MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE 21 C ^95 Susquehanna ^SilkPophn Skirt Here's en amazing value In a genuine Susquehanna Silk Poplin Skirt. Only $3.95 for a skirt that ordinarily would cost you from $6.00 to $7.00• You save the difference by־ buying DIRECT from the factory—from one of largest skirt makers in the country. The Bilk poplin has a very high Inatro and Is beautiful In appear, ance. It Is an exceptional quality. Latest style is dis~ !d in the handsome buckle and Bilky fringe. The Bkirt falla in graceful soft rippling folds from the gathering under self-belt. Cor״ rectly proportioned,full over hips ar d ha־» v ide basted In tn at bottom. Colors black, navy or taupe. Sizes 22 to 40 In waist: 84 to 40 in length. Extra waist sizes 32 to 40— 85 cents extra. with your order. Just mail toe coupon below. Pay the 8 -Г Г ОП. ХОНГ BUttur • delight you with its becorr-in״ness. Your friends will admire and praise its excellent appearance.If you don t consider it well worth $2.00 to $3.00 more Just send Ik back and get your money, i Warewsil Co• J Dept. / П ' ■ Philadelphia, Pa. ■ Send me״ Susquehanna И Silk Poplin Skirt ON I APPROVAL. I pay only ■ $3.95on arrival. Money я back l£ I want it. I Color . . . Walatatza . Pay We POSTAGE Save MONEY Bay DIRECT Name... » Address׳. Mr. Edison4! IVonderfut . . New Anwrola Only $11 fill j^=Dowit Keep the New Edison Amberola —Edison’s great phonograph with the diamond stylus— and your choice of records, for oniy $1.00. Pay balance at rate of only a few cents a day. Hear it in your own home before you decide. Only $1.00 down. Write today for our New Edison Book and pictures, free. F. K. BABSON, Ediioa ?Monograph Dist, 2884fidison 81k.,Chicago Over the $50,000.00 Mark we are growing by leaps and bounds. Hoping that some day the Junior Order of Moose will stand as second to the Loyal Order of Moose, and with best wishes for your paper and MOOSEHEART, I beg to remain. Cordially and Fraternally, MORRIS PERKEL, Dictator. Big Athletic Program at Convention this Year Valuable Prizes Offered in All Events The Convention Committee has arranged for a big athletic program to be held during the Convention this year, and will offer many valuable prizes in the form of cash and various articles, such as watches, athletic sweaters, watch fobs, etc. A prize of $300.00 will De given to the winning Moose baseball team and $200.00 will be gi.ven to the second best team. These teams must be made up entirely of members of the Loyal Order of Moose. Each team entering the baseball contest will be required to furnish a certified list of players from their lodge before they can compete for the prizes. There will also be various events held such as h 100-yard dash, and one mile Relay Race, with four men to a team and each man running a quarter-mile (440 yards). This Relay Race will be open to any Relay team in the country and the probabilities are that several crack teams will be represented from various schools and athletic clubs as well as many of the Moose Lodges. Each runner on the winning relay team will receive a gold watch. There will also be several Novelty races which will be for members of the Loyal Order of Moose only, such as a Fat Man's Race, Obstacle Race and Potatoe Race, attractive and substantial prizes will be given to the winners of each of these races. This big athletic program will be conducted by Ben A. Oswalt, Athletic Director of Mooseheart and will furnish and enjoyable afternoon for everyone attending the Convention. The Mooseheart Boy’s Band will furnish music during the entire afternoon. If your lodge has a baseball team you should bring it to the Convention this year. A few of the events and prizes are listed below: Firts Prize—Baseball........