27 MOOSEHEART magazine Athletics at Mooseheart Coffman Frank La Flamme, Attle-boro (Mass.) Lodge No. 463, Bert Robertson. BIG 12-MILE RELAY RACE WILL BE RUN MAY IST The High Schools of Kane County will repeat the big 12-mile relay race which was first held last year. This race will be run on the Lincoln Highway between St. Charles and Aurora and will be twelve miles in length. It will be run in the form of a relay race where each team will enter twelve men and each man will run one mile. Mooseheart has been invited to participate in this big relay race this year and the announcement comes from Athletic Director Oswalt that a call for candidates for this team will be made very shortly. shorter dashes. These three boys are first class speed artists and will give all opponents a run for the money in the shorter races. In the middle distance and distance runs the team will be ably represented by such men as Captain Victor Kuhns, Ernest Dau-benmire, Lancaster (Pa.) Lodge No. 955. Louis Harvison, Pittsburgh (Pa.) Lodge No. 46, Earle Solomon, Green Bay, (Wis.) Lodge No. 359, Jas. Jenkins, Philadelphia (Pa.) Lodge No. 54 and Ray Coffman, Youngwood (Pa.) Lodge No. 23. In the field events which include the pole vault, high jump, shot put and discus hurl, the team will have such performers as, Loyd Jenkins, Philadelphia (Pa.) Lodge No. 54, Jas. Lynch, Cleveland (Ohio) Lodge No. 117, Russell Cret-cher, Wabash (Ind.) Lodge No. 1195, Wm. McClintock, Howard Lord, Ray MOOSEHEART STUDENTS WILL HAVE GOOD TRACK AND FIELD TEAM THIS YEAR The MOOSEHEART students are now training for the 1920 track team. A very successful track team was organized last year and competed with all of the different high schools in the vicinity of MOOSEHEART. Many of the old squad are on hand for this year’s team and a winning team will no doubt be produced to represent the school. Victor Kuhns of Apollo (Pa.) Lodge No. 201 is the Captain elect for the 1920 team and it is expected that he will smash the high school mile record in these parts this year. Last year was Kuhns first performance in track work. He is a great leader and a hard worker. The MOOSEHEART students under the tutorship of Athletic Director Ben A. Oswalt made rapid progress in the track and field sports last year, which was their first attempt at that branch of athletics. Several fast sprinters have been developed as well as a number of middle and long distance runners. They have also held their own in the field events such as the Victor Kuhns of Apollo (Pa.) Lodge No. 201 high jump, pole vault, broad jump, 12-lb. shot-put and discus hurl. With the benefit of one years experience the team this year should give a good account of itself against the leading schools in this part of Illinois. Several big Meets have been scheduled to take place at MOOSEHEART this Spring which will attract the attention of all the schools surrounding MOOSEHEART. The MOOSEHEART team is also entered in several big outside Meets which will be held in Chicago, and according to present prospects our boys will give a good account of themselves. Wm. McClintock, Johnsonburg (Pa.) Lodge No. 149, Howard Lord, Lead-ville (Colo.) Lodge No. 842, Bert Robertson, Austin (Pa.) Lodge No. 257, will represent the team in the DONT SEND A PENNY Snap up this chance to get two splendid garments for the price of one. A most beautiful skirt at a stunning bargain and a white voile waist absolutely free. Not a penny to send with order. Only the coupon (no money) and you get by mail directthis wonderful,stylish, well made skirt and also the free voile waist—the waist included if you send right now. The number of free waists is limited. So don't wait. Get coupon in mail today. 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Scientific Device That Does Away With ’3 the n - SI i p- ■Käs Mi and What is With. a in It That Counts Inner sur- face is made adhes-'®* ive to secure the PLAPAO-PAD firm, ly to the body, keep• ing the PLAPAO continually applied and the pad from i slipping. No straps, | buckles or springs attached. Soft as ve ,vet—easy to apply. . PAY'D *PHILS Over 250,000 Now In Use We have proved to hundreds of thousands of sufferers from hernia (rupture) that to obtain lasting relief and develop a natural process for betterment comes by wearing a Plapao-Pad. This patented mechanico-chemico device can do the same for you. The wearing of an improper support aggravates rather than improves the condition. The Plapao-Pad can and does aid the muscles in giving proper support, thereby rendering efficient aid to Nature in restoring strength to the weakened muscles. Being self-adhesive there is no slipping and shifting of pad with resultant irritation and chafing. Most comfortable to wear — no delay from work. Awarded Gold Medal at Rome and Grand Prix at Paris. ft Send No Money. We will send you a trial of Plapao absolutely FREE, you pay nothing for this trial now orlater. Write for it today, also full information. PLAPAO LABORATORIES, Block 32 St Lou«, Mo.