19 AiOOSEREZRT MAGAZINE Childhood’s Greatest Opportunity (Continued from page 12) The Holy Bible is our inspiration and our guide. We bind ourselves to keep the hearth pure, the mind chaste, and the body clean, to learn to love, and to love to learn, that which is good. We are bound together in a common brotherhood and we labor for the common good. Get wisdom. Get understanding. Forget it not. Wisdom is the principal thing. Therefore, get wisdom. With all thy getting get understanding׳. Forward in the good. Onward in the right. Thou shalt believe in God and wor- (Continued on page 2S) of the Republic Iron and Steel Co., J. Ogden Armour, Henry Ford, James A. Garfield are helping to constitute the defending circle. Col. Ralph W. E. Donges, ex-president of the Public Utilities Commission of the State of New Jersey, is a Moose. These are some of the members of the Loyal Order of Moose. Follows something of the faith on which the Order is builded. and by District Attorney J. WT. Pierson of Dallas, Texas. Harvard University provides an active and able Moose, Dr. Albert Bushnell Hart, professor of history and government at Harvard. There is a scintilant group of citizens whose names stand for eminence. Charles M. Schwab and John Hays Hammond, Daniel G. Reid, W. T. Graham, member of Executive Committee in three hours״ —writes Walter L. Barton. “I received the three Lucky 11 boxes and went out this afternoon and was out three hours and took orders for 65 boxes. I am ordering 100 boxes the first time.” Read This Great Offer You can get the beautiful, purple, satin-lined display case absolutely FREE by our easy plan. —Write for it. pfiiCT. 2iiCP>*T5 Make big money in your spare time—or Have a business of your own. Beautiful “LUCKY I!״ Toilet Set-Retail Value $3.35 Costs You $1.95 You Sell for $4.50 Your Profit, $2.55 big values that sell lika hot cakes. The value is so big and the price so low that women can’t wait to buy when they see this wonderful bargain. 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Of all the animal kingdom none excel the Moose what seems to be the reasoning power. Whether cropping the leaves of the birch or riding down the pliant willow, swimming in the pure waters of the rivers or ascending the crags of the mighty Sierras, avoiding the charge of the hunter’s rifle or the wiles of the wolf pack, he fearlessly and wisely uses either a trascendent instinct or a mind. The challenge of the master Moose is