17 MOOSEHB/IRT МЛвЛZINE vM■ft. Genuine full standard size railroad style watch with locomotive on dial and loco« KflA motive handsomely eneraved on back. Full nickel plated case, extra dust proof« HI Arabic numerals on dial, heavy R. R. style figures. Genuine American make, item wind and set.fully (i tARA.NTEED for o YEARS. To advertise our bus-|H inesa and introduce this wonderful watch and our great catalogue of Elgin.־,Wal-tham and Hampden watches we will send this elegant watch to any addreBS by tnailpostpaid for O N L Y S 2.9 5 and if you sell two of these watches we will give you ONE SAMPLE WATCH FREE for your trouble. 8end this adver* or Bend 15.90 for two and we will Bend ONE EXTRA WATCH FREE. LLIOTT PHELPS CO., 1112 Morton Building» CHICAGO, ILL• Dont Send a Penny Here are two such wonderful shoe bargains that we do not hesitate to send them without any advance ¡H payment, for examination and try on. Dont send a penny—just your name, address and size, and we will send your choice of these stylish black Hi-Cut Boots or brown or black low heel Oxfords. If after thorough examination you are not satisfied with remarkable value, return shoes; you’ll not be out a cent. An extremely attractive offer typical of the wonderful shoe values put out by $ the great Mail Order House of Leonard-Morton & Co. Fashionable Hi-Cut Boots. Я lace style, of fine quality soft black kid finished leather on the very latest French & last and with the new popular lii-inch walking heel. Light weight flexible leather ?! soles. Just the sort of footwear a woman possesses with a feeling of pride״■;¿¿За 'J The kind that adds to a reputation as a stylish j dresser. You can only appreciate the high ־ o,,degree of service and the quiet elegance «which are combined in this shoe by seeing ׳ them on your feet. Wide widths. Sizes, J 2M to 8. Order by No. A1080, pay postman only $3.98, our low bargain Л price for shoes on arrival. Dont miss this bargain. Advance Bargain Saleof ׳ ____________ Women’s GRADE Oxfords In these Oxfords is to be found a combination of smart style and satisfactory service usually found only in shoes at much higher prices. Extra fine quality dark brown or black, soft, glove fitting, kid finished leather. Light weight flexible leather sole and stylish new lM־inch walking heel. Send forthese shoes at once. Their look, feel and wear will more than satisfy you. Wide widths. Sizes, 236־ to 8. Order Шаек by No. A158. Order Brown by No. A159. Fay postman only $3.98 for Oxfords on delivery—as wonder-־ ful a bargain in shoes as you ever saw! £Ъш0~Яжля4 HI#«■,/ Dont miss these splendid shoe bar-СД׳я •iCi* IWUIV gains which will be sent at our risk. Dont overlook this unusual opportunity to secure a fine pair of shoes at a genuine low bargain price. Just send your name and address and the number of the shoes wanted. Examine them on arrival. Try them on. Look at their stylish appearance. Compare them with shoes selling for much more money. Then decide. If they are not all that you expect, return them and we will refund your money. Order now! Leonard-Morton & Co■, Dept. 6208 Chicago, ill. le Watch Free 6 YEAR GUARANTEE tisement with $2.95 and watoh will . Order today as tMa offer may not appear again, Address" ELLIOTT PHELPS CO,, 1112 Tobacco Habit Banished In 48 to 72 Hours “““ Results It doesn’t make a particle of difference whether you have been a user of tobacco for a single month or for fifty years, or how much you use, or in what form you use it—cigars, cigarettes, pipe, chewing of plug or fine cut, or using of snuff—Tobacco Redeemer will positively remove all of your tobacco craving in from 48 to 72 hours. Your desire for tobacco will begin to decrease after the very first dose—there is no long waiting for results. Not a Substitute Tobacco Redeemer is a positive, radical, efficient treatment. It is the most marvelously quick, absolutely scientific and thoroughly reliable remedy for the tobacco habit. It contains no habit-forming drugs of any kind. After finishing the treatment you have absolutely no desire to use tobacca again or continue the