MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE 24 DON’T WEAR A^TRUSS! After Thirty Years’ Experience We Have Produced an Appliance for Men, Women or Children That Cures Rupture. WE SEND IT ON TRIAL If you have tried most everything else, come to us. Where others fail is where we have our greatest success. Send attached coupon ttoday The Above is C. E. Brooks. Inventor of the Appliance. Mr. Brooks Cured Himself of Rupture Over 30 Years Ago and Patented the Appliance from His Personal Experience. If Ruptured, Write Today to the Brooks Appliance Co., Marshall, Mich. and we will send you free our illustrated book on Rupture and its cure, showing our Appliance and giving you prices and names of many people who have tried it and were cured. It gives instant relief when all others fail. Remember, we use no salves, no harness, no lies. We send on trial to prove what we say is true. You are the judge and once having seen our illustrated book and read it you will be as enthusiastic as our hundreds of patients whose letters you can also read. Fill out free coupon below and mail today. It's well worth your time whether you try our Appliance or not. FREE INFORMATION COUPON Brooks Appliance Company 130-K State St., Marshall, Mich. Please send me by mail, in plain wrapper, your illustrated book and full information about your Appliance for the cure of rupture. Name ............................ Address ............................. City............... State............ AGENTS: $48 a Week 2 in 1 Reversible Raincoat ?ress coat• 9ther side storm coat. T^oredseams sewed and strapped. Brand Saves srn81 !elf?“־ Not s9ld “ stores. f 10־ ?e11 t0 men and women who object to paying present high prices. Guaranteed Waterproof or money back. Our men and women rmwVJthin^Ing Wonderful success. ±tignt now is the big season. No experience or capital needed. You take the orders. We ship by parcel nnst !“¿edVyoufakfmderf0111“1581011 paW Parker Mfg. Co.,464 Storm St., Dayton, Ohio Throw your VOICF Under WIVIj. the table, down in the cellar, into as trunk or any where. Our VENTRILO which fits in the mouth enable■ you to fool all your friends. Also art of ventriloquism an big book of Jokes. By mail 10 cts. Prepaid. ARDEE NOVELTY CO. Box 47 Stamford Conn, rnr r DIAMOND r nLL RING OFFER Just to advertise our famous Hawaiian im. diamonds--the greatest discovery the world has ever known. We will send absolutely free this 14k gold f. ring, set with a l-2k Hawaiian im. diamond—in beautiful ring box postage paid. Pay postmaster $1.48 C. O. D. charges to cover postage, boxing, advertising, handling, etc. If you can tell it from a real diamond return and money refunded. Only 10,000 given away. Send no money. Answer quick. Send size of finger. KRAUTH & REED, Dept. 110 Masonic Temple, Chicago phonograph CDFir and record r VaEiEb BoysandGirls! This wonderful New Model Talking Machine, rosewopd finish, nickel base, and popular record, is yours. A real -Talking Machine with high-grade reproducer. Plays all size records up to Given for selling only 20 large colored Pictures or 20 packages beautiful Post Cards i5e each. Order choice today. Satisfaction guaranteed. GATES MFG. CO, DEPT■ 936 CHICAGO News From The Lodges (Continued from page 20) very small membership to more than 300 and Secretary Slagel states that they will reach the 500 mark on or before May 1st, 1920. In addition, they have equipped their lodge with all that is needed for the proper conduct of the business of a regular Moose Lodge. Buifalo Lodge No. 8 held its first campaign February 29th. One hundred candidates took the work which was exemplified by the Degree team of Rochester Lodge. Prof. A. E. Post of Syracuse gave a splendid talk on MOOSEHEART. This campaign is being handled by District Supervisor P. H. Galvin with Deputies John Galvin and C. A. Pross in the field. They look for an increase of׳ three hundred, and the