MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE 28 What I Saw at Mooseheart By Brother J. George Hesse. P. B. in “Baltimore No. 70 Moose News” the Loyal Order of Moose, someone has been negligent in failing to advise yon of its true mission. While it is true that a part of our work is devoted to fun and frolic, these are merely incidentals. Our primary object is to help the kiddies at MOOSE-HEART, and for those who have not yet taken the second degree and whose assistance we are now soliciting. The Legion, while a part of the Loyal Order of Moose, has for its aim and object a greater helpfulness to MOOSEHEART and a happy, contented childhood for its students. There are approximately 800 children at MOOSEHEART today, with an equal number scattered in all parts of this great country, clamoring for, and entitled to. admission. Waiting applicants are being received as' fast as the buildings are completed and the Legion is doing its share. We need your help to make the hundreds of present and future students contented and happy. The Legion is ready and willing to increase its responsibilities and effort, with your help, and we are frankly, honestly and earnestly asking you to join in this wonderful work. The Legion by its active cooperation, is helping blaze the trail of a new regime in fraternal achievement, and of which every Legionaire is justly proud. We. of the Legion, have cheerfully obligated ourselves to a still greater helpfullness and we ask the aid of every Loyal Moose in this good work. Our slogan is “Service”, our motto, “Ho some good to someone each day.” Are you with us ? A Distinguished Visitor Judgg Roy H. Williams of Sandusky, Ohio, Lodge No. 471, was a visitor to MOOSEHEART recently. He was made to feel at home and during his visit around the grounds he saw everything and was very much impressed with the students’ way of living. He attended two Assembly meetings and was delighted with hearing the band play. On Saturday evening he went to the picture show at Roosevelt Memorial Auditorium and shouted and cheered as loud as any of the boys when the “hero once more saved the girl from the power of the villians,” On Sunday afternoon he went with Superintendent Adams out to Moose Lake and watched the boys and girls in their ice skating. He said it reminded him of when he was a boy and that he sincerely wished that there had been a . MOOSEHEART in his day and that he had been one of its students. Another Lodge Oveaseas Director General Davis has forwarded a lodge outfit to Brother John McSwiggin who has been deputized to organize a lodge of the Loyal Order of Moose in Czecho-Slovaka. Brother McSwiggin writes that the President of the young Republic wfill head the charter-list. MISSING! Information wanted as to whereabouts of John H. Forsyth, sometimes knowm as John Harvey. Age 45, short, light hair. Address Parley B. Poling, 439 Madison Ave., Lancaster, Ohio. WANTED! One hundred thousand “Lovers of Mooseheart” to contribute $5.00 each to the Ten Million Dollar Mooseheart Endowment Fund. Send check or money order to James J. Davis, Director General, 2117 Farmers Bank Building, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. competant nurses and doctors always at hand, a large and up-to-date hospital, erected at a cost of one-hundred thousand dollars, a gift from Philadelphia Lodge No. 54. There is one of the largest dairy farms in this section of the country on the grounds with a herd of Holstein cattle to furnish milk arid cream and butter for the students. There is a large lake where bathing, boating and fishing are indulged in. They have military training for the boys, under a U. S. Army officer. They have a crack baseball and football team. A boys band of fifty pieces and a girls’ orchestra under competent teachers. A savings bank which teaches thrift to the children to save their pennies. I have traveled in Europe and have visited Germany, Norway, Sweden and Austria-Hungary, but I have never seen any place that could compare with the training and vocational education that the boys and girls are given at MOOSEHEART. So when they, are given their diplomas they are ready to go out into the world to make an honest living and become self-sustaining men and women and Loyal American Citizens. And now, my Brothers, a word in regard to the Mooseheart Legion. If you have not yet joined the Legion, the second degree, and playground of I paid a visit to MOOSEHEART in June, 1919, being one of a delegation from Baltimore Lodge No. 70, we traveled in a special Pullman car. The Commissary Department was well stocked to satisfy the inner man. We arrived at MOOSEHEART on Sunday, June 22nd. MOOSEHEART is thirty-five miles from the city of Chicago and has nearly eleven hundred acres of land and about fifty buildings of concrete construction and fire proof. There is a central heating and power plant with red tile roofs. Large modern print shops, high school building, a modern farm plant, industrial buildings, hospitals and residences. Every child is given a high school education. The boys learn all trades and professions. The girls are taught millinery, dress making and stenography. My impression of the Home was far beyond my expectations, it is a city in itself. The children looked so happy and carefree, healtry and perfectly at home in every sense of the word, not an Orphan asylum or a Friendly asylum, no walls around the grounds, no gates and no iron bars on the windows. It is non-sectarian. Jew or Gentile. Protestant or Catholic can worship according to the faith of their parents. There is no corporal punishishment tolerated