$300.00 Second Price—Baseball....... 200.00 One Mile Relay Race....Gold Watch to each member of winning team. 100 yd. Dash. . 15.00 Athletic Sweater 440 yd. Dash. . 15.00 Athletic Sweater One Mile Run. 15.00 Athletic Sweater Fat Man’s Race............15.00 Hat Potato Race.........Fine Silk Shirt Obstacle Race........... 15.00 Cash W. Va. _______________________________ 5.00 Geo. F. Sauer, San Francisco, Calif. 5.00 Walter Schwarz, 131 Franklin Ave., Morton, Pa. __________________________ 4.00 Henry W. Ott, Tacoma. Wash__________ 3.00 Willis F. Whitehead, 2648 N. Adams St., Chicago, 111. ___________________ 2.00 S. R. Wood, Albany, Ore.____________ 2 00 Charles Fultz, Toledo, O. _______________ 1.00 C. C. Weed, Bisbee, Ariz._______________ 1.00 Louis Johnson, Chicago, 111._____________ 1,00 Jos. A. Bauer, Janesville, O. ___________ 1.00 G. W. Roe, Bend, Oregon_________________ 1.00 Mrs. Robert Weeks, Columbus, Ind. 1.00 Daniel Freeman, Student, Mooseheart, Illinois ____________________________ 1.00 Arthur Bogle, Student, Mooseheart. _ 1.00 Russell Brown, Student, Mooseheart 1.00 Frank Scott, Student, Mooseheart. _ 1.00 Emma Hall, Student, Mooseheart______ .60 Fred Schott, Student, Mooseheart____ .40 $51,528.01 Corrections : Mrs. Blanche Potter Walsh, Sundusky, O., $5.00. Should be Sandusky (O.) Chapter No. 65. W. O. M. L. Sioux City No. 503, $100,00. Should be Sioux Falls, S. D. From the Juniors The Editor, Mooseheart Magazine, Mooseheart, Illinois. Dear Sir & Brother:: No doubt you have never heard of the Portland Lodge No. 19, Junior Order of Moose. But that does not stand to show that you never will. This Lodge is very interested in your magazine, and no doubt sooner or later will endeavor to be a regular contributor to your valuable and interesting articles. I started my membership in this Order about two and a half years ago, and I will always remember that day. I consider that step as the foundation for my career. I realized quickly what this lodge means for boys, and I quickly started to work as hard as I could for its interests and the boys paid me by electing me their Dictator. Sir: Junior Moose, Fraternalism has just begun. I look ahead for a national membership of 100,000. I see no reason why this can’t be done, and if the Seniors would only take the interest, they should this would be doubled in five years. Not only the Loyal Order of Moose, but the entire country is waking up to the fact that a young man’s education is not complete without, some fraternal knowledge. I do not impress upon the young men of this city to necessarily have to join our lodge but to join some lodge where, they will reap the benefit. Sooner or later the actions of this little, Junior Lodge with the help of our faithful Governor E. M. Fryer-muth, will be surprising to the entire Moosedom of the World, for we are striving very hard to be recognized and under our new Beneficiary Plan which the Supreme Lodge offered us, Additional Contributions to the House of God, Assembly Hall and School House Fund This Fund has now passed $50,000. List forwarded to Mooseheart December 29, 1919_____________________$47,826.01 Rochester (N. Y.) Lodge *No. 113__ 1,000.00 E. M. Oswalt, Mooseheart, 