LOOK! 21 Perfect Jewels Adjusted to Positions Adjusted to Temperature Adjusted to Isochron-ism Adjusted to the Second Thin Model 2׳׳29282 32,3130* A Better Adver tisement Than I Could Write Hon. Champ Clark, House of Representatives Washington, D. C. “I have carried a “Santa Fe Special” for three or four yTears and find it to be an admirable timekeeper.” Champ Clark. I have determined to make 1920 the of my Company. To do this I must ials” to 5,000 men in different comi REGARDLESS OF PRICE OR PROFIT. T¡¡ Watches to Absolutely Rock Bottom. Thi^^B of these guaranteed Watches on this installments. My Object: I know th^^■^ sell at least one more at the regulaj^^^^. ; to men who will tell their friem^BPthis « remarkable Watch Value, if |L __ __ they find the JjVatches all and more thaj* I ¿claim, for h^Kr year in the watch sales istrtbute 5,000 “Santa Fe Species this year. I must do this ore, I have cut the Price of these 5,000 that if you act at once you can get one P>fit Plan, and pay for it in small monthly Fy Watch sold on this Cut-Profit Plan wiil so I make this Startling, Unheard of Offer Judge John S. Dawson Justice, Supreme Court. “My ‘Santa Fe Special’ Watch which I have carried for forty days has been as right as the United States mail.” John S. Dawson. Pres. Santa Fe Watch Co. xtmoi/s ALONZOS. THOMAS Pres. Santa Fe Watch Co. U. S. Senator Arthur Capper, U. S. Senator of Kansas, Topeka, Kansas. “My ‘Santa Fe Special׳ Watch has given entire satisfaction, I believe it is the best watch value I ever have seen.” Arthur Capper. Unless you already own a Watch that you are sure is just as good as they make them, this is a money-saving opportunity you positively cannot afford to miss. It is a Bargain such as you do not meet every day. For that reason you will have to act promptly. To ber sure you get one, suppose you wriM me personally, care Santa Fe Watch o., right NOW before you forget it. 1 jwhtit you to have one of these beautiful^^^WT-ard “Santa Fe Special” Watches^^^^r RAILROAD ׳WATCH William H. Booth, Commander U. S. Battleship Cincinnati Shanghai, China. “I am especially well pleased with my “Santa Fe Special.” It keeps practically perfect time. It is even better than some of the ship’s chronometers.” William H. Booth. NEW CASE DESIGNS “Santa Fe Specials״ are Standard Rail-B^ad Watches, Guaranteed to last a Life-time and Give Satisfactory Service. Are found in the pockets of men in service on the important railroads of this country. Senators, Congressmen and Governors keep their official appointments by “Santa Fe Special” time. Army Officers and Privates carried them all through the Greatest War in history —thousands of these splendid Watches are in use all over the World. If you want one on my liberal Cut-Profit Plan you had better write for my free Watch Book today and make your selection without delay. I will send the Watch for you to see Without One Penny Down—I will even allow you to wear the Watch 30 days Free—then sell it to you on a binding money-back guarantee. L want you to see the newest designs in ■ ases used nil these "Santa Fe Special’״ Watches, so that you will fully realize their beauty and up-to-dateness, as well as the value of the Bargain I am offering you. I want you to see the 3-color inlay work—nothing more refined. Then think how distinctive and personal your Watch would be with your own name, monogram or some appropriate emblem engraved in the Case, just to suit jour own ideas. You will also want to see the New French Art designs i i- engraved Cases —־ ah shown in My New Watch Book, printed U in beautiful colors. M Write for it today, it w# will be sent If a Santa Fe Special^^Mrch fails to perform its duty through original defective material or workmaj^fl^Kt will be replaced by a watclu of the lame grade or be repaired by us without a lent of expense to the purchaser.^^■ Thousands of Others Buy This Way WHY SHOULDN’T YOU? A letter, post card¡ or this coupon will bring you My Free Watch Book Santa Fe Watch Co 523 Thomas Building TOPEKA. KANSAS SANTA FE WATCH CO., 523 Thomas Bldg., Topeka, Kans. Please send me your New Watch Book with the understanding that this request does not obligate me in any way. {Home of the Great SantaFe Railroad) Addret mm mm biki!