MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE 2 ATTENTION! IF YOU ARE COMING TO The CONVENTION Dear Sir and Brother :— I am very happy to be able to advise you that the Passenger Associations have granted a one and one-third rate fare for the round trip to Mooseheart for all members of the Order, their families and friends living far enough away from Mooseheart that the round trip fare to Mooseheart is $1.00 or more. The plan to be followed is that the person visiting the Convention will fill out one of the identification blanks which may be obtained from the secretary of your lodge, and submit it to his ticket agent who will sell, at any time between the seventeenth and twenty-third days of June, inclusive, a round trip ticket at one and one-third the regular fare to either Chicago, Aurora, Joliet or Mooseheart, Illinois. Upon arrival at the Convention the return trip tickets will be validated in the customary manner without additional expense. The return tickets must be used and the passenger must have arrived back home on or before midnight of July 1st, 1920. In case a man and his wife are traveling together or if accompanied by children or other dependents, one certificate will be sufficient for the family. Fraternally yours in P. A. P. RODNEY H. BRANDON, Supreme Secretary. Is Your Blood Starving For Want of Iron? Which kind of woman are you? power, energy and endurance. I have found nothing iir my experience so effective for helding to make strong, healthy red-blooded men and women as Nuxated Iron. Manufacturer’s Note: Nuxated Iron which is prescribed and recommended above by physicians is not a secret remedy but one which is well known to druggists everywhere. Unlike the older inorganic iron products it is easily assimilated and does not injure the teeth, make them black nor upset the stomach. The manufacturers guarantee successful and entirely satisfactory results to every purchaser or they will refund your money. It is dispensed by all good drug- Modern Methods of Cooking and Living Have Made an Alarming increase in Iron Deficiency in Blood of A.merican Men and Women. Why Nuxated Iron so quickly Helps Build Up Weak, Nervous, Run-Down Folks—Over 3,000,-000 People Annually Taking It to Increase Their Strength, Power, Energy and Endurance. "Is your blood starving for want of iron? If you were to go without eating until you became weak, thin and emaciated, you could not do a more serious harm to yourself than when you let your blood literally starve for want of iron—iron that gives it strength and power te change food into living tissue," says Dr. James Francis Sullivan, formerly physician of Bellevue Hospital (Outdoor Dept.), New York, and the Westchester County Hospital. "Modem methods of cooking and the rapid pace at which people of this country live has made such an alarming increase in iron deficiency in the blood of American men and women that I have often marveled at the large number of people who lack iron in the blood, and who never suspect the cause of their weak, nervous, rundown state. Lack of sufficient iron in the blood has ruined many a man's nerves and utterly robbed him of that virile force and stamina which are so necessary to success and power in every walk of life. "I strongly advise those who feel the need of a strength and blood-builder to get a physician's prescription for organic iron—Nuxated Iron—or if you don’t want to go to this trouble, then purchase only Nuxated Iron in it3 original packages and see that this particular name (Nuxated Iron) appears on the package.” In commenting upon the value of Nuxated Iron as a means for creating red blood, strength and endurance, Dr. George II. Baker, formerly physician and surgeon, Monmouth Memorial Hospital, New Jersey, says: "What women need to put roses in their cheeks and the spring-time of life into the step is not cosmetics or stimulating drugs, but plenty of rich pure red blood. Iron is one of the greatest of all strength and blood-builders and unless this iron is obtained from our food it must be supplied in some form that iseasily assimilated if we want to possess Which kind of man are you? FOUR CHARMING FERNS Very Best Varieties By use cf Ferns, the most charming decorative effects are obtained. The peculiar beauty to be found in their singularly matchless wealth of growth, in the ideal outline of foliage, have given Ferns first place among plants which are grown for the effect of their foliage alone. Our Ferns are of merit especially suited for home culture. Four fine Ferns (different varieties) sent Free and postpaid for two 