MO OSE HEART MAGAZINE 2 BE A CERTIFICATED ELECTRICIAN I WILL TRAIN YOU AT HOME A REAL POSITION LIKE THIS — FOR YOU still more, at any time you wish you can come to our splendidlj equipped Electrical Shops for special training. No other schoo can give you this. A Real Opportunity for You Wishing is never going to make your dreams come true. You’vf got to study to learn. A man is worth possibly $2 a day from his neck down—and no more; but there is no limit to what he can be worth from his neck up. A trained ■mind is what gets the big pay. It is the training that you need, and I can train you in a few months. Are you ambitious tc make a real success—then send me the coupon—today. Electrical Outfit FREE To every student who answers this ad I am giving a Splendid Electrical Outfit of standard size, Electrical Tools, Instruments, Materials, etc., absolutely free. Furthermore, to every Electrical Student I give a truly valuable surprise that I cannot explain here. Free Employment Service I am continually receiving requests from employers to send them trained Electrical men. I assist my students to secure good positions. I keep in touch with them for years, helping and advising them in every possible way. Write Now — Don’t Delay Delay never got you anything. Action is what counts. Gel started—and get started now. Write me, or send me the coupon right NOW! L. L. COOKE, CHICAGO ENGINEERING WORKS 441 CASS STREET Department 95 CHICAGO, ILLINOIS CAN DO IT! The country needs thousands of trained Certificated Electricians to fill good positions—and at big pay. It’s all a matter of knowing how and I will teach you by up-to-date modern instruction. You can learn at home, without interfering with your regular work, by my highly successful method of Home Instruction in Practical Electricity. Prepare NOW and be ready in a few months to earn your $46 to $100 A WEEK SEND FOR THIS BOOK Jdy book, “HOW to BECOME AN EXPERT ELECTRICIAN,” has started thousands of young men on the road to splendid success A new edition of this has just been printed. I want every + young man interested in Electricity to have a copy and will send you one, ABSOLUTELY FREE AND PREPAID. \ Write me today. \ A How 1 Train My Students !> \ VTO As Chief Engineer of the Chicago Engineering ** -׳ Works I know exactly the kind of training a man needs to enable him to get and hold good positions, and to earn big pay. I have trained hundreds of men who are holding splendid electrical jobs. ^1 give each of my students personal ^ attention and a complete and \ thorough training. I give him \ a Splendid Electrical Outfit \ yOv Free, and much of the train-\ * ing is done by actual work ^ \ When my students gra- % \ WA duate and receive their \ \ Certificate, they are V \ 0* ready for a real \ position. But % % w 4;% A A % % YOU %