MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE 12 for these Classy' |W Tailor Made-to Ordef , Actual’6-Value I WE PREPAY EXPRESS 1 Less than half price; CPND NOPerfect fit and tailor-J״ »ng; satisfaction guar- MONEY anteed or Money Back " ’ Send at once for snapp H Style Book and measurement blanks ■ You need these blanks to insure per- ciouies lu yuui ■uuivmuai measurement. I Great Money-Making Plan I. __ •» •UUU.U GUI »• ucia iey-tion _____ _______^_______ , nost * exclusive style fashions—all winners. «utuunvix, uvmc !■«..»•>», . ,gg 334 5. Peoria St. Chicago ----------------------e you «roti„. Scientific Device That Does Away With Inner sur-x'^ face is made adhes-^ ive to secure the PLAPAO-PAD firm. Non-Rigi¿ Pad and What is With. j in It That Counts ly to the body, keep : ing the PLAPAO } continually applied f and the pad from I slipping. No straps, buckles or springs attached. Soft as vel• * vet—easy to apply Over 250,000 Now In Use We have proved to hundreds of thousands of sufferers from hernia (rupture) that to obtain lasting relief and develop a natural process for betterment comes by wearing a Plapao-Pad. This patented mechanico-chemico device can do the same for you. The wearing of an improper support aggravates rather than improves the condition. The Plapao-Pad can and does aid the muscles in giving proper support, thereby rendering efficient aid to Nature in restoring strength to the weakened muscles. Being self-adhesive there is no slipping and shifting of pad with resultant irritation and chafing. Most comfortable to wear — no delay from work. Awarded Gold Medal at Rome and Grand Prix at Paris. Send No Money. We will send you a trial of Plapao absolutely FREE, you pay nothing for this trial now orjlater. Write for it today, also full information. PLAPAO LABORATORIES, Block 32 St. Louis, Mo. Perfect hearing is now being restored in every condition of deafness or defective hearing from causes such as Catarrhal Deafness, Relaxed or Sunken Drums, Thickened Drums, Roaring and Hissing Sounds, Perforated, Wholly or Partially Destroyed Drums,Discharge from Ears, etc. Wilson Common-Sense Ear Drums 0״Little Wireless Phones for the Ears[9 require no medicine but effectively replace what is lacking or defective in the natural ear drums. They are simple devices, which the wearer easily fits into the ears where they are invisible. Soft, safe and comfortable. \ Write today for our 168 page FREE book on DEAFNESS, giving you full particulars and testimonials. WILSON EAR DRUM CO.. Incorporated * 811 Inter-Southern Bldg. LOUISVILLE, KX ITO ETC" DIAMOND r nLC. RiN G OFFER Just to advertise our famous Hawaiian im. diamonds--the greatest discovery r the world has ever known. We will send absolutely free this 14k gold f. ring, set with a l-2k Hawaiian im. diamond—in beautiful ring box postage paid. Pay postmaster $1.48 C. O. D. charges to cover postage, boxing, advertising, handling, etc. If you can tell it from a real diamond return and money refunded. Only 10,000 given away. Send no money. Answer quick. Send size of finger. KRAUTH & REED.Dept.llO Masonic Temple, Chicago Wrist Waich Given !You can get this fine Wrist Watch or other beautiful watch guaranteedfor J5 years. Also Lace Curtains, Rogers’ Silver Sets, fine Lockets, La Valliers and many other valuable presents for selling our beautiful Art and Religious pictures at 10 cts. each. Order 20 pictures when sold, send the $2.00 and choose premium wanted, according to big list. KAY ART CO., Kept. t>, ClllCALO PHONOGRAPH and record BoysandGirls! This wonderful New Model Talking Machine, rosewood finish, nickel „ base, and popular record, is yours. Areal |'A Talking Machine with high-grade repro-> ducer. Plays all size records up to 12m. Given for selling only 20 large colored Pictures or 20 packages beautiful Post Cards ___________________>at 15c each. Order choice today. Satisfaction guaranteed. GATES MEG. CO. DEPT. 936 CHICAGO Southern Illinois Tour of the Mooseheart Student Band Bv LOUIS A. HARVISON, Mooseheart Student evening■ concert in the Auditorium there. The prominent speakers at the concert were. Senator Henry M. Dunlap of Illionis, Superintendent M. P. Adams and Supreme Secretary Rodney H. Brandon. Everything went off in “apple pie” order and the people