Officers and members of the Lodge are enthusiastic. was arranged and held on February 15th. A large delegation from Fond du Lac Lodge No. 281 attended the meeting including the band and degree team who exemplified the initiatory services. Albany, N. Y. Lodge No. 909 is making great progress and enjoying the most prosperous year it has ever had. On February 15th the lodge invited the public to hear a lecture on MOOSEHEART delivered by Professor Albert Bushnell Hart of Harvard LTniversity. The meeting was well attended and aroused a great deal of interest. Carlinville Lodge No. 1481 stands as an example of what can be accomplished when the proper effort is put forth. This lodge has grown from a a good boom of prosperity having doubled its membership the past year. Will hold a fair April 12th to 16th during which a goodly sum is expected to be realized which will be devoted to a building fund. We have a wonderful degree staff who is letter perfect in the ritualistic work and use the stereopticon, with the 48 slides to great advantage. Trusting you may find space for the above and thanking you for same in advance. I remain fraternally vours in P. A. P. • ALBERT H. KELLEY, Secretary. RESOLUTION OF RESPECT WHEREAS, It has pleased the Almighty God, in His Infinite Goodness, to call from us one of our most highly esteemed members, Bro. George W. Mayers, Secretary, who passed to his eternal reward on the morning of January 14th, 1920, after an illness of four weeks from pneumonia. WHEREAS, Franklin Lodge No. 83, L. O. O. M. tenders its heartfelt sympathy to his bereaved wife, father, and sister, and offers the assurance that, although in a lesser degree, their loss is also ours. BE IT RESOLVED, That a copy of these resolutions be spread on the minutes; that a copy be sent to the bereaved family and to the “Moose-heart Magazine”. Furthermore, that our charter be draped in mouring for a period of thirty days. George’s span of life is ended, He has laid life’s burdens down. Gone to meet the Great Creator, In the land of the great beyond. Grieve not, weary, sad and loved ones; Droop not. faint not, by the way. You will meet your dearly loved one, In the land of perfect day. Signed, EDWARD P. STANTON, H. W. RODGERS, ARCHIE A. GRAHAM, Committee. New Martinsville, W. Va. Lodge No. 931. Dear Editor: I have been, ever since Director General Davis, spoke here, intending to write a line and give you an idea of our Lodge. Ever since Brother Davis spoke, our Lodge has been stirred up to even greater love for MOOSEHEART, and besides his speach has caused some new members added to the Lodge, some of them among our best citizens. Too much praise can not be given to Brother Davis, for his edifying address, delivered so that every one of the large audience could hear and understand. We have had a good year, about 58 initiated, among them, as I said, the very best and we have 310 on the roll. We have a good corps of officers. Our Dictator, and in fact all of the officers are good Loyal Moose, they have the welfare of MOOSEHEART in their hearts as well as all of the members, and we will do all we can to help it. God bless and prosper MOOSEHEART! We are talking very strongly about purchasing a home for the Lodge, as soon as we can see our way clear. We have a splendid room in which to meet, but it does not belong to us, so that makes quite a difference. We have not much sickness at present, a little “flu” is about all. There are quite a number of our Lodge contemplate a trip to MOOSEHEART, during the coming summer, wihch in our opinion will repay us for the expense incurred. TYKO. Editor of Mooseheart Magazine. Dear Sir and Brother; Knowing that you are pleased to print in our great monthly magazine any interesting news, I take this opportunity to send what I believe will prove of interest. Beverly Lodge No. 1254, Loyal Order of Moose has the honor of reporting that every member on its rolls is square on dues to Mar. 31st. 1920. Our Lodge is enjoying IF YOU FIND THI 51 VTTMÏ1 1ER OF Y OUI SELO1 IV, ASK YOUR J DICTATOR, SEI RETAR Y, OR CHAH N OF THE A 1 f 1)1'I1» ING CO i MM ITT F F WH1 Y YOU ARE NO LO? N ( IF] VI COSE. XHF,U OF THI 3M CA> 1 TELL YOl RIT E ROD? v F. Y H. BRAND ON, MOOSEHEi CRT, ILI ... AND he m ILL ï 35 — — 121 — — — . 