111. ---- 600.00 M. M. Garland, Pittsburgh, Pa. ------ 600.00 San Francisco (Calif.) Lodge No. 26 125.00 Ft. Hamilton Lodge No. 1437, Hamilton, Ohio -------------------------- 100.00 Ft. Wayne (Ind.) Lodge No. 200_______ 100.00 M. Sneidman, Newport News, Va. _ 100.00 John Stevens Legion No. 36___________ 75.00 Pocatello (Idaho) Lodge No. 387 75 00 Beliefonte Chapter No. 206, W. O. M. L. ________________________________ 50.00 Clymer Missimer & Family, Potts- ' town, Pa. ___________________________ 50.00 Newport News (Va.) Lodge No. 119 50.00 Pittsfield (Mass.) Lodge No. 1159__ 50.00 Fort Wayne Lodge No. 12, J. O. M. 25.00 T. J. Caton, Minneapolis, Minn.____ 25.00 J. E. Kennedy, Providence. R. I------ 25.00 J. H. Patton, Alliance, O. __________ 25.00 F. J. Sweeney, Newport News. Va. 25.00 J. H. Steele, Newport News, Va_______ 25.00 Geo. F. Scheffer, Newport News, Va, 25.00 John F. Scott, Newport News, Va. 25.00 John White. Newport News, Va_________ 25.00 James Mitchell, Newpoi’t News, Va. 25.00 Fort Wayne Chapter No. 18, W. O. M. L. ______________________ 25.00 Warren (Pa.) Lodge No. 109 __________ 25.00 Lawrenceville (111.) Lodge No. 779 25.00 New Philadelphia (O.) Chapter No. 290, W. O. M. L. _________________ 25.00 Lt. Gov. C. J. Brown, Columbus, O. 21.00 Franklin (Pa.) Lodge No. 83__________ 20.00 Thurl York, student, Mooseheart, 111 14.00 Marshfield (Ore.) Chapter No. 257, W. O. M. L. ______________ 10.00 Irvington (N. J.) Chapter No. 12, W. O, M. L. ______________________ 10.00 D. L. Fulton, Brooklyn, N. Y.______ 10.00 James Kenney, Newport News, Va. 10.00 R. F. Stevenson, Dictator Maplewood, Mo. (For his Junior) _________ 10.00 Robert H. P. Kimble, Corbin, Ky______ 10.00 Eskdale (W. Va ) Lodge No. 1022__ 10.00 C. F. Bennett, Meriden, Ct. _________ 10.00 Chas. F. Galey, Crawfordsville, Ind. 10.00 Mrs. Florence Saunders, Mooseheart 10.00 Elmwood Place (O.) Lodge No. 811 10.00 Geo. F. Sauer, San Francisco, Calif. 5.00 Mel G. Duncan, Mooseheart, 111------- 5.00 Dewey Smith, Sandusky, O. ___________ 5.00 Chas. H. Keast, Bisbee, Ariz. _______ 5.00 W. L. Moore, Bisbee, Ariz. __________ 5.00 Geo. W. Duvall, Bisbee, Ariz. _______ 5.00 W. R. Tonkin, Bisbee, Ariz. _________ 5.00 Mike Ahern, Bisbee, Ariz. ___________ 5.00 J. F. Lintsford, Bisbee, Ariz. ______ 5.00 Frank Bolan, Bisbee, Ariz.___________ 5.00 W. P. Craig, Bisbee, Ariz.___________ 5.00 J. B. Wyatt, Bisbee, Ariz. __________ 5.00 Geo. Cooper, Irondequoit, N. Y.______ 5.00 J. W. Haldren, Bluefield, W. Va. __ 5.00 Geo. Jankovsky, Newport News, Va. 5.00 H. G. Caddes, Newport News, Va_____ 5.00 W. H. Whitback, Newport News, Va. 5.00 W. F. White, Newport News, Va________ 5.00 Wm. Johnston, Newport News, Va. 5.00 S. C. Weisiger, Newport News, Va. 5.00 J. Drummond, Newport News, Va.__ 5.00 G. A. Nacke, Newport News, Va______ 5.00 H. E. Homer, Newport News, Va______ 5.00 Joe. Platoni, Newport News, Va_______ 5.00 Geo. A. Goodwin, Newport News, Va. 5.00 Edw. E. Brown, Newport News, Va. 5.00 R. C. Akin, Newport News, Va.________ 5.00 Walter Marsden, Newport News, Va. 5.00 F. S. Wallace, Newport News, Va. 5.00 Geo. L. Butler, Newport News, Va. 5.00 C. O. McCullogh, Newport News, Va. 5.00 R. A. Credille, Newport News, Va. 5.00 E. V. Sweeney, Newport News, Va. 5.00 Geo. F. Sauer, San Francisco, Calif. 5.00 Jas. E. Byrne, Bellows Falls, Vt_____ 5.00 Clem H. Clemens, Chicagb, 111.____ 5.00 Frank D. Sullivan, Member Dayton (O.) Lodge No. 73, Cliff Top, SUGAR 2c a Lb DONT SEND A PENNY ALL CHARGES PREPAID ACT Pu* *he hißh cost of living --------------- from this minute on—fill out and mail this order today, and the goods and onr Intro« ductory Bargain Book will be Bent to you by Parcel Poat Prepaid. ALBEN-HARLEY DWt 1X26 Van Buren St. and Racine Ave., Chicago, HL ,.™.™.״order COUPON•••«—'» U.BEN.HARLEY, oept2X252 Van Buren St. and Racine Ave., Chicago, ill. 2 GentlemenjYon may send me your Introductory Trial 5 ^ woo °' 3X25'zby prepaid parcel post and include * » FREE eopyot your Introductory Bargain Book, g When the order arrives I will pay my postman S2.36. J It Is understood however, that if after examining k your goods I am not satisfied, I can return them to J you and you will refund my money. } Nutt,» prepaid. We want you to become one of our regular customers, and know that after you receive your order you will be glad to be considered a regular customer of the House of Alben-Harley. IMPORTANT J'¡'5 *rial order is only ■■ ■ sold Comolete as it stands—no items sold separately. However, you may order as many as5 trial orders, which is the limit to one customer. g Addree■™ 5 Cit,---- INTRODUCTORY ORDER No. 2X252 Our Price $0.13 $0.02 .25 .19 .45 .29 .45 .29 1 lb. Sugar (Pure Granulated)....... 1 can Sardines in Pure Oil.......... 1 tube Concentrated Vanilla Extract. . 1 tube Concentrated Lemon Extract .. 1 Box Pie Filler (lemon flavor) . ’ 7kg. Sav-An (Used in place o. or cooking and Baking, 1 pkg. equals - —_ » ^lUUUIl UOYUI, ....... ,ov ,,a 1 pkg. Sav-An (Used in place of eggs for cooking and Baking, 1 pkg. equals 3 dozen fresh eggs)...................36 .25 1 Large Box Face Powder (Extra Fine) .75 .49 1 Tube Dental Paste (Unexcelled)........39 .23 1 Box Bluing (Makes 1 gallon) ...... .50 .25 1 Bargain Catalog FREE................. — — $3.87 $2.36 $1.45 You Save REFERENCES: Our satisfied customers or any bank m Chicago. A FEW LEADERS IN OUR CATALOG SUGAR $2.00 Per 100 Lbs. $2.00 .20 Best Granulated Sugar, per 100 lbs. Best Granulated Sugar, per 10 lbs. FLOUR $7.00 Per Barrel Our Best Flour, per bbl. - $7.00 Our Best Flour, per 24M lbs. - ,88 Other Catalog Bargains Uneeda Biscuits, per pkg. ... Q2 Quaker Oats, per pkg. .... GUARANTEE:we doz|,t satisfy 77 our customers we don t satisfy ourselves. Every item you buy from us is guaranteed to be of the highest grade and to please you in every respect. REMEMBER 2?r Don״ Sen•. A/־iu,!׳ au UTiULil Charges Prepaid offer is Your Protection. Just think, without any investment on your part, as soon as we receive the order coupon filled out, we will send you the Introductory Trial Order and our Bargain Book charges Sugar 2c a Lb.—Say It Over Again Sounds Impossible but it costs only a 2c stamp to prove it. Thousands Have Been Satisfied and more are taking advantage of this extraordinary offer every day. Sugar is only One of the many leaders in our Introductory Bargain Book. By taking advan-of the Introductory trial order offered in this advertisement you become one of our regu-lar customers. TThe Object of this trial order is to prove to you that we actually sell High Grade Standard Merchandise at these prices. Even though you don't believe it possible, we ask you to let us prove that we speak the truth. With your order, we Will send Free, our Introductory Bargain Book, which is sent only to those who have manifested their interest by sending for a trial order. This bargain book is brimful of unusual Bargains in groceries, shoes, clothing and other necessary articles.