MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE 20 NEWS FROM THE LODGES paign which closes April 1st. During the past six weeks 250 new members were taken in, and at least 200 more applications are expected before the campaign closes. Peoria, 111. Lodge No. 140 and the Women of Mooseheart Legion held a joint get together meeting on January 28th. The hall was filled to its capacity. An appropriate program was rendered Which was followed by a splendid banquet. Decatur, 111. Lodge No. 684 served over 500 at a banquet given in connection with the demobilization of the service flag which contained 236 stars. During the banquet entertainers furnished amusement and a number of addresses were made. Under the direction of Deputy Supervisor C. A. Pross, Auburn, N. Y. Lodge recently tripled its membership. This is one of the best Lodges of the small cities in N. Y. State and much credit is due to its hustling Dictator George Roberts. Seattle, Wash. Lodge No. 211 held a MOOSEHEART celebration and initiation on February 18th. After the initiatory cerimonies which was taken by 50 candidates a pig roast banquet was served. The two pigs were purchased from MOOSEHEART. Biwabik, Minn. Lodge No. 1126 gave a banquet on February 7th in honor of the Women of Mooseheart Legion and its returned service men. Several interesting talks were made including that of Dr. Spiers U. S. Commissioner of Alaska. Camden, N. J. Lodge No. Ill recently initiated the largest class in the history of its existance. Over 3600 applications were obtained during the campaign which closed the 1st of February and brings. the total number of members up to 6000. Steubenville, Ohio Lodge No. 169 has launched a campaign to secure 1000 new members. Its first act was to show the moving pictures “The Saving of the Children” and which also portrays life at MOOSEHEART to a large number of people on February 22nd. Rochester, N. Y. Lodge still continues to climb in membership. Under the supervision of District Supervisor P, H. Galvin, a campaign has just closed adding over 1000 new members to the rolls. This Lodge now has a membership of over 8.000 in good standing. Ilion. N. Y. Lodge, which will be the scene of the N. Y. State Moose Convention next June, recently closed its charter by adding nearly four hundred new members. This village has a population of 5000 and a Moose membership of 1100. Some Lodge for that town. Shelbyville, Ind. Lodge No. 958 held its annual Mid-Winter Picnic on February 6th. All members brought baskets of choice food which was placed on three large tables for the banquet. Games, music and dancing followed the banquet and everyone enjoyed the evening. Detroit, Mich., Lodge No. 794 will hold a big celebration on March 15th at which time the $15,000 mortgage on a new temple site will be burned. The property is valued at $175,000 and work will begin next spring to erect the new temple which is to cost a half million dollars. South Kaukauna, Wis. Lodge No. 953 secured 50 candidates in a period of less than two weeks. A meeting (Continued on page 21) " making great progress in the drive it is now conducting and from present appearances the 5000 mark will be reached before May 1st. Davenport. Iowa Lodge No. 28 has outgrown its present quarters and a new building is being considered. The Lodge has increased its membership at the rate of 600 a year. Westwood, Calif. Lodge No. 1472 held a smoker and entertainment on February 23rd which was well attended by its members and their friends. Lima. Ohio Lodge No. 199 has increased its membersip by leaps and bounds and boasts a membership double that of any other organization in the city. Chicago, 111. Lodge No. 43 held its Grand Ball and Reception on February 6th. As usual it was a gala event and attended by a large number of people. Dayton, Ohio Lodge No. 73 is well started in its campaign. On January 24th a class of 125 were installed, however, it is expected the next one will be even larger. Trenton, N. J. Lodge No. 164 closed a membership drive on February 1st having obtained 1584 new members. The lodge now has a membership of 5050. Muneie, Ind. Lodge No. 33 held a big indoor fair the week of February 23-28. The affair was a big success, and it is planned to hold one every year. Rome, N. Y. Lodge noW has a membership of eleven hundred. Deputy the supervision of a District Super-over- the top adding four hundred new members. During the past two months under the Supervision of Supervisor P. H. Galvin, new Lodges have been instituted at Malone. Massena and Canajo-harie, N. Y. More to come. Piqua, Ohio Lodge No. 1067 closed a campaign on February 6th in which over 900 new members were taken in and makes the Moose the strongest Lodge in the city. St. Paul, Minn. Lodge No. 963 expects to secure 1000 new members and to raise a fund of $60,000 for a new home with the opening of a bazaar and the launching of a big campaign on February 21st. Brookville, Pa. Lodge No. 141 gave an exhibition of the moving pictures showing MOOSEHEART. The show was attended by a large number of people and aroused a great deal of interest. Hornell, N. Y. Lodge No. ?10 celebrated its tenth anniversary on February 12th. The lodge now has over 650 members and owns one of the most valuable pieces of property in the city which is free from debt. Bethlehem, Pa. Lodge No. 535 celebrated the first anniversary of the occupancy of its $100,000 temple. Over 1000 people attended the affair and were entertained by a minstrel show after which a buffet luncheon was served. Gloucester, Mass. Lodge No. 1471 held an aniversary carnival and dance at the City Hall. One of the interesting features on the program was a hose coupling contest between two local teams of fireman. Rock Island, 111. Lodge No. 190 is conducting a very successful cam- Freeport. 111. Lodge No. 162 has paid off the last, mortgage on their $30,000 club house, which was completed in 1917. Tulsa, Okla. Lodge No. 414 has fired the opening gun of its big membership campaign and expect to secure 1000 new members. Reading, Pa. Lodge No. 155■ has grown so rapidly of late that it is necessary to enlarge .its: quarters. -}ZHZKZECHn-r* ־We positively teach you at home by mail to earn IhLtli.״ ״e/Jcly *S. Chauffeur or Repairman, tttudenteagaisted to positions, Beet svatem. lowest, nrioe-־־ Elyria. Ohio Lodge No. 778 has purchased a site for a new home. If proper arrangements can be made work will begin immediately. Syracuse, N. Y. Lodge No. 625 is Wrist Watch Given Wrist Watch or watch guaranteeafor years. Also Lace Curtains, Rogers' Silver Sets, fine Lockets, La Valliers and many other valuable presents for selling our beautiful Art and Religious pictures at 10 cts. each. 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