246 ׳ — ï — 349 — 892 — 415 — — 442 — — ' — 498 — 54(1 — . — 666 — 676 — 687 —■ 709 _ 742 — 773 — 780 — , 821 - — ־ —- 882 — — 919 — 939 — 941 — (JCJ? — — - — — 1050 1 1069 — — 1085 - 1115 — 1142 — 1170 — 1238 — - 1266 — — 1379 — — — 1448 C = — — ־־־ — — 1517 - — 161« - !626 1649 - 1658. m!fUHil!IIC3IliiUUilflC2iUliUi!l iiuuiiuuuuDi ׳rtllffjsti intmniDTTtf( nmiiiUiiHiiiiHii Don't Send a Penny Wonderful Silk Shirt Bargain f" No picture can begin to give you an idea of the real 1 beauty of this pure fibre silk stripe shirt. It’s such a wonderful bargain, and we are so sure you will say you never Baw its equal anywhere, that we will send it- to you without a cent of advance payment. No matter how critical you are in selecting your silk fihirts this is simply bound to please you, because it is absolutely the swellest looking shirt made. See if you can match it anywhere in beauty and quality of mate• rial or style and finish for even $7 to $10. Guaranteed custom made of pure fibre silk stripe that is specially adapted for shirts because of its rich, bright, lustrous silk sheen, the wonderful color stripe effects and its remarkable wearing qualities.. Best wearing silk Bheen material made and makes up into the finest looking, dressiest shirts. Does not crack, crease, wrinkle or pucker. Cut full and generous and has latest style turn back French cuffs. Stripes are beautiful combinations of blues, pinks, greens,orange,purple,etc. All guaranteed fast colors. AIai/OF has such an amazing DCMUrC shirt bargain as this been offered to you. You positively can’t find its equal at anywhere near our low bargain price. Just send your name and address—no money. Pay AS for shirt on arrival. If not satisfied with your w bargain send it back and we will return your money. Sizes, 14 to 17 neckband. Order shirt % size smaller than collar you wear. Order by No. C404. leonard• Morton & Co., Dept. 592f Chicago Sensational Tube Sale ! Tire and Tube Prices C.____-־L _ J Just purchased at great omasnea bargain 1,450 guaranteed fresh stock tubes—while they last we will give one, any size, for 30c witbi each serviceable tire purchased. Serviceable DT°R^LDE Tires 5000 Miles Guaranteed Free reliner with each tire. The supply of tubes is order early and take advantage of this sensational offer. Size Tire’ Tube Size Tire Tube SB 50.... S-SP 34x4 .$10,25. ..S.90 ’ ’ .90 34x4%. 11.50... .80 .90 95x4%. 12.00... .90 .90 36x4%. 12.50... .90 .90 35x5 . 13.05... .90 .90 36x5 . 13 40... .80 .90 37x5 . 13.95.....00 30x3 _________ 30x3%. 7.50.... 32x3%. 8.50.... 34x3%. 9,40.... 31x4... 9.50.... 32x4... 9,75.... 33x4...10.00.... Send $2.00 deposit on each tire, balance C. O. D. Subject to examination. Take 5% discount if you send full amount. State whether SS or Clincher. ServiceableTire Corp»^^35^E^33dSt^Chicag^ Perfect hearing is now being restored in every condition of deaf« ( ness or defective hearing from causes 6uch as Catarrhal Deafness, Relaxed or Sunken Drums, Thickened Drums, Roaring and , Hissing Sounds, Perforated, Wholly or Partially Destroyed ^ Drums,Discharge from Ears, etc. Wilson Common-Sense Ear Drums c*Little Wireless Phones for the Ears[* require no medicine but effectively replace what is lackin''׳ defective in the natural ear drums. They are sn devices, which the wearer easily fits into the < where they are invisible. Soft, safe and comforts Write today for our 168 page FREE book on DE NESS, giving you full particulars and testimon WILSON EAR DRUM CO.. Incorporated 679 Inter-Southern Bldg. LOUISVILLE, E simple