7 MOOSEHE/JRT MMG/lZlNlb THIRTY ■SECOND ANNUAL Convention LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE (®tttrial ■¡Jruyrmnmc JUNE 20 - 25,~1920 SUBJECT TO CHANGE SUNDAY Morning Reception of Delegates and Religious Services. Afternoon Laying Corner-stone of House of G06. Concert, Mooseheart Student Band. Dress Parade, Mooseheart Cadets. Evening Philharmonic Orchestra, Mooseheart Students, Roosevelt Auditorium. MONDAY 9:00 A. M. Meeting of Supreme Council. 9:30 A. M. Registration—Credentials Committee. 10:00 A. M. Convention organized. 2:00 P. M. Laying Corner-stone Administration Building 7:30 P. M. Exemplification of Ritual by Officers of Mooseheart Lodge No. 1, Junior Order of Moose. All Past Dictators invited. 8:30 P. M. Exemplification of Ritual by picked team from Senior Lodges. TUESDAY 9:00 A. M. Meeting of Supreme Council. 10:00 A. M. Convention. 1:00 P. M. Commencement Exercises, Mooseheart High School. 3:00 P. M. Dedication Mooseheart Memorial Hospital by Philadelphia Lodge No. 54. 4:00 P. M. Base Ball Game. Mooseheart Students vs. Mooseheart Soldier Students. 8:00 P. M. Symbolic Legion Degree—Roosevelt Auditorium. WEDNESDAY 9:00 A. M. Meeting of Supreme Council. 10:00 A. M. Convention. 2:00 P. M. Laying Corner-stone Opportunity Hall (for aged) by Legion. 3:00 P. M. Track-meet and Athletic Contests. 7:30 P. M. Drill and Degree Work by Officers of Mooseheart Chapter, Women of Mooseheart Legion (all Mooseheart Mothers). All Past Dictators invited. THURSDAY 9:00 A. M. Laying Corner-stones of State Buildings, 10:00 A. M. Convention. 3:00 P. M. Athletic Contests. 8:00 P. M. Big Legion Frolic, Armory, Aurora. Prizes will be Awarded as Follows: For exemplifying Ritual with Drill Teams—First, $1,000: second, $600: third, $300. For exemplifying Ritual without Drill Team—First, $500; second, $250; third, $100. For Drill Team Contest (not less than 16 uniformed men)—First, $500; second, $250; third, $100. Individual delivery of Degree Parts (Dictator, Past Dictator, Vice Dictator and Prelate). For each, first, $50; second, $40; third, $30; fourth, $20; fifth, $10. PRIZES FOR ATHLETIC CONTESTS Baseball—First, $300; second, $200. One Mile Relay Race—Gold watch to each member of winning team. 100-yard Dash—$1§/.00 Athletic Sweater. 440-yard Dash—$15.00 Athletic Sweater. One-Mile Run—$15.00 Athletic Sweater. Fat Man’s Race—$15.00 Hat. Potato Race—Fine Silk Shirt. Obstacle Race—$15.00 Cash. Come to Mooseheart and Meet Your Children A PRAYER By DR. HENRY FRANK The following: prayer was delivered by Dr. Henry Frank. Pastor of the Peoples Liberal Church, at the Columbia Theatre, San Francisco, on May 13th, 1917. We deem it well worthy of reproduction, particularly in a Moose publication. MAY WE learn to partake of liberty, unlicensed by desire. May we acquire such adjustment of our thoughts, impulses and wishes, that while pursuing freedom, we shall not disqualify our noblest ends■ May we realize the joys of spirit as well as the fervor of thought, and catch glimpses of ecstacy that glow in imagination. To live altogether in the field of the plodding flesh, to discern no ray of beauty on the horizon of endeavor, to catch no note of melody in the discordant clash of life’s persistent tones, is to wend the way to disaster and drink at the fountain of despair. Only when imagination is wedded to toil and both beget the offsprings of hope and cheer and joy and love, is life beautiful, labor gratifying. May we learn to poise our minds in the upper air of calm thoughts, contemplative of noble ideals and cheering prospects. May we escape the jarring notes that rend the nerves and wrack the brain; may we behold visions of peace in the solemn temple of our souls. To weave the tapestries of fancy which display scenes of quietude and realms of happiness, “bodied forth in imagination,” regales the heart and transports the mind. Thus may we invite the spiritual forces that give life and strength. May we mingle with thoughts of goodness, kindliness and justice; may we find our neighbors in the needy who appeal for help, in the ignorant who crave for knowledge, in the.unworthy who challenge our sincerity, in the vicious who suspect our virtues, in the downtrodden for whom we are responsible. May we never conceive ourselves superior to others, knowing-well the frailty of man. May we realize that v^e are all weak, and unguarded, unforwarned, we all alike may fall. May we therefore conceive and realize such sympathy as each requires for reassertion, self-command and victory. May we learn to conjure the secret powers within each of us, that re-arm us for every conflict, overcoming obstacles by sheer will and reclaiming lost virtues by the authority of truth and love and right. May we learn never to despair; but to know that the sun that sets shall rise again and the darkest night must end in radiant dawn. Let us learn self-confidence and confidence in the eternal principles that uphold the universe. Amen. RESOLUTION March 30th, 1920. WHEREAS: Information comes to the Board of Officers of Philadelphia Lodge No. 54, L. O. O. M.. while in session on the above date, that our Honorary life member. Brother Ralph W. E. Donges, has been appointed Circuit Judge by Governor Edwards of the State of New Jersey, and WHEREAS: The Board of Officers and the Members of Philadelphia Lodge respect and esteem Brother Donges and recognize his fitness for the high office to which he has been appointed, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That we enter upon the Minutes of the Board of Officers an expression of our pleasure and satisfaction with the placing into high office of one of our Brothers who has done so much for this Order and who willingly surrendered a good position and at a great personal sacrifice, entered the service of his country, returning to civil life with the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel. It is also very pleasing to us to know that this recognition of Brother Donges’ worth and service comes from the e'ef A .::־,!l:ve of the State of New Jersey, Governor Edwards, who is also a member of the Loyal Order of Moose. Unanimously adopted March 30th, 1920. Attest: JOHN W. FORD, JOHN J. RYAN, Dictator. Secretary. Cooking Class at Mooseheart