we send you a beautiful present rKtt —include as a Free gift this elegant Silver-Plated, Popular new Wildflower Pattern SPOON, shown below. Simply send in the coupon, and get this beautiful Spoon FREE. REFERENCE—Any Chicago Bank This Wm. A. Rogers Spoon FR EE to You