12 MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE State Memorials In Building Form TVT QUIT f Ь n cfoinc п »•Л ni>n>nni ninn f ax «л а Лл . T I¡. .i !1. . i . . 1• • .4 ^ . . . proximately $30,000.00. Pittsburgh, with its approximately 5,000 members, immediately followed suit and Past Supreme Dictator Ford, who is leading the Pennsylvania effort, reports that every lodge so far heard from has joined in pledging an equal sum. It is interesting to note that the largest Lodge in the state, was the first to pledge the money and the smallest Lodge in the State, Hamburg, was the first to actually pay. There seems no doubt but that Pennsylvania delegation will lay the corner stone of the baby village during the June convention, and will pay for its construction as fast as the Governors are able to proceed with the work. The baby village, when completed, will be one of the most unique groups of buildings in the world, everything being planned on the baby basis, even the furniture will be miniature, and will have the effect it is hoped of surrounding our very young children with such homelike, safe and comfortable surroundings as will give them the highest degree of care. Kansas, Ohio, New York, California and Wisconsin are other states which have asked for advice as to how to inaugurate movements looking to the construction of state memorials. made symbolic of the state presenting the building, and at the same time not be out of harmony with the general scheme of the MOOSEHEART architecture. The plans of Michigan, Indiana and New Jersey are for regular dormitories or cottages with a capacity ranging from fifteen to twenty-five. Illinois has a more pretentious program. The present indication of Illinois is that the state expects to undertake the construction of the MOOSEHEART gymnasium. This means a building of a great deal more than $1.00 per member because a gymnasium for MOOSE-HEART’S ultimate population would mean a probable cost of $200,000.00. The Illinois membership feels, however, that a great many wealthy persons in the neighborhood of MOOSEHEART and members of the Order will desire to assist very materially in such a venture. Pennsylvania has a program built around the idea of a baby village planned by the Mooseheart Governors some months ago. At a recent meeting of Philadelphia membership the Lodge voted unanimously to pledge to the other Lodges of the state of Pennsylvania a sum equal to $1.00 for each member in the Lodge or ap- Many of the states are organizing for dormitories to bear names of the States. A movement throughout the Order to build living state memorials in the form of dormitories received great impetus during the month just passed. Michigan, Indiana, New Jersey and Pennsylvania now have definite programs under way and Illinois is on the verge of a formal program. Washington has been working on a fund-raising scheme for some time. The general effort in all the states seems to be along the line of pledges on the part of the Lodges to raise through entertainments an amount approximating $1.00 per member and to contract with the Mooseheart Governors to build a dormitory as a memorial to the Order in that State to cost about the same amount. At the general state meeting at Indianapolis on April 25th, the suggestion was expressed that one of the nice features of such buildings would be to sink in the walls of the main hallway glass fronted cabinets in which memorials of the Order in the states might be featured. There is also the thought that perhaps the architecture in some instances might be V///////M'///////W/WW/W>.>V/77T■ Endowment Fund Progress TV-־ _Y״ _.T IT ■ ,-1 , , ״, а СД _ for the Endowment Fund by holding an indoor carnival. Brother Frank McKay, secretary of North Adams Lodge, sent in $150.00 which was raised by the work of the social committee of the Lodge. Prominent among the members of the social committee are Barney A. Phillips, chairman, Frank McKay, secretary, and Wm. A. Robare, treasurer. Nobody suffered from the raising of this money because it was gained through the holding of dances under the supervision of the committee. Governor Sproul of Pennsylvania joined the 100,000 club the other day and added an enthusiastic letter to Brother Davis expressing his appreciation of MOOSEHEART’S wonderful philan-throphy. The Penny March. The old adage that great oaks from little _ acrons grow is beautifully exemplified by the Penny