use of the remedy. It quiets the nerves, and will make you fepl better in every way. If you really want to quit the use of tobacco, here is your chance. It will so completely rid you of the habit that when you see others using it, it will not awaken the slightest desire in you to begin its use again. Results Absolutely Guaranteed A single trial will convince the most skeptical. Our legal, binding, money-back guarantee goes with each full treatment. If Tobacco Redeemer fails uo banish the tobacco habit when taken according to the plain and easy directions, your money will be cheerfully refunded on demand. Let Us Send You Convincing Proof Mail the coupon below or send your'namé and address on a póstal and receive our Free Booklet on the deadly effect of tobacco eh thè; human system and positive proof that Tobacco Re• deemer will quickly free you from the habit. If you are a slave of the tobacco habit1 you־‘ know that it is undermining ;your* health and is a needless drain upon your pocketbook. Therefore you owe it to yourself and to your family tofind out how easily,quick-ly and surely you can #■■■■ “quit for keeps״ with: M NEWELL PHARA the aid of Tobacco £ TV Redeemer. Mail the M PHARMACAL COMPANY. 1 Dept. 572 Su Louis, ^׳lo. I Send, without obligation to me in any way, > coupon or write ua immediately. Don’t delay. Send today! .^aS39 Newell / .........- • ..........- Pharmacal Co• f Street and No ................................... St. LouisflVk. ״״.״״;״State.. Southern Illinois Band Tour (Continued from page 11) there. After the town bell had been sounded and the crowd had gathered it was announced that the greatest boys band in the world from Moose-heart, 111., would play a concert in the local hall at seven P. M. In the meantime the boys were given a feed by the Moose of Wood River. At the concert Superintendent Adams called on several of the hoys to speak. It was a surpirse to them and they were unprepared, but they greatly impressed the stories of MOOSE-HEART life and its teachings. At ten P. M. an electric car was taken for St. Louis, where they boarded a sleeper for Chicago. One Pullman was reserved for the band but when Mr. Reeder prepared to enter his berth a harsh feminine voice piped; “Git out of here!’ Mr. Reeder ran to the porter, who later investigated the trouble. It was found that a woman had got on the car, which, was car A, while on her ticket was marked double A. Car double A was the next one down the line. Ar-rangemtns were made for Mr. Reeder to sleep somewhere else. Upon arriving in Chicago at nine A. M. the Band were greeted with the news that a tornado had appeared somewhere in the Fox River Valley near MOOSEHEART. The Superintendent called up by long distance to see if any damage had been done but the answer was that everything was “O. K.” The day in Chicago was spent in seeing shows. We were the guest of Superintendent Adams for for a treat. First he invited us to breakfast, then to two picture shows, then invited us to lunch and in the afternoon to see “Huckleberry Finn.” Did you ever invite a party of thirty-eight out to two meals and twochows ? Mr. Adams’ pocket book must be flat! Many thanks, Superintendent! The boys were bubbling over with joy when they neared home. One exclaimed that you could trot him all over the globe but that you’d never find a place better then MOOSE-HEART. To the Band boys it wasn’t the Institution of the Loyal Order of Moose, but Home Sweet Home. ILLINOIS WILL BUILD MOOSEHEART GYMNASIUM On Sunday, April 11, the officers of the Illinois Field Day. Association visited MOOSEHEART and as a result of the visit the ogicers decided to advocate the building of a gymnasium at MOOSEHEART as an Illinois State Building. The officers left MOOSEHEART with the determination that the Lodges of Illinois should be represented by a building at MOOSEHEART. The following officers were with the delegation: Charles M. Allman, Canton; Charles E. Pape Galesburg; O. M. Skinner, Monmouth; J. V. Kelly, Joliet, and Allen Long, Lockport. Other States to Act Representatives from the Lodges of West Virginia