MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE 22 fig*. BOOK ON DOG DISEASES And How to Feed % Mailed free to any address by America’s the Author Pioneer H. CLAY GLOVER CO., Inc Dog Medicines 118 West 31st Street, NewYerk save Tires factory to I Consumer ’ Scientifically reconstructed by the most modern methods. Reinforced with three extra plies of fabric, giving them the assurance of the usual 5000-mile service. Our factory in the heart of the rubber industry gives us the greatest selection, the best stock and best workmen for the manufacture of reinforced tires, which by far are the preferred tires for the man who is eager to economize. Written 6000-mile guarantee with all tires. We can ship immediately at these prices: Tube $2.60 2.80 2.90 3.00 3.20 3.30 *S. S. Only RELINER FREE WITH EVERY TIRE --------- State whether straight side or clincher desired. Send $2 deposit for each tire ordered; balance C.O.D. subject to examination. If you send full amount, deduct 5% discount. RUBBER CENTER TIRE CO., Dept. 120 Akron, O. Size Tire Tube Size Tire 30x3 $6.00 $2.00 34x4 t 9.75 30x34 7.00 2.10 34x4 И 11.25 *32x3 V4 8.00 2.20 35x4 И 11.50 31x4 9.00 2.40 36x4 И 12.00 32x4 9.26 2.45 35x5 12.75 83x4 9.50 2.50 37x5 13.25 Scarf Pin No. Б. Solid gold open circle design.l-2K.Tif-nite Gem. Price $16.60, $4.50 on arrival. Balance $3.00 a month. La Valliere No. 4. Solid gold. Chain 16 in. long. l-2k guaranteed genuine Tifnite Gem. Latest style black e n am e led circle mounting. Price $16.60.$4.50 on arrival. Bal.$3 a mo. mXT €>0־ > • Won- derful GEM Disco• Flat Belcher Ring No. 1. Solid gold very Put it Beside aDIAMOND Tifnites have the pure white color, flash and brilliancy of diamonds—stand all diamond tests—fire, acid and diamond file. No backing, no foil. Only an expert can distinguish between them—and yet they cost so little. Send coupon and we will send you your choice of the 3 Rings, Scarf Pin or La Valliere to wear free for 10 days. Solid Gold Mountings Tifnite gems are such beauties that we could not think of giving them any mounting except solid gold wrought into latest, most exquisite designs. Remember a guar׳ anteed solid gold mount ing for every Tifnite Gem Send No Money —Just Coupon No money—no references. Just the coupon brings the wonderful Tifnite Gem— choice of Rings, Scarf Pin or LaValliere. Pay $ 4.50 on arrival. Wear it 10 days’ free. If satisfied, pay balance at rate of $3 per month. Otherwise return article and we will refund the money you have paid. For ring size send strip of heavy paper drawn tightly around second joint of finger so end8 exactly meet. Mail coupon today. guaranteed genuine Tifnite Gem. Price $16.60, only $4.50 upon arrival. Balance $3 per month. - Ladies' Ring No. 2. Solidgold latest mounting. Has a guaranteed genuine Tifnite Gem almost a carat in size. Price $16.60, only $4.50 upon arrival. Balance $3.00 per month. ToothBelcherRing No. 3. Solid gold Bix- Tifnite Getn almost a carat in size. Price $16.50, only $4.60upon arrival. Balance $3.00 per month. THE TIFNITE GEM CO • Dept. 644 Chicago Send on 10days approval. |—I Ring |—| Scarf P־| LaVal-article mark ed X in □. LJNo. I—IPin L-Jliere If satisfactory, I agree to pay $4.50 on arrival and balance at rate of $3.00 per month. If not satisfactory, I will return same within 10 days. Name............................. Address.......................... City.......................State. Mooseheart Legion for Men and Women (Continued from page 8) ranged for at these Frolics and have been very interesting to all of the Legionaires, as well as the candidates themselves. Brother Jess E. Siler, formerly of Mooseheart, has been assisting the Legion in this district. Monongahela Valley Legion No. 52 held a very fine Frolic recently at Clarksburg, initiating a big class of candidates. Brother Sam Davis of the Organization Department of the Moose assisting the Legionaires in getting up this Frolic and the Legionaires are in hopes that Brother Sam will be with them again. Miami Valley Legion No. 103, recently held a big Legion Frolic at Eaton, Ohio, initiating a class of about 60 candidates. A large delegation of Legionaires attended this Frolic from the various cities within that district taking special trains from their