MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE IS Dont Send a Penny Season’s Greatest Bargain Order Now! , Here is the Qneen of all the season’s most attractive ,Waist models—the daintiest, smartest, most beautiful /waist imaginable—at a price so low that we do not hesitate to send it without a cent in advance. Just your name and address on post card brings this ex-i quisite creation for ex-». amination and try-on. §«• Don’t delay — send l 98 n°i a wonderful bargain and *#»—. satisfactory in every way, re-“־־־ turn them to us and we will promptly refund your money. Sizes, 6 to 12. Black only. When ordering be sure to give size and width. Order by number 7A1530. Send for Shoes Now! _____ Make This Great Saving! r oend only your name and address — no money. That brings these splendid dress Bhoes. You are to be the judge of quality, style ana value. Keep them only if satisfactory in _ everyway. Be sure to give size and width. LEONARD-MORTON & CO. Dep•. 6201 Chicago, ■llinoit !EASTMAN ..,FREE GENUINE ------------------ || Premo Film Pack Camera, for selling 20 large fil colored pictures or 20 pkgs. post cards at 15c each. Order choice today. Sent prepaid. GATES MFG. CO.. DEPT. 236 CHICA60 Why Red Blood Rich in Iron Makes Healthy, Beautiful Women— While Lack of Iron Keeps Them Weak, Nervous Fretful and Run-down. How Organic Iron—~ Nuxated Iron — helps C Solve Problem of Supplying Iron Deficiency, Thereby Increasing Strength and Endurance of Delicate Care-worn Women in Two Weeks’ Time in Many Instances. Many a woman who ought still to be young in feeling is losing the old-time vim and energy that makes life wor living simply because her blood is thinning out and possibly starving through lack of iron. It is through iron in the red coloring matter of the blood that life-sustaining■ oxygen enters the body and enables the blood to change food into living tissue, muscle and brain. Childhood’s Greatest Opportunity fContinued from■ page■ S) So with the girls. They are -taught sewing and cooking in the most practical way, by doing. The girls help the matrons take care of the cottage homes. They are assigned in rotation to bed-making׳, cooking, sweeping and dusting, setting and clearing the tables. No girl makes beds all term, nor cooks all the term. Her work is varied as the work of a household. An assignment of bed-making is followed by one of sweeping and dusting, then of cooking and of dish-washing. She is taught to keep her own room and her clothes in order. Thus the MOOSEHEART girl while at school learns the art of housekeeping. At Practice House, a cosy, tastefully furnished cottage, Miss Myrtle Bartholomew puts the cap sheaf on the domestic training■. Practice House is a school of Domestic. Science. There Miss Bartholomew, who is the dietician for MOOSEHEART, teaches the girl students food values and the art of preparing meals according to the laws of dietetics. In other phrase, advanced housekeeping. The students who take the domestic science course learn to prepare nourishing menus, how to cook, how to serve the meals, and how to make a house a model of use and beauty. I enjoyed at Practice House one of the daintiest luncheons in my gastronomic recollections. Two students in pretty caps and aprons over their school gowns, served it as efficiently as ever a trained waiter at Sherry’s and with no fear of imminent disaster. The girls of the domestic science class served the dinner at the MOOSEHEART convention. Supt. Adams rewarded them by sending them to the opera at Aurora. Yes, they train the hands at MOOSEHEART. The best methods of the best educators in the country are adapted in the imposing school building, which is the biggest building in MOOSEHEART. There are a kindergarten for the littlest ones, a strong primary department for the children of beginning school age. admirable intermediate grades and a high school that is so high that they who graduate from it are admitted to a university. Two young men of the first graduating class entered universities. One followed his bent and is at work in the printing■ shop. They train the hands, the head and the heart at MOOSEHEART. The family life in the cottages where the older pupils care for the little ones, and the matron cares for all, develops the affectional nature that would be stunted or destroyed in an institution. There is no need to fear that that school will develop intellectual monsters, begins with strong mentality, feeble hands and pebble where the heart ought to be. Dr. Albert Bushnell Hart, professor of government and history at Harvard, arranged the course of study. He does not muffle its aims in scholarly obscurity. Let me quote him. “MOOSEHEART is a school of a peculiar kind, including children of every age from infancy to nineteen years; apd requiring a large amount of vocational training which must be brought into relation with the academic school. An important part of this work is to make the elementary education go hand in hand with the pre-vocational work of the school and thus_ prepare the way for the more specialized vocational training in the high school. “Prepared during and after a period of strenuous war, this course of study must take account of the needs and influence of the struggle, in literature, geography, arithmetic, especially in history and government, it is intended to lead the children to think and act in a spirit of loyalty to cian and Medical Author says: ‘T have strongly emphasized the fact ,that doctors should prescribe more organic iron—Nuxated Iron—for their nervous, run-down, weak, haggard looking ׳ women patients. Lack of iron in the blood may often transform a beautiful sweet-tempered woman into one who is cross, nevous and irritable —one who makes life a burden to herself, unbearable for her husband, and disagreeable for her children. When the iron goes from the blood of women, the roses go from their cheeks.” If you are not strong or well you owe it to yourself to make the following test: See how long you can work or how far you can walk without becoming tired. Next take two five-grain tablets of ordinary Nuxated Iron three times per day after meals for two weeks. Then test your strength again and see how much you have gained. In commenting upon the alarming iron deficiency in the blood of the average woman of today, Dr. George H. Baker, formerly Physician and Surgeon Monmouth Memorial Hospital of New Jersey said: “What wo- men need to-put roses in their cheeks and the springtime of life into their step is not cosmetics or stimulating drugs, but' plenty of rich pure red blood. Without it no woman can do credit to herself or to her work. Iron is one of the greatest of all strength and blood builders and I have found nothing in my experience so effective for helping to make strong, healthy, red blooded women as Nuxated Iron. From a careful examination of the formula and my own tests of Nuxated Iron I feel convinced that it is a preparation which any physician can take himself or prescribe for his patients with the utmost confidence of obtaining highly beneficial and satisfactory results.” Dr. Ferdinand King, a New York Physi- NUXATED IRON For Red Blood, Strength and Endurance