March which some Lodges have included in the Lodge session for the benefit of the Endowment Fund. At the big meeting at Indianapolis at Tomlinson Hall on April 25th, $150.00 was found in the box after the members had had an opportunity to express their feelings in this regard. The Penny March at Philadelphia Lodge at its semimonthly meetings average around $50.00 per meeting. months old, over ten thousand dollars has already been received and is now drawing interest. Any member of the Order who feels that the contributions he makes to MOOSEHEART through the Order or the Legion are not as great as he would wish to pay, would do well to get in personal touch with Director General Davis and get enrolled on the 100,000 club. Brother Davis will give personal attention to any communication that reaches him in care of his office at 2117 Farmers National Bank Building, Pittsburgh. The 'endowment fund is being materially assisted by special entertainments and amusement enterprises put on by the various lodges. The lodge at Joliet, Illinois, some weeks ago took a partnership interest in the week’s operation of a theatre operated by a stock company in that city and at the conclusion of the week sent Brother Davis a check for $800.00. This effort cost the Lodge absolutely nothing, and in as much as the admission price to the theatre was not effected by the effort, took nothing from the pockets of the individual membership. Grey Bull, Idaho, in a similar effort remitted $44.00 and the Lodge at Rainer, Oregon, in the same way sent in the amount of $112.91. Brother J. H. Bradbury, dictator of Springfield, Ohio, Lodge the other day sent in $751.00 which was gained 6000 MILES ,GUARANTEED InnerTube Free Here as the limit in tire bargains. 6000 miles—or more—from our special reconstructed double tread standard tires, and a practically puncture proof, standard make inner tube FREE with a purchase of one of our standard make double tread tires. We Risk All .You Nothing Your eatisfaction guaranteed. See the Saving Inner Tube FREE PRICE SIZE PRICE 34x4 ... ...$10.95 34x4%... ... 12.75 35x4%... 36x4%... 35x5 ... 37x5 ... ■ * VC nciiuer «nn £.acn i !re -— Write Today! B^rdiscnniYfainCe •9' D¿*־ eubJect to examination. 6/״ discount allowed 1 f cash is sent with order. Specify whether straight side, clincher, non-skid or plain ia wanted when sending in orders for these tires ״£ ״ff TIRE & RUBBER CO. 73 East 31st St. Dept. 47 Chicago, III, learn Auto ВЯ and Tractor BufiitlMC V,-״ /Ml be ׳1 1Tractor Business In 6 to 8 Weeks—Earn $150 to $400 a Months The Rahe Practical Method gives best and quickest training. Big demand for our Director General Davis reports great material progress in the building of the big fund. He reports enthusiastic reception in all quarters to his plan for building a ten million dollar endowment fund for MOOSEHEART. One of the interesting features of this effort is that he has not approached any philanthropists of note for money, but has based his endeavor upon the small amounts from a great number. Brother Davis’ ambition is to get 100,000 men and women in the Moose to volunteer to give $5.00 each as the foundation of this great fund which will rapidly accumulate with interest. The plan is that none of this money shall be touched for the present development of MOOSEHEART, but that the effort shall be continued until at least ten million dollars are invested in safe evidences of indebtedness, the income of which at some future day will assist materially in the operations and future development of MOOSEHEART. Brother Davis says he has never asked a member of the Order to join in this effort without instant response favorable to the plan. He feels that if he were able to see all the members of the Order in person there would he no question but that a favorable result would be immediate, but regrets his inability to meet all the members of the Order personally. Although the effort is only a few ! our practical training methods. JhkeigZ&School —Worlds Oldest and Greatest Twice more equipment and twice more floor space nsed In daily training than any anto school in America Every man 16 yeare and older can learn here. Plenty of room for individual practical instruction WR§TFTAfi£Y Free 68-page book. Wflgai c I UUMW Special Tuition rate and proof from graduates, on request. BAKE AUTO & TRACTOR SCHOOL Department 3714 KANSAS CITY, MO. Rider Agents Wanted Everywhere to ride and ex- f*!