were apparently well please with the concert. While Mr. Reeder was waiting for a car, an old lady came by and as she hurried along shoved something into his hand, saying. “It’s for MOOSEHEART, my husband is not a Moose, I wish he was.” Later he found it to be a dollar bill. That was probably more than the kind heatred woman could afford but she understood what a great thing MOOSEHEART was and wanted to give her support. The car transporting the boys back to town was one of those wheeled “rocked me to sleep” kind. The conductor was shoving them in the back end and at the same time shouting, “Plenty of room up front” and they were being crowded out of the front end. It was 12 P. M. before anybody was quietly settled in the hotel. Immediately after breakfast at eight A. M. on Thursday, March 2oth, the Band got on a special electric train, made up of parlor car and coach and started for Springfield, Illionis. President William McKinley of the Illionis Traction System, who is some enthusiastic Moose was no doubt responsible for the elegant equipment in which we travelled. At 10 A. M. the band stopped off at a little town called Monticello, and played a short concert for the folks at the local Opera House. The mayor had declared it a holiday and most everybody had a chance to hear the music. Ail the school children were there. “Abbie” Conner was well enough to play his solo and while in the middle of it he suddenly stopped to let some water out of his horn. After he had emptied it he started in playing again. When it was all over Mr. Reeder said, “Water in your horn, eh, Abie?” Abie replied, “Why shouldn’t there be, there’s three springs in it!” He pointed to three little spring's that raised the valves. It was noon time when they arrived at Decatur. The Moose of that lodge were at the station and they led the way to the club house where a big feed, prepared by the Women’s Legion, was waiting. It didn’t take long for the hungry travelers to dig in. Everybody was wishing that they (Continued on page 14) Rain! Rain! Rain! It happens that way every time the Mooseheart Band leaves on a trip. When thirty-eight boy musicians prepared to leave for Southern Illinois on the early morning of Wednesday, March 24th, they were greeted with heavy showers. There is but one thing that rivals wet traveling and that is—a lot of baggage. Fortunately, on this trip there were only five suit cases to be lugged along in addition to the instruments. The boys, accompanied by Superintendent M. P. Adams and Band Director L. B. Reeder, boarded the shimmy-shaking North Western Milk special at 6:40 A. M. and arrived in Chicago an hour and a half later. When in the big city they were joined by Messrs. Rodney H. Brandon, Supreme Secretary of the Loyal Order of Moose, and W. Lee Provol, District Supervisor of the Order for the State of Illionis. A rapid transit was made across the city to the Dearborn Street station where a train was taken for Champaign, Illionis. It was noon time when the party of forty-two arrived in Champaign. Who would be at the station to greet them but Harold Taylor and Wayne Wallace, two Mooseheart High School graduates of the class of ’19. who are attending the University of Illinois, which is one mile from Champaign. These two young men guided the hungry ones to the nearest restaurant. Reservations were made in the best hotel in town. It was a trick of Mr. Adams’ to grab up all of the sample rooms and have four or five beds placed in each of them, instead of buying up a lot of single and double rooms. This not only meant good accomodations but also a great saving and it was great fun with six to eight in one room. AfteV being comfortably settled a march was made around town and the newspapers serenaded. “Abie” (Gerald) Conner, the smallest boy in the band, also chief melo-phone soloist was up to his old tricks again—he had to get sick and missed a trip to the University. While on the University grounds the boys made friends with a little ragged dog. Also, they had the privilege of entering the largest college armory in the world and watching two thousand students at drill. Our two graduates played in the second Regiment Band, which was performing that afternoon. At seven thirty in the evening the boys, boarded an electric car, with their instruments, to the University grounds, preparatory to playing the DoritSend a Penny These Len-Moit Hard Knox, Black Leather Work and Out Door Shoes are “wizards״ for wear—the absolute limit in strength combined with comfort and dressy appearance. Built on stylish lace Blucher last; drill-lined; leather insoles; guaranteed counters; two full solid leather soles*. — clinch nailed and sewed — running clear through to the solid, strong heels that won’t come off. Note the rugged construction—the wear-defying quality built right in, giving protection at every point. So dur- ' able—so strong —yet so flexible, soft, easy on the feet! Is it any wonder that shoes like these outwear two or three pairs of the ordinary kind? Great Shoe Offer Much more than a mere work shoe. The — snappy, clean cut style and dressy round toe make this model shoe suitable for almost any wear. You be the judge! Slip a pair on and let them do the talking! SEND NO MONEY, Just your name, address and size wanted. Pay only $3.98 for shoes on arrival. If you don’t find them the easiest, most comfortable and satisfactory shoes you ever wore, return them and we will refund your money. Sizes 6 to 11. Wide widths. Order by No-A-1817. Do it now! Be sure to state size when ordering. leonard-Morton & Co., dept. 6211 Chicago, 111. Puncture Proof Tube 6,000 Miles Guaranteed For a limited time only we are offering absolutely free a puncture proof tube guaranteed <6,000 miles, with every purchase of one of Tour famous Reliable Double Tread J'y Tires which«are guaranteed 5,000 miles ' and often give 8,000 to 10,000. 4 Reasons for Buying this Bargain Offer 1—6,000miles without apunture! 2—Save repair bills! 3—Save entire cost of tube! 4—Save money on tir. . Price Includes Tire and Tube Size Tires Size Tire 34x4 .$11.35 34 x 35 x 4S 36 x 4^ 35 x 5 36 x S 37x5.. $13.00 $13.25 $13.75 ..$14.50 $14 75 ..$14 90 ¿8x3 .$6.85 30 x 3. $7.25 30 x 3‘j. $8.35 32 x 3 S $8.95 31 x 4.$10.20 32X4 . $10.55 ^ 33 x 4..$11.00 N, Free Reliner With Each Tire <5, In ordering be sure to state size | wanted, also whether s s. clincher. j§ plain or non-skid. Send $2.00 deposit _6on each tire, balance C. O. D, subject to examination; 5 per cent discount if you send full amount with order. Rush your order today. RELIABLE TIRE & RUBBER CO. I 3414 Michigan Ave. Chicago, ill. AGENTS: $40 A WEEK New hosiery proposition for men, women and children. ‘ ־ All styles, colors and fancy stripes including the finest line of silk hose. Guaranteed One Year: MStr״T־L1U?2״?s A prospect in every home. Often sell dozen pair to one family. Repeat orders will make you a steady income. You can seii for less than store prices. Mrs. McClure made over $200 first month. Mrs. Perry made $27 a l week in afternoons. Work spare time or full 1 time. Anybody can sell this line because it I is just׳ what people need. e:!lr Hnca IPVao_.Try our hosiery before OllK nose tree--selling it. Write quick for particulars if you mean business, and state size of hose worn. Thomas Hosiery Co,,8680 Elk St., Dayton. O. NINE MONTHS TO PAY Immediate possession on our^as!^ liberal Easy IWlonthly Payment plan—the most liberal terms ever offered on a high grade bicycle. FACTORY TO RIDER prices save you money. We make our bicycles in our own new model factory and sell direct to you. We putreal quality in them and our bicycles must satisfy you. 44 STYLES, colors, and sizes to choose from in our famous RANGER line. Send for big, beautiful catalog. Many parents advance the first payment and energetic boys by odd jobs—paper routes, deliv-ery for stores, etc., make the bicycle earn\ money to meet the small Payments. DELIVERED FREE on Approval and 30 \, DAYS TRIAL, Select the bicycle you want\^ and terms that suit you--cash or easy payments?** TIKEC wheels and parts for all bicycles—at half i iflka usual prices. SEND NO MONEY but write today for the big new catalog, prices and terms. CYCLE COMPANY DeptT-141 Chicago >30 MEAD DAYS TRIAL We will send the famous “VICTOR 51״ razor to you Free for 30 Says Trial. If you wish to buy then send us $1.85 special price for the razor and our guarautee. No obligations to buy, “THE VICTOR 51'* must sell itself. Send No Money just a postal and we will send razor at once. Victor Razor Co. Dept,530 Webster Bldg., Chicago