15 MOOSEHEART MAGAZIKà faintly sug- gi gests the ac- && tual beauty and smart “snappy׳* charm of this handy and season- ®s Yj able gar• ment. You *§&’ mnstseeyour-selfinthisdaBh-ws ing and attract- ^ ive sweater to realize its value. Your mirror and admiring friends aaminng irienas i a a a g- will quickly con1 '־ a s 5 Si vince you; and the money saving will amaze yoa, Rim Rz»nmzjii#n f This big bargain value Oig MSargamm Slip-On Sweatir is made of good quality mixed wool yarn in an extremely handsome pattern. Weave is the fancy rack stitch, all the rage this season. Dutch collar is trimmed with woven white stripes and pompon. Cuffs and bottom of Bweater trimmed to match with two white stripes. Send no money now—just name, address, size and color wanted. Pay only $3.95 for sweater on arrival, ”',hen decide. If not delighted with this a3 a very unusual sweater Value, return to us and we will refund your money. Sizes: Ladies*, 34 to 44 bust; misBes, 32 to 38. Order Copenhagen Blue, by No. 9B630; Rose, by No. 9B631; Green, by No. 9B632. Send today—don’t delay! Supply is limited. TOURING CAR GIVEN BRAND NEW 9 23 1 14 20 20 15 23 9 14 SOLVE THIS PUZZLE. WIN FINE PRIZE The figures in the squares represent corresponding letters in the alphabet. Figure 1 is A, 2 is B*, 3 is C, and so on. The ten figures spell four words. Send the four words on a slip of paper with your name and address quick if you want to win. I have given away many Autos and scores of other prizes. My plan is so simple it is easy to win prizes and cash rewards. Thousands of Dollars in Other Grand Prizes and Cash Rewards Besides the New Ford Car I am going to give away Superb Cabinet Phonograph, Bicycles, Gold Watches, Kodaks, Traveling Bag, Chest of Silverware, Dinner Set and Cash Rewards. No experience is required. You don’t put up a penny or do any hard work. Just an opportunity to realize your ambition to have an Automobile all your own and a chance to get it in the easiest way imaginable. Don’t let anyone in your neighborhood beat you to it. The quicker you act, the bigger your winnings. Send me vour answer to the puzzle with vour name and address, without delay. DUANE W. GAYLORD, 537 Dearborn St., Dept. 25 CHICAGO, ILL. Dont Send a Penny FS!sk j yoa, ! value ) made y hand-, all the i woven *־—« of 1 _ IIL I I i.__ ____ LEONARD-MORTON & CO. I News From the Lodges Here's a wonderfully stylish and serviceable Slip-on Sweater at a stunning bargain price. Such an unusual big value that we will send it without a penny in advance, and let you decide after examination,try-on ,and comparison with other sweaters selling at twice our price. Season's r .1 I I all members who served with the military and naval forces were presented with service buttons. The affair was a big success and attended by the most prominent men of Alaska. Wheeling, W. Va., Lodge No. 67 held its biggest social session of the year on March 19th. A splendid banquet was served and Gen. C. P. ,Sum-merall, U.. S. A., was the guest of the evening. Music was rendered by a United States .Army band. Middletow־n, Ohio, Lodge No. 501 has started off its big campaign with a roundup and smoker on Feb. 27th. Iowa City, la., Lodge No. 1096 is contemplating the erection of a ¡¡>50,-000 home. Elizabeth City, N. C., Lodge No. 397 formally opened its new home on April 1st with a big banquet. Atlanta, Ga., Lodge No. 18 on March 18th went to Camp Jessu׳ to put on a show for the soldiers. The motion pictures of MOOSEHEART were shown also several comedy reels together with other entertainment. The affair was a big success and all had a good time. Japanese Rose Bushes Five for lOcis, Tlie Wonder of the World >Rose Bushes with roses on them in 3 weeks from the time the seed was planted. It may not seem possible bu£ 1we Guarantee it to be so. They will BLOOM EVERY ТЕМ WELKS Winter or Summer and when 3 years old will have 5 or 6 hundred roses on ___ each bush. Will grow in the house in the winter as well as in the ground in summer. Roses All The Year Around. Package of seed with our guarantee, by mail, Only Ten Cents• Japan Seed Co., Box 654 South Norwalk, Conn. Hamilton, Ohio, Lodge No. 1437 has made big plans to hold what is styled as an exposition from May 12th to the 20th. Hampton, Va., Lodge No. 1141 now has over 1,000 members and is making plans for the erection of a large and beautiful home. Santa Cruz, Cal, Lodge No. 545 has purchased the Y. M. C. A. building in its city and will immediately remodel it to meet their neads. Little Falls Lodge No. 615 has been in existence only ten months, never-, theless it has a membership of over 400 and is growing rapidly. Galesburg, 111., Lodge No. 880 is making big preparations for the meeting of the Illinois Field Day Association to be held April 20-22. Beaver Falls, Pa., Lodge No. 112 featured a big celebration and reception on March 18th with the burning of the mortgage on their home. Lorain, Ohio, Lodge No. 376 has purchased a piece of property for ¡¡>20,000 which will be immediately converted into a suitable club house. Piqua, Ohio, Lodge No. 1067 has purchased a site for its new home. Plans are being made to erect a modern building in the near future. Sioux Falls, S. D., Lodge No. 503 recently held a business men’s night. The class initiated was composed of almost