—-r hibit the new Ranger “Motor״ bike” completely equipped , with electric light and nom, carrier, stand, tool tank, coaster-brake, mud guards and antiskid tires. Choice of 44 other ' styles, colors and sizes in the i “Ranger״״ line of bicycles. EASY PAYMENTS if desired at a small advance over our Special wholesale cash prices. DELIVERED FREE on approval and 30 DAYS TRIAL. "S’! IS CO Lamps, Wheels, Sun-■ ISlkv dries, and parts—at i half usual prices. SEND NO MONEY but tell us exactly what you need. Do not buy until you get our prices, terms and the big FREE catalog. ----------CYCLE COMPANY Deo*, W141 Chicago MEAD Good Tires Cheap 6nnn MILES jWw GUARANTEED Serviceable tires are reconstructed in our factory by our own dependable process and guaranteed for 6,000 miles.Unequalled in price, quality and workmanship. RELINER FREE WITH EACH TIRE SIZE TIRES TUBES SIZE TIRES TUBES 30x3 6.40 1.50 34x4 8.65 2.50 30x3 & 6.40 1.65 34x4% 9.90 2.90 31x3% 6.65 1.75 35x4% 10.90 3.05 32x3% 6.90 1.90 36x4% 11.40 3.30 31x4 7.90 2.15 35x5 12.40 3.40 32x4 8.15 2.30 36x5 12.60 8.55 33x4 8.40 2.40 37x5 V 12.65 3.65 Tubes Guaranteed Fresh Stock °ЙЖ whether S. S., Clincher, plain or non-skid. Take 5 per cent discount from above prices for cash with order, or send $2 deposit on each tire and $1 on each tube, balance C. O. D. Tires shipped immediately subject to examination. ORDER TODAY. Serviceable Tire Corp., ! 35 E. 33rd St., Chicago Allston, Mass. Chapter No. 126 which was only instituted in December by Legionaire Antoinette Morin of Lowell, Mass, is experiencing a very rapid growth due to social affairs, etc. which have interested the members. The Allston Chapter expects to keep up the good work which is being done by all of the chapters in the New England States. Wrist Watch Given INFORMATION WANTED Any brother knowing the present address of John O’Connell, formerly of Peoria, 111., please communicate with his daughter, Mrs. Irene Grew-ing. 6803 Stoney Island Ave., Chicago, 111. Toledo, Ohio, Lodge has formed a club of 2,000 men dressed in overalls. Mooseheart Convention June 20 to 26. ft You can get this fine Wrist Watch or a other beautiful watch guaranteeafor jjjo years. Also Lace Curtains, Rogers' . Silver Sets, fine Lockets, La Valliera and many other valuable presents for selling our beautiful Art and Religious v ,4 „Pictures at 10eta. each. Order 20 pictures when sold, eena the $2 00 and choose premium wanted, according to big list. KAY AKT CO., Dept. '6, CHICAGO Easy Money $75 to $200 Monthly All or Spare Time Moose Knife $1.00 ־. A. P.: Your spare time can be turned into dollars. We Want A SALES AGENT in , , , every Lodge to intro- duce transparent handle Pocket Knives and Raz-ors( with this emblem of the order on one side -r., „ member s name and address number on other side Blades finest steel, handles handsome as pearl, clear as class m . ana unbreakable. Every *life is guaranteed to be Sect Eveiy member mil want one as a mark of identification. We can also give oer-manent employment to those willing to work outside of the order If von *me earning less than $1200 yearly, let us show you how to make more 5 NOVELTY CUTLERY COMPANY, 991 BAR STREET, CANTON. OHIO Introduction Offer—Full sized sam-pie of this knife mailed for $1.00 and this advertisement. ’־' 25 cents extra your name and address will be shown on knife ►Size 3i4 in, long. GIVEN AS PRIZES $985 OVERLAND and $650 FORD On August 31, 1920, I am going to give away a $985.00 Overland 4 Touring Car, fully equipped, to some one who answers my Ad, and is the most successful in carrying out my simple instructions. In this contest I will also give away a $650.00 1920 Model Ford Touring Car fully equipped with Electric Lights and Self-Starter and thousands of dollars in. Cash Rewards, Bicycles, Gold Watches, Diamond Rings, Phonographs, etc., etc., and in case of a tie I will duplicate the prize tied for. GET 1,000 VOTES In the picture are a number of hidden faces. See how many you can find. Some are looking right at you, some turned sidewise. You will find them upside down and every way. Mark each face you find with a pencil and mail to me with your name and address. If you find as many as five of the hidden faces I will enter you in this contest with 1,000 votes to your credit and send you full particulars. The two leaders will get these cars. Why not you? Write today SURE. D. W. BEACH, Contest Mgr., Dept, 566, Spencer, Indiana