by the Governors. There is a large nursery for the very young infants with Oh Boys, Gtrlsl Oreat Sport with CLAXOPHONE Voice Thrower Throw your voice under the table« back of a door, into a trunk, desk in School, any old place. Biff FUN fooling Peddlers, Policeman, Friends, anybody. This Claxophone is . a small device that lays on your tongue unseen, always ready for use by anyone. Claxophone with full instructions; also Set of Secret Wrltl!iff Trlefco. nil sent for«f\C rradeMark one dime.1* -No Stamps ‘Iw■ CLAXO'TRlCK CO., Oept, K New Haven, Conn. 17 D F C Puncture ■ ■\ Ci C■ Proof Tube 6,000 Miles Guaranteed For a limited time only we are offering absolutely free a puncture proof tube guaranteed 6,000 miles, with every purchase of one of our famous Reliable Double Tread Tires which are guaranteed 5,000miles and often give 8,000 to 10,000. 4 Reasons for Buying this Bargain Offer 1—6,000miles without apunture! 2—Save repair bills! 3—Save entire cost of tube! <1—Save two-thirds cost of tire! Price Includes Tire and Tube Size Tires 28x3 $6.85 30 x 3. $7.25 30 x 3%. $8.35 32 x 3% .$8.95 31 x 4 $10.20 32X4...$10.55 33 x 4..$1100 Size Tire 34 x4. .$11.35 34 x4M..$13.00 35x4>3•¿ 13.25 36 x4«. p 13.75 35 x 5....$i4.sO 36 x 5.. ..$14 75 37 X5. ..$14.90 Free Reliner With Each Tire vSln ordering be sure to state size i wanted, also whether s. s. clincher, I plain or non-skid. Send $2.00 deposit I Jon each tire, balance C. O. D. subject to examination; 5 per cent discount if you send full amount with order. Rush your order today. RELIABLE TIRE & RUBBER CO. 3414 Michigan Ave, Chicago, III* How Signs of Old Age Creep Into Your System When the Iron in Your Blood Runs Low For Want of Iron, You May Be Old At Thirty—Nervous, Irritable and All Run-Down—While at Fifty or Sixty, With Plenty of Iron in Your Blood, You May Be Young in Feeling and Brimming Over With Yim and Energy IRON IS THE RED BLOOD FOOD That Helps Strengthen the Nerves, Restores Wasted Tissue and Aids in Giving Renewed Force and Power to the Body. Physicians Explain Why Administration of Simple Nuxated Iron Often Increases the Strength and Endurance of Delicate, Run-down People in Two Weeks’ Time. Old age has already sunk its talons into thousands of men and women who ought still to be enjoying the springtime and summer of life simply because they have allowed worry, over-work, nervous strain, dissipation and occupational poisons to sap the iron from their blood and thereby destroy its power to change food into living tissue, muscle and brain. You will find plenty of people at 40 who are broken in health and steadily going downward to physical and mental decay while others at 50 are strong, active, alert and seemingly growing younger every year. One class withers and dies like leaves in autumn while the other by keeping up a strong power of resistance against disease may pass the three score and ten mark with surprising health, strength and vigor. But you cannot expect to look and feel young and vigorous unless you have plenty of iron in your blood, and physicians explain below why they prescribe organic iron— Nuxated Iron—to supply the iron deficiency in the weak, nervous, and run-down so as to build them up into stronger, healthier men and women. “Many a man and woman who ought still to be young in feeling is losing the old time vim and energy that makes life worth living simply because __ their blood is starving for want of iron,” says Dr.! James Francis Sullivan, formerly Physician of Bellevue Hospital (Outdoor Dept.), New York, and the Westchester County Hospital. “Thousands are ageing and breaking down at a time when they should be enjoying perfect health because anae-mie—lack of iron in the blood—has fastened its grip on them and is sapping their strength, vitality and energy. But in my opinion you can’t make see that this particular name (Nuxated Iron) appears on the package. If you have taken preparations such as Nux and Iron and other similar iron products and failed to get results, remember that such products are an entirely different thing from Nuxated Iron.” Dr. George H. Baker, formerly Physician and Surgeon, Monmouth Memorial Hospital of New Jersey, says: “From a careful examination of the formula and my own tests of Nuxated Iron. I feel convinced that it is a preparation which any physician can take himself or prescribe for his patients with the utmost confidence of obtaining highly beneficial and satisfactory results.” MANUFACTURERS1 NOTE. Nuxated Iron which lias been used by Dr. Sullivan and other physicians • with such surprising results, is not a secret remedy, but• one which is well ■ known to druggists everywhere. Unlike־ the older inorganic iron products, it is easily assimilated and does, not injure the teeth, make them black nor 'upset the stomach. The manufacturers guarantee, successful and entirely satisfactory results to every purchaser or they will reftuid your money. It is dispensed by all good druggists. j Y O U A R E AGEING 5 If your skin is shrinking S and your face looks wrin- j kled, careworn and old YOU ARE AGEING If the enthusiasm for tackling your daily problems has waned strong, keen, forceful men and healthy rosy-cheeked women by feeding them on metallic iron. The old forms of metallic iron must go through a digestive process to transform them into organic iron—Nuxated Iron—before they are ready to be taken up and assimilated by the human system. I strongly advise readers in all cases to get a physician’s prescription for organic iron— Nuxated Iron—or if you don’t want to go to this trouble then purchase Nuxated Iron in its original packages and