20Year Guaranteed AlumimimSet Down wmnmm Notice! Be careful in buying aluminumware. Some ■eta offered for sale are made of cheap, ■oft aluminum which bends easily,dents with every fall or knock and is not durable. Insist upon genuine, heavy gauge, hard, sheet aluminum. The set offered here is made of genuine Manganese aluminum, heavy and extra hard, guaranteed 20 year■. Everything in the Kitchen of Pure Aluminum — 27 Pieces Combination tea kettle and doable boHer (8 piece■), 6 Qoart ■Ice, 8K !neb Inside, with a double boiler, 2 Quart capacity; one Colonial design coffee percolator (2 pieces), 8 cup size with welded •pout, dome cover, fully polished; one roaster, consisting of 9 piece■, measure■ inches wide end 6 inches high. These nine pieces have dozens of different uses. In* eluding bread or bake pan (7 pint capacity); ■tew or pudding pan C7 pint capacity); pudding pan or mixing .bowl (4 pint capacity); egg poacher (5 eggs at a time); muffin pan: biscuit baker with 6 custard cup■ or jelly moulds; deep locking •elf-basting roaster, double holies' cereal cooker or triple steamer. The outfit also Includes 6 quart pre• serving kettle with cover, 2 bread pans. I lip ■tew pan (1 quart ca* paclty), 1 lip etew pan (IX quart capacity). Combination cake and pud• Bing pans (z pieces), consists of 2-quart pudding pan with cake tube; 8 8-inch pie plates; 2 9K-inch extra deep cake pans; 1 colander with 9-inca top, 6M*inch bottom and 2Ji-inch depth (can also be used as a steamer)• Shipping weight about 15 lbs. All piece• (•xoapt th• pi• plat••) •r• highly polish•(!, mad• •f g«nuln• MangeneM aluminum! extra» tiard! absolutely guaranteed for 20 year•■ Order by No. A5439NA. Send $1.00 with order, $2.25 monthly. Price of 27 pieces, $21.90 Open an account with us. We trust honest people anywhere in the U. S. Send for this wonderful bargain shown here or choose from our big catalog. One Price to all. cash or credit. No discount for cuh, Not 1 penny extra for credit. Do not ask for a special cash price. We cannot offer any discount from these sensational prices. No C. O. D. 30 Days’ Trial FREEBargainCatalog! Send for it. Show! thousand■ of bargains in furniture, jewelry, carpets, rugs, curtains, silver• ware, •tov••! women's, men'• and children’s wearing apparel. 8end the coupon today—NOW I Our guarantee protect■ you. If not perfectly satisfied, return the article at our expense within thirty days and get your money back—also any freight yon paid. Could any offer be fairer? along with $ 1.00 to ns now. Have thi■ 97-Piece Aluminum Set «hipped on 80 day’s trial. We'U also send our big Bargain Cataiog list• frig thousands of amazing bargains. Only a small first payment and balance in monthly payments for anything yon want. 8end the coupon today—right now. Straus & Schram Dept. 3004 West 35th Street, Chicago, III, Straus & Schram, Dept. 3004 W. 35th St., Chicago Enclosed find $1.00. Ship special advertised £7-piece Aluminum Kitchen Set. f am to have 80 days’ free trial. If I keep the set 1 will pay you $2.25 monthly. If I am not satisfied, I am to return the set within 80 days and you are to refund my money and any freight or express charges I paid. □ 27-Plece Aluminum Kitchen Set NO.A5439NA, $21.90. Name............................................................ Street, R.F.D. or Box No....................................................... Shipping Point........................................................... Pont Office..................................State................... If you only want the catalog put X in proper box below Q Furniture• Rugs and Stoves □ Men׳•, Women׳• and Children׳• Clotkinf