respective cities. The Legionaires in this district have formed what is known as a Mooseheart Club. All members of this Mooseheart Club will have their Railroad Expenses paid to Mooseheart for the big convention which will be held this summer. The Mooseheart Club in the Miami Valley district now has a very big membership. The Legionaires from that territory will therefore come to the Moose convention in 1920 with a big delegation. Brooklyn Legion No. 20 has been holding some big Frolics recently and initiating many candidates. This Legion expects to show a big increase in membership in the next few months and every growth will he watched with interest. Plans are now being made for the next Frolic which will be held next month in that district. Fred Gorsline was appointed as special Deputy Grand Regent to assist in this big re-organization meeting. Liberty Legion No. 34 held their big installation meeting at Hamilton, Ohio on January 18th and installed Bert King of Covington. Ky. into the office of Great North Moose. H. Lee Welch of Newport, Ky. is the new Herder of the Legion in that district, and all legionaires in that district wishing to remit dues will address their letter to Herder Welch at 720 Washington Ave., Newport, Kentucky. Liberty Legion is growing very rapidly and expects to make a considerable increase in membership during 1920. The Legionaires presented the last retiring Great North Moose, Harry H. Schuster, with a Mooseheart emblem ring׳ for the fine service which he rendered to the Legion during his term of office. Youngstown Legion No. 100 now has an initiation fee of $25.00 which is the highest initiation fee held by any Men’s Legion district. The Youngstown Legion has been growing very rapidly and has perfected a very strong organization. It expects to make a very decided increase during 1920. Herder S. F. Sullivan has notified the Grand Regent’s office that several immense Frolics will be held in that Legion during the coming months which will be attended by legionaires from miles around. The progress and growth of this Legion is being watched with interest. Noi-th Texas Legion No. 5, instituted at Dallas, Texas, has been holding some very fine Frolics recently. Some novel features in the way of burlesque initiation have been ar- The Home and The National Welfare ■ (Continued from -page ?) land values and the inability of the average young man at the beginning of his career to make the initial investment to acquire a farm. The duty of our Governemnt—both State and National,—is to make a tenant farmer a land owner, to give the farmer a chance to own the farm he works, in short, to encourage the building of more homes in the open country. It is as vitally important that we should do this as it is that we should protect our homes against disease and crime and the forces of nature. These are only a few of the many grave problems now before us. Their solution will require a strong, contractive leadership. That leadership must be one of convictions and principles. A leadership of expediency and opportunism will not do. And the goal of this new leadership must be the attainment of an ecomonic social condition in this country that will encourage the founding of American homes and the rearing of American children. MOOSE WANDER TO FAR PLACES Villette Le Chable, Valais Suisse, Feb. 1. 1920. Mr. Hugo Doebler, Secretary, Grand Lodge of Protection, Mooseheart, 111. Dear Brother: From far away in the Alps of Switzerland I send you greetings. I am proud of my membership in the Loyal Order of Moose and I love MOOSEHEART. I hope to return to the dear old U. S. A. in a few months. Fraternally and sincerely yours, AUGUST LUISIER. founding of homes and the rearing of families. If the policy under consideration be one of taxation no better test could be applied to it than the test of whether it will increase or decrease the number of small home-owners. If an agricultural policy he under consideration exactly the same standard of judgement should be applied. In the present movement for the betterment of our agricultural life this test has a distinct application at the present time. The late Colonel Theodore Roosevelt was the foremost prophet of the age, as Lincoln was of his, and Roosevelt never uttered a more prophetic word than when he raised his voice against the increasing numbers of tenant farmers in the United States. In 1880 one farmer in twenty four was a tenant, and at that time the tenant was still generally a young man to whom the position of tenant was but an intermediate step between that of farm laborer and that of farm owner. But in 1910 over one farmer in three had become a tenant, and since then it has become steadily more difficult to pass from the tenant to the owner stage. If this process continues unchecked, half a century hence we shall have deliberately permitted ourselves to plunge into a situation which has brought chaos in Ireland, and which in England resulted in the complete elimination, of the old yeomanry, so that nearly nine-tenths of English farmers today are tenants and the consequent class division is most ominous for the future. France and Germany are today distinctly better off than we are in this respect; and in New Zealand, where there is an excellent system of land distribution, only one-seventh of the farmers are tenant. The growth of tenancy is an unhealthy sign of the times which is to prove the tremendous increase in the for these Classy w Taiior-Made-to Order SEND NOgrit»,, fttA OWCV anteed or Money T Send at once for ■ Style Book and measurement ■ You need these blanks to insure per- ■ fect fit. Remember, only $2.65 for pants, express prepaid. We make all clothes to your individual measurement. I Great Money-Making Plan ■ how to earn $2600 to $3000 a year in враге time. Get your own •uit FREE ijuet to make ’em ask where you got it). ■ PDPP Beautiful, interesting a ilbb BOOK about this money- ■ making proposition. Greatest collection ever or woolen samples. 162 latest, most exclusive style fashions—all winners. ■ Theda Bara. Annette Kellermann, uncensored scenes and daring poses tiful colors. Some pictures. Men ! - ■ brings everything Free. Write today—Sure. Reliable Tailoring Co. £334 S. Peoria St. Chicago FREE MOVIE MACHINE Have Your Own "Movie” at home. Wonderful moving picture machine, ״■ ׳'th gas generator and 3 sets reels, .all different (96 views). Powerful lens, showing large, clear pictures. Given for selling 20 large colored pictures, or 20 packages beautiful poBt cards at 15c each. Order choice today. GATES MEG. CO. DEPT. 836 CHICAGO “$1,000 Saved!” ׳'Last night I came home with great news. Our savings account had passed the thousand dollar mark! “A few years ago I was making $15 a week and it took every cent to keep us going. Then one day I realized why I wasn’t being advanced—I couldn’t do anything in particular. I decided right then to invest an hour after supper each night in my own future, so I wrote to Scranton and arranged for a course of special training. "Why. in a few months I had a whole new vision of my work! An opening came and I was promoted—with an increase. A little later another raise came—I could save $25 a month. Then another—I could save $50 each pay day. So it went. "Today lam manager of my department. We have a thousand dollars saved—and there is a real future ahead!1״ For 28 years the International Correspondence Schools have been helping men and women everywhere to win promotion, to earn more money, to have happy prosperous homes, to know the joy of getting ahead in business and in life. You, too, can prepare right at home in spare time forthe position you want in the work you like best. All we ask is the chance to prove it. Choose your career from this coupon and mark and mail it now. tear out neat «— ׳ ״■■ INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS BOX 85 97, SCRANTON, FA. Explain, without obligating me, how I can qualify for the position, or in the subject, before which I mark X. ELECTRICAL ENGINEER Electric Lighting and Uy*. J Electric Wiring Telegraph Engineer Telephone Work MECHANICAL ENGINEER Mechanical !)raftsman Machine Shop Practice Toolmaker Gas Engine Operating CIVIL ENGINEER Snrveylng and Mapping MINE FOREMAN or ENG'll STATIONARY ENGINEER Marine Engineer Ship Draftsman ARCHITECT !Contractor and Builder Architectural Draftsman Concrete Builder Structural Engineer PLUMBING AND HEATING Sheet Metal Worker 2 Textile Overteer or Snpt. 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