will ■meet in Clarks-;־ burg on May 30 and those of Indiana will meet at Indianapolis on April 25־ to consider the erection of State Buildings at Mooseheart. Mooseheart Service (Continued from page 5) on October 16th, 1919. They are: Jesse Hurse, age 8; Harry Irvin, age 11; and George Alfred, age 4. At MOOSEHEART the Hendrix children are living together in happiness and they are glad they do not have to march around, wear uniforms and always eat mush and milk and beans MOOSEHEART, The School That* Trains For Life. -■ Solid Cold ' Solid Cold Send Your Name and We’ll Send Yon a Lachnite TNON’T •end a penny. Just send your nuns end say: *,Send me L/ B Lachnite mounted in a •olid gold ring on 10 day■ free trial.׳׳ We will send it prepaid right to your home. When It come« merely deposit $4.75 with the postman and then wear the ring for 10 full days. II you, or Hanyol your friends can tell It from a diamond, send it back. But if you decide to buy it —send us $2.60 a month until $18.76 ha• been paid. nr.:x0 Tnflav Send yonr ״״״•now. Tell ua which of the WrilC A Oil«/ aolid gold ring■ Illustrated above you wish (ladieB* or men’s). Be sure to Bend finger size. Harold Lachman Co., 12 N. Michigan Av.Dept 8005 Chicago ■«PUBLIC SALE ARMY AND GOVERNMENT CONTRACTS Ask for big catalog 117 today. Army Shirts...........$2.50 ^ Army Mess Plates . . 2K ^ Army Breeches . . . Army Blankets . . . Army Cots.......... Army Ponchos . . . Army Knapsacks ... Army Shoes............8.0׳ Tents..............3.50 and all other articles for camp or outdoor use. SEND lOC'J’OR ARMY & NAVY CATALOG 117—AND BUY AT ALC TION BARGAIN PRICES Army & Navy Store Cn. . 245 W. 42d St., New York Largest Camp and Military Outfitters. Flat Belcher Ring No. .1. Solid gold mounting.. Eight claw design with flat wide1 band. Almost a carat. guaranteed g Tifnite Gem. Tifmte Gem. Pr: $16.50, only $4.50 u *IO.OU, only $4.DU up arrival. Balance $3. per month. ToothBelcher Ring No. 8. Solid gold six- erong tooth mounting, uaranteed genuine Guaranteed genuine Tifnite Gem almost a carat in size. Price $16.50. only $4.60 u arrival. Balance $î per month. See these wonderful Tifnite Gems —sent direct on our special Free Wear offer. Wear one and your friends will say that it’s a diamond. Tifnites have the pure white color and the flash and fire of the diamond—stand all diamond tests, fire, acid and diamond file. No backing, no paste, no foil, full of fire and sparkle. Only an expert can distinguish between them—and yet they cost so little. Don’t miss this great offer. Send the coupon now and let us send you your choice of these three superb ringa or scarf pin to wear free ten days. Pend no money. Just the coupon— Bend $4.50 on arrival, balance later. Solid Gold Mounting Every Tifnite Gem is set in the most fashionable, most artistic mounting—guaranteed Solid Gold. Send the coupon and see for yourself what wonderful gems these are. Diamonds and Tifnites “As Like As Two Peas’’ Select the ring you want or the stick pin and send the coupon. When St comes pay only $4.50 on arrival. Wear it lO days. If fully satisfied, pay balance on easy terms aa given under the illustrations. Otherwise return the ring or to us and we will . refund any money you ,have paid. You risk nothing by accepting “ iis offer. So send while holds good. 1 Send No Money Scarf Pin Neither money nor references. Just the coupon No. 5. Solid gold open circle design. 1-2 K. Tifnite Gem. Price $16.50. $4.50 on arrival. Balance $3.00 a month. erful Tifnite Gem mounted in solid gold. For size,cut a strip of heavy paper so that ends exactly meet when drawn tightly around 2nd joint of finger on which you wish to wear the ring. Don’t let it overlap. Send this with coupon. Sena now and take advantage of this free trial offer. Satisfy your-eelf about these dazzling gems. THE TIFNITE GEM CO.. 109 E, 39th St., Dept• 682 Chicago Send me................No..........on 10 Days’ approval. I agree to pay $4.50 on arrival and balance at the rate of $3.00 per month. If not satisfactory, I will return same within 10 dayst Name. Stato.. Address. City....