2-year subscr'p-tions at 50c each or one 4-year subscription at $1.00. ROGERS TEA SPOONS °N״E4R (6) one-half dozen genuine Rogers Tea Spoons. Very newest and neatest pattern, that any housewife would be more than proud to own. You never have too many nice tea spoons. Six Rogers Tea Spoons given Free and postpaid for four 1-year subscriptions at 35c each or one 4-year subscription at $1.00 and 40c extra. OFFER No, 5 3 BEAUTIFUL DCLLS Dolly Dimple is bigger than a baby, over 2 feet- . high, baby clothes will fit her, and you can bend her legs and arms without fear of breaking them. She can sit up in a chair, or׳ sleep in baby’s own bed. The two smaller dollies are Daisy Dimple and Dora Dimple j —•both little beauties. These dollies are better for the little folks than bisque or china dolls, because they won't break, soil their pretty hair or lose their eyes, are so inexpensive every girl or boy reader can afford to own them. A few minutes* time will enable mother or aunt or sister to fix them up. Three dolfs given Free and postpaid for a one-year new or renewal subscription at 35c. OFFER No. 8 This is an exceptional bargain in a signet ring. Heavily gold filled, beautifully designed and engraved with any one ;initial you want on it. Can be worn by either man, woman, girl or boy. A neat signet ring is always appropriate. Given Free and postpaid for three 1-year subscriptions at 35c each or two 2־ year subscriptions at 50c each. Beautiful Silk Pieces m Bag Assortment 12־ lb Oîîor No, 3 Crazy Quilt making is again very popular. Here is a bargain in silk scraps that will please you—a big bundle of bright colored remnants irom a big neck-tie factory. The styles were never so bright and pretty as they have been Lie Past sermon. We have purchased thousands of pieces from one of the largest factories, which we have made up into assorted packages for our friends. These are just the thing for quilts, sofa pillows, etc. One-half pound Silk Pieces sent Free and postpaid for a 4-year subscription at $1.00. CROCHET DESIGNS £.״•; This Book contains 48 Beautifully Illustrated Designs of Crochet Edgings and Insertions. Book contains designs for Curtains, Towels, Handkerchiefs, Billow Cases, Bed Spreads, centerpieces, etc. All designs are large and can easily be followed. Don’t fail to get this wonderful book. Given Freo and postpaid for a one־; car new or renewal subscription at 35c. NOTICE! Every item in this offer is guaranteed to be just as illustrated and described. We will cheerfully refund money on any premium that does not prove satisfactory. Readers will find some wonderfully nice bargains among these premiums and we are offering them for Just as little as possible. Send your order promptly, and be sure to order by offer number. HNE GENIS WATCH °£0F?R When you get a watch from us you get a good one. This is a stem set, stem wind, boy's size watch. Beautifully nickle plated to look like silver. Keeps accurate time and guaranteed both by the factory and Household Journal Co. We know you ׳ will be both pleased and satisfied With this watch. Given Free and postpaid for a club of subscriptions amounting to $3.50. You may send either one-year at 35c or two years at 50c or your own subscription for four years at $1.00, and $2.50 extra. THE HOUSEHOLD JOURNAL,: Dept. 200 Batavia, 111. I enclose herewith $__for which please send me FREE AND PREPAID Offer No__________ Name_________________________________________________ St. or R. F. D--------------------------------------------- Town_______________________________________________ State. Can you imagine anything more delightful than to step out in the bright sunshine of an early summer’s morning and clin the fragrant dew-laden buds from your ov/n Rose Garden. And then think how wonderfully a few dark green bushes filled with red, white or yellow blossoms would smooth over those bare spots around your house. The roses which we offer make the finest combination for summer blooming. They thrive gloriously in any sectioi. of the country, forming magnificent bushes which produce great masses of beautiful roses. These roses will be carefully packed in moss and oil paper, and will be shipped to you at the proper time for planting in your vicinity, so that they will become quickly esatblished in their new homes, blooming every month of the growing season and producing an abundance of beautiful double flowers o: exquisite form, color and fragrance. V/e will send these four Rose Bushes free and postpaid for a one-׳ ear new or renewal subscription to The Househo.d Journal at 50c. i FOUR FINE !ROSES °W״E,R