all business men of the city. Rochester, N. Y., Lodge No. 113 reports that Supreme Councilman Willard A. Marakle has been unanimously elected Dictator of the Lodge for the coming year. Springfield, Mo., Lodge No. 354 held a unique entertainment at which no member was admitted unless he presented at the door a friend who TIRE SURGEON ¡Make $2500to $4000Per Year ¡Giving New Life to Old Tires IA Haywood Tiro Surgeon can give ;4,000 to 5,000 more miles of new life to a tiro, that two years ago would nave been thrown on the junk pile. I Earned *220022 FourMonfhs to the Wtr Richard A. Oldham tells of hie ____ other successes—some as big, others greater. We teach you TIRE SURGERY at Indianapolis or by mail. A new profession, an unusual opportunity. *” '* ־ ־ BIG BOOK, that to FREE. Address Haywood Tire end Equipment Co. 841 N. Capitol Are. Indianapolis, lad. }s. by the new scien-_ SURGERY. Many e as big, others greater. SURGERY at Indian- -- new yrufeasioil, an ----Write TODAY for that telle everything. Sent was not a Moose. Hartford City, Ind., Lodge No. 225 held a big entertainment celebrating its tenth anniversary on March 16th׳ Edward C. Toner was the principal speaker of the evening. Shelbyville, Ind., Lodge No. 958 re-■ cently held an old time fiddlers’ contest along with many other contests. The performance was enjoyed by everyone. Belleville, 111., Lodge No. 1221 has contracted with the Mutual Lyceum Bureau of Chicago to hold a series of musical entertainments during the winter months of 1920-21. Canton, Ohio, Lodge No. 235 recently celebrated its tenth anniversary. Plans were also made for the opening of the charter׳ The committee in charge of the campaign aims to increase the membership to 3,000. Buffalo, N. Y., Lodge No. 8 had the honor of entertaining as its guest Joe Mitchell Chappie, editor of the National Magazine, on the evening of April 7th. Brother Chappie is an enthusiastic Moose and an eloquent speaker. Nome, Alaska, Lodge No. 1314-on Jan. 12th held a ceremonial at which Dont Send a Penny Ladies! DicTyou ever set eyes on a more elegant and stylish shoe ? This beautiful, artistic hi-cut gives you all the class and smart style usually found in models priced at $10 or more. But these artistic, curve top shoes are such a surprising bargain that we do not hesitate to send right on to you for examination and try-on without a penny in advance; because we know that you , will be delighted to ־ keep them as a stun- • ning value that you could not begin to get elsewhere. Ladies’ Wonderful Hi-Cut! SHOE BARGAIN Positively the greatest 1 value in ladies’ fine shoes since before the war! Of soft, black glazed kid-finished leather — your J choiceof Military(Cuban) ! or Louis heels as shown. Fancy stitching, beautifully finished piece of work. Soles are good weight —heavy enough for any weather, yet not clumsy. The very first time you see, examine and try on a pair of these ultra-stylish hi-cuts, you will realize J their superior merits and will be proud to wear them in any k company of well-dressed people. Sizes, 2Yi to 8. ״ Widths, D.Eand EE. Order Mili- / tary heel by No. AX1070; i Louis heel by i NO.AX1073/־ Send No Now Pay only $4.98 for shoes on arrival. Then after full examination of quality, style, ^ fit and comfort, you are not fully convinced that these are araaz-r *9!ng bargains, worth much more than our price, return them and we will promptly refund your money. Order now to avoid disappointment. tEOHARB-MORTOS & CO., Cent 621 ZChicago Dont Send a Penn y A skirt value without an equal—backed by an amazingly liberal offer! Send no money—not a penny now. We are S' live that this won-ullybeautiful.rich and lustrous silk po! lin skirt bargain wf sell itself the very ״. momentyouseteyes Is: on it and realize the superb style, beautiful material, ex-¡ tremely handsome‘ design, highly ar-; tistie finish andl perfect fit. Therefore, we ship it absolutely on approval f־»r you to examine and try on, without a cent in advance. The opportunity is yours— the risk ours. Beautiful SILK Poplin Made of splendid quality rich silk poplin in this season’s most stunning style; gracefully designed lines becoming to every type of figure. Handsome draped Pocket ends are trimmed with silk fringe, greatly enhancing the beauty of this garment. Has shirring all ’round at waist line, With separate,detachable belt trimmed with pearl buttons. Your choice of a rich, lustrous black, beautiful havy blue, or stylish taupe-gray. Size9, 22 to 40 in. waist; 86to 42in. length. Ant ilnuf V Don’t wait until this wonderful skirt HCI IlUVv• bargain has passed—send for it today. No money now. Just jiame and address on postal or in letter. Pay only $4.98 for skirt on arrival. No risk. See,examine, try on, then decide. If not perfectly satisfactory, return tous and we will refund your money. Order navy by No. BX1585; black No. BX1586; taupe. No. BX1587. State size wanted. LE0NARD-M0RT0N & CO., Dept.6215 Chicago FREE MOVIE MACHINE Have Your Own “Movie’״ at home. Wonderful moving picture machine. } ״?in?iPJreta generator and 3 set■ reels! all different (96 views). Powerful lens, showing large, clear pictures. Given for selling 20 large colored pictures, or 20 packages beautiful poat card« at iCc each Order choice today. 6ATES MFC. CO. DEPT. 836 CHIC160