MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE 28 Higto power air rifle for selling L boxes Mentho-Noya Salve at 25c._ II. S. company,' Box 36 Greenville, Pa. FREE EASTMAN Premo Film Pack Camera, for selling 20 large colored pictures or 20 pkgs. post cards at 15c each. Order choice today. Sent prepaid. GATES MFG. CO.. DEPT. 236 CHICAGO BE AN EXPERT Ш Wonderful, new device, guides your hand; corrects your writing in few days. Big improvement in three hours. No failures. Complete outline FREE. Write C. J. Ozment, Dept. 37 St. Louis, Mo. ׳DOLLARS IN HARES We pay $7 to $18.50 and tip a pair and express charges. Bio Profits. We furnish guaranteed high grade stock and buy all you raise. lise oaek *ard, barn, cellar, attic. Contract and Illustrated Catalog Free. Standard Food & Fur Ass’n, 309F Broadway. New York. TRIAL FREE Let us send this fine Razor for 30 days free trial. When satisfied after using, send $1.85 or return razor. Order Today. JONES MFC• GO• 136 W.LakeSLDept. 445 CHICAGO A Year Sure pocket knives and razors, name and address, Moose and other emblems clearly shown under transparent handles. Send in today for special outfit offer. Novelty Cutlery Co., 90 Bar St., Canton, Ohio give a Real honest-to-good- ^ ft B6 ff® as stylish & serviceable Wrist 8■ U $«* Be latch-Also Lace Curtains.Sil- I 11 B■ b verware,Kodaks Gold Lockets,Ladles and Gents Watches., etc., easily J ’r*i_ “־ ‘ ' a few of , __ l

6.....13.35 36 X 414.....13.85 35 X 5........ 14.85 36x5..........14.95 30x3.........$ 7,35 30 X 3У2.......8.45 32 X bV2...... S. S.only.. 9.05 81 X 4........10.30 32x4..........10.65 33x4..........11.10 34 X 4........11.45 RELINER FREE WITH EVERY TIRE State whether you want straight side or clincher, plain or non-skid Send $2.00 depoeit lor each tire ordered, balance C. O. D.\ subject to examination, or 5 per cent discount If full amount is sent with order. DURABLE TIRE & RUBBER COMPANY 2406 W. Chicago Ave., T* CHICAGO, ILL* Japanese Rose Bushes Five for lOefs. Tlie W onder of tile W о rid pRose Bushes with roses on them in 8 i weeks from the time the seed was . planted. It may not seem possible but 'we Guarantee it to be so. They will BLOOM EVERY ТЕМ WEEKS Winter or Summer and when 3 years old will have 5 or 6 hundred roses on -r_ each bush. Will grow in the house in the ־winter as well as in the ground in summer. Новее All Tlie Year Around. Package of seed with our guarantee, mail, Only Ten Cent«• Japan Seed Co., Box !654 South Norwalk, Cons•