MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE 22 Classified Department AGENTS WANTED essities. Write quick for particulars. Albert Mills, General Manager, 2301 American Bltlg., Cincinnati, O. Write to-day. Sanford-Beal Co., Inc., East 4th, Newark, N. Y. ever introduced. Write quick l'or agency. Parker Mfg. Co., 164 Dike St., Dayton, Ohio. 1NSYDE TIRES—Inner armor for automobile tires; prevent punctures and blowouts; double tire mileage. Liberal profits. Details free. American Acees-sories Co., Cincinnati, Ohio, Dept. 139. hie. Saves gas. Esclusive territory. Jubilee Mfg. Co., 7-21 Sta. C, Omaha, Nebraska. commissions. Permanent proposition to producers. Write now for particulars and authority. 704 Munsey Building, Washington, D. C. satisfaction or replaced free. Brand new proposition. Write quick for territory and samples. Thomas Shoe Co., 3646 North St., Dayton, Ohio. .. waiting; $2 an hour for spare time; we deliver and collect; sample coat free: write today for agency. Goodyear Mfg. Co., 2885 Goodyear Bldg., Kansas City, Missouri. . Prepare in spare time to earn the big salaries— $2,500 to $10,000 a year. Employment services rendered Members. National Salesmen's Training Association, Dept. 137-E, Chicago, 111. CIGARS dissatisfied. Sample of 5 for 20c. Special quantity prices. Northwestern Cigar Co., Neenah, Wisconsin; WANTED TO BUY carded gold jewelry, gold crowns, bridges, platinum, •diamonds, watches anil silver. Send now. Cash by return mail. Packages held 5 to 10 days for sender’s approval of our offer. U. S. Smelting Works, Dept. 76, Chicago, 111. FEMALE HELP WANTED —18 A DOZ. decorating pillow tops at borne; «pO experience unnecessary; particulars for stamp. Tapestry Paint Co. 121 LeGrange, Iud. LriMMj ׳ ־ ־ ־ ... stamped envelope for prices paid. Universal Co., Department 18, Walnut Street, Philadelphia. Pa. Quick raise. Vacations with pay. Pleasant work. Short hours. Common education sufficient. Pull unnecessary. Write immediately for free list of positions open. Franklin Institute, Dept. S-34, Rochester, N. Y. FARM LAND ........ ".................................. SONG POEMS WANTED Y_ . - "־ .... .. mit poems on any subject. The Metropolitan Studios, 914 So. Michigan Ave.״ Room 128, Chicago, 111. “־ ~ ers League, 385, St. Louis, Mo. W| _ eras on patriotism, love or any subject. Chester Music Co.. 920 So. Michigan Ave., Room 105, Chicago. eeptance. Poems on any subject acceptable. Ethwell Ha»ison, Room 108, 3808 Broadway, Chicago, Illinois. MISCELLANEOUS R־ B’ “- '1~— ־ *׳----------------------------------- Shop, Room G, Bible House, New York, N. *.____________ ...... .......... — .............. days“ Complete outline Free. Write, C. J. uzmenv, 37, St. Louis. _____ AlLWAY TRAFFIC INSPECTORS earn troni $110 . to $200 per month and expenses. Travel if dead Unlimited advancement. Na age limit. vve in vou. Positions furnished under guarantee, ■ite for Booklet CM-53, Standard Business Training ititute, Buffalo, N. Y. F T ’ ־*■ ־- Hmn nt 54 inches, other 51. Will sell at $150.00 and $125.00 take your choice. Everett Lodge No. 248, Everett, Railway traffic inspectors; splendid pay l and expenses; traved if desired; unlimited ad-ncement No age limit. Three months bomg idy. Situation arranged. Prepare for permanent sition. Write for booklet lM-53. Standard Buv-ss Training Institute, Buffalo. N. x. Moose heart Chapter No. 0, W. O. M. L. Celebrates Third Birthday Violin Solos by Vincenzo Gullotta, accompanied by Mrs. Gullotta. Yocal Solos by Lawrence Reeder, accompanied by Mrs. Reeder. There were a few short talks by the Legionaires and then several pictures were taken by a photographer from Chicago. Everybody then retired to the luncheon room, where they had their fill of cake, sandwiches, pickles, and coffee. A goodly number of Legionaires were present from Aurora. The big time ended at midnight and everybody went home tired but happy. Dayton. Ohio Chapter No. 9 has been initiating several new candidates recently, and expects to show a big increase in membership during this year. The Legionaires in this chapter have held some very big meetings and on one or two occasions have invited visitors to become acquainted with the chapter members and to enjoy a social hour with them after the business session. All of the Legionaires throughout the Province of Ontario and Western N. Y. are looking ahead to the great Frolic to be held by Toronto, Ontario Legion in that city, April 10th. Herder Norman Heyd and the other Canadian Legionaires say it will be the best ever. with Mfeft Д rmorTi res A written guarantee bond for 5,000 miles of satisfactory service is furnished with every order. W«tera perfected a simple way to manufacture these UN EK ARMOR TIRES. Everybody knows that tULX. VALUE that goes into any article manufactured is put In where THEY ARE MADE. When a tire passes from the factory to the jobber, and then through the dealer end there is a large overhead expense added fornatmnal advertising, the price is double or more than the actual value of tfie tire. The middlemen do not add one red cent’s worth of value to any tire. All they add is profits and expense. _ _ . NN ’ E R ARMOR TIRE S ar e Puncture Proof, Prevent blowouts and are powerfully built for rough usage, and best of all, they are sold direct to you. Not through dealers. M’ER ARMOR TIRES give you yourmoney s worth In the largest sense of the word. You cannot find another tire that possesses all these features at the prices listed below. Don’t deprive yourself of the economy and safety gained by the use of NN’ER ARMOR TIRES. Over a bun• ored thousand satisfied users. Order a complete set today. Armor Heavy Size Tire Tube 36x4.......$7.00 $8.10 33x4«...... 8.85 2.55 34x4«...... 8.50 2.60 36x4«...... 8.75 2.65 S6x4J?..... 9.00 2.70 37x4«...... 9.25 2.75 34x5.״....3.10 10.25 35x5.......10.50 3.15 37x5.......10.50 3.25 Armor Heavy Size Tire Tube 28x3....$3.75 $1.50 1.50 1.55 1.60 1.80 1.85 1.90 1.95 2.00 30x3......... 4.00 80x3^........ 4.50 82x3*........ 4.75 81x4......... 5.75 82x4......... 6.00 83x4......... 6.25 84x4......... 6.50 85x4......... 6.75 ........ ״ tons and sou- • tache braid, its 1 waist line closely ׳; shirred in back and its wide detachable belt are the newest ideas. Has about 62-in.. sweep. Made of 'excellent quality Pacific Serge—a wonderful wearing material. A genuine $15 value anywhere. Send i'ust the coupon. ,ay only $2.95 on arrival and $1.75 monthly for four months. If yon are not fully delighted with this great bargain and charming style after examination, we refund your $2.95. Colors Navy Blue and Black. Sizes24to 32 waist, 33 to 42 front length, BARGAIN! SEND NOW over $5 saving at least women’s, children’s and FREE See all the money we save you and our easy terms. Sent with skirt or mail post card for it. I STANLEY •ROGERS* CO. ~ I 11015 Jackson Blvd. Dept. 762 Chicago■ Send me the Pacific Serge Skirt No. 911. I will pay | »$2.95 on arrival. Balance in monthly payments of . $1 ;75 each until bargain price of $9.95 is paid. If not I perfectly satisfied after examination and try-on, 1 | I will return skirt and you will refund money paid. » Waist........... Length..........Color.......... I I Name.. I I Address . Dont Send a Penny Here’s a simply stunning offer you can’t afford to pass. This stylish, classy hat model, that is setting the pace among fashionable women, at a price •bo low you will hardly credit it. But “seeing is believing.“ To quickly convince you ,we will send it for your critical inspection—without a penny in advance ! Smartest Panama Let your mirror decide! We know you will be delighted when you see this jaunty and bewitching creation on your head—and just how becoming it is to your style. There’s a dash and smartness to it that puts this charming panama in a class by itself. Snug fitting, with saucy turned up brim. Crown is beautifully trimmed with wide silk grosgrain ribbon; side ornamented with fold effect, as shown. Colors of ribbon, Copenhagen blue, rose or green. Cmn IIA MAklTV Just your name and address vERIf HU IYIUHCY brings this “snappy” latest style Panama for examination and try-on. Pay only $2.95 for hat on arrival. If you don’t think it the greatest bargain you ever saw, simply return it and we will at once refund yourmoney. Order by No• BX1537. State color of ribbon wanted. LEONARD-MORTON & CO. Dept. 6209 Chicago 1238 I 1170 I 1658. •7miimtJIIHHIIinitJ:IIIIIHIIIinilllMllllllt:llllliniiril3inilllllHinllll1l1IIIIIHII«IIIIIIHÎllllllHllllltlllHIHIIIIiaillllllinHHIIHIIIIKIIHIIHIimill№ POWERFUL AIR GUN AND 500 BUCK SHOTS •nil si-inch ¡over-action rifle, fine walnut stock, free for ^^eelling 20 large, colored Picturee or 20 pkgs. Poet Cards at 16c. Order your choice. GATES MFG. GO. DEPT. 436 CHICAGO