9 MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE YOT/ CAR ¿0 as well as W. A. Cooper, of Virginia, whose profit for one month Mras ?416, or McClary, of Georgia, who made $4,175 last year. You can double vour income—you can do it easily with half the effort that you are making now. Don’t waste any more time worrying and wondering how to get ahead. This is your chance. Somebody in your neighborhood is going to get the agency for Comer Raincoats. We need someone there now. There are hundreds of orders waiting for that agent. Hundreds of people want our coats. Hundreds of people know the tremendous values that they can get—of the beautiful styles and low prices. There are thousands of dollars clear, clean, easy profit waiting for someone to step in and get it. The Comer Agency in your town is worth $96 a week if it is worth a cent, and you can have it without investing a penny. v " Read These Letters Yesterday morning I started on the new job and in the evening• I found that I had made about $40 commission, think that's a pretty good start. •George Garon, Mass. Inexperienced Man Makes $207.48 in 7 Days Please rush these six orders. I worked two hours to-day, and have taken $100 worth of orders. Rush me by special delivery more order blanks.—H. E. Nixon. N. Carolina. I’ll make you exactly the same offer I made Purvience, of Ohio. His net profit his first seven days was $207.48. All I want you to do is call on our customers in your neighborhood and take their orders for the most wonderful, stylish, well-made line of raincoats and waterproof aprons that you ever saw—at prices that cannot be met by any store. C. E. Wilson, of South Carolina, made $87.60 in 48 hours. H. O. | fllTPFD TM fl ¡1 C A M HQ Nissen, of Connecticut, made a clear profit i Urrt.l\ I nUUwHIlUv of $19.00 in 2i/3 hours. H. D. Partridge, f%r■ HAI I JinC 111 All All of Indiana, .cleared $81.90 in five days. U* UULLAKo III UAoH Mail the coupon at the bottom of this ad and. learn how you can earn big cash prizes in addition to your regular commissions and income. The Comer plan makes it possible and easy for you to get an extra hundred dollars the second month that you work for me. I will tell you all about it if you mail the coupon. I have received my coat; it is the best bargain I ever saw. I can’t explain to you just how well pleased I am with it. I hope to make you a successful agent.—Jno. S. Walker, Tenn. __________ Enclosed find 7 ox-ders. I want to thank you for giving my patrons such fine quality for their money. They continually sing your praises, thus bringing me more orders from their friends. Your goods are the best advertisers. Consider me at the rate of $1,000 worth of orders for January.—N. T. Ager, Tenn. My h at is in the ring. Must say that every one of the last raincoats made for my customers were the best advertisements I have had yet. Congratulations on your Anniversary and new /Y building. — Troy Meri- FINE RAINCOATS FREE I want my representative to wear one of my beautiful coats so that they• can show the styles and the workmanship and the fabrics. I will give you your choice of our fine coats free. I will also furnish you with dozens of samples of the rich, handsome material used in these coats, and evei־y-thing you need to start in this prosperous and profitable business. Now is the time to get started. Don’t wait for someone else. Don’t send any money. I don’t want you to tie yourself up to do anything. I want you to simply MAIL this coupon, and I will send you all the details of this wonderful proposition. It is worth thousands of dollars to you. More i׳aincoats will be bought within the next few months than have ever been bought in a similar period before. PRICES on overcoats will be sky-high this year. So the minute people know you have this agency they will flock to you for raincoats. There is *'■*'—״no chance of failure. Hundreds wjfflare successful, and you can be Mil just as successful as any of W* w * Mia Ml Just write your name ’•JULL'Qlml §11 and address on this coupon fjf with a pen or pencil—tear it RUffintu ... ff off and mail it at once. A Wonderful Chance for Women Any woman can add from $10 to $50 a week to her income by using a couple of hours Write. a day spare time. The Comer Mfg. Co., Dept. V-116, Dayton, 0. Gentlemen: Please tell me how, without investing any money, I can become your agent and make $5,000 a year or from $2.00 to $5.00 an hour for my spare time. Also send me without charge your offer of a raincoat for myself. Name..... Address . Post Office State .... This book tells you where to go—what to say and how to make the money. Send for it now.