21 MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE Boys, Girls, Everyone—Solve This Puzzle It’s not hard, just requires a little ingenuity and skill. There are 26 letters in the alphabet, but we have used figures instead of letters. For instance, letter A is 1. letter B is 2, etc. From the bottom of the left side to the bottom of the right side the puzzle spells six words. If you can make them out, write them on a piece of paper or a post card and rush to me quick, together with your name and address. ’SEND NO MONEY —JUST YOUR NAME Whatever this puzzle spells is going to be given FREE and FREIGHT PAID to the home of someone solvingtnis puzzle. It can easily be yours. When Isay FREE. I mean FREE—you do not spend a cent of your own money. This is the most wonderful offer appearing in this magazine. Solve the puzzle and send me your name and address today—ACT QUICK. Address TED FISIIER, Mgr., Dept. 80 BATAVIA, ILLINOIS NEWS FROM LODGES Deputy Supervisor J R. MacSwee-ney will take charge of an aggressive campaign for Toronto Lodge April 1 and expects to double the membership. Secretary Billy Riddle of West Toronto Lodge feels proud of his juvenile hockey team which recently won the championship of the city of Toronto. One dollar brings any one of the four ־-wonderful rug bargains shown below for 30־-days’ trial in your home. If after a' month’s actual use of the rug you select,! M y°u are n°t delighted with the remarkable M m va'ue an<^ thoroughly satisfied to keep it at I m our 'ow money-saving price, return it to us ■ M and we will not only refund your dollar, I if but will also pay transportation charges both ways. If you decide to buy the rug, take a " "־ ׳ ־ whole year to pay—a little each month that you will hardly miss. Amazing Rug Values It is practically impossible to do justice to these extremely handsome and attractive rugs by mere descriptions and cold black and white illustrations such as shown here. The ornamental design, soft luxuriant texture and rich colorings must be seen to be fully appreciated. That’s why we off er to send your choice of any of these four beautiful rugs for 30 days’ use in your home. Read the descriptions carefully, then make your choice for, the 30-day trial test at our risk: flf¿» "if Sfaaara A deservedly popular pattern ffl 3Jp€mb wg€SBBn₪ in an unusually attractive grass ru^ at a genuine bargain price. Your choice of green or brown in standard 9x12 ft. size. An excellent value that will give splendid service and satisfaction. Order brown by No. 17BMA16; green No. 17BMA17. Price $13.95. Send only $1 now; balance, $1.50 monthly. J&Lfe S&ma&a ffinwMnin A very serviceable combination »■w# « SswmB&f BUfGSaBgfSSmBB fibre rug: noted for long-wearing qualities, and suitable for any room in your house. Has special combination fibre filling and artistic medallion centre pattern with extremelwhandsomeornamental border to match.. Coloring is impressively rich and beautiful. Full size 9x12 feet. Order by No. 50BMA13. Price $14.85. Only $1.00 down; balance $1.50 monthly. fkSa* Bfaaaa &9*xmtaa'aaa* A splendid reversible standard size i»v8 9x12 wool and fibre rug made of carefully selected vegetable fibre and wool, woven into a rarely artistic oriental pattern of unusually rich coloring. We gladly give you the opportunity to see and test ,this wonderful rug bargain on your floor for 30 days at our risk, because we feel sure you will be delighted to keep it when you fully realize its merits. Order by No. 17BMA20. Price $19.65. Only $1.00 now; balance, $2.00 monthly. {IIa JB Dim Rownoin Here is a decidedly exceptional MTgHwo ■» mrn&B&g gCmKBB value in a full size 9x12 Brussels rug with mitred corners in an unusually attractive pattern. An extra serviceable floor covering that will give splendid service and make a handsome appearance in any room. Order by No. 22BMA8. Price $26.75. Only $1.00 now; balance, $2.50 monthly,! Full Year to P When you see any of these rugs on your floor, and study the splendid quality, ornate pattern and beautiful color scheme, you will be delighted. And when you compare it with other rugs selling at much higher prices, you will wonderhow we can give such stunning values on such liberal credit terms. For we not only send the rug you select for only $1.00, giving you the /־HARTMAN use of it for 80 days, at our own / , nK,,T, .QC. ״ risk, but we also give you a / cARPET CO. whole year to pay, if you de- / 3913 Wentworth Ave*. cide to keep it. This is your / Dept. 2643 Chicago » . . great opportunity to DUy / Enclosed is $1.00. Send the I4?^?׳Yl ־־ •incf* flip v*iicr von ViDVf* * Rug marked X below. I am /^1 3U,S5 rug you nave ״ to have 80 days’trial. Ifnotsat- Awy One longed for at a substantial / isfied will ship it back and you will w “B1J r:n __ j * refund my $1.00 and pay transporta- B TLa»a money saving. Fill out and t tion both ways. If I keep it I will pay ©I I nest? mail the coupon today! / the amount named each month, untu __________________/ full price 13 paid. *genuine TL’e AuAnl, n ■HI / r—iRugf No. 17BMA16 (brown). Price D I niS ureal Wi^ ■■B Si m / l_J$13.95.$ldown;balance$1.50monthly. KUS mm * mm m B■ Mf BB pB / |-iRug No. 17BMA17 (green). Price ValiiMt׳ WBPT-HJ se Barham Book ■ Ilkll■ / U$13.95.$ldown;balance$1.60monthly. values• nsu WtlB bW״l / r-iRUf?No.60BMA13. price $14.85. Sent free on request—a postcard brings it. Thousands of wonderful bargains in / LJii.oo*uo“״“*№. furniture, rugs, curtains, stoves, ranges, dishes, silverware, jewelry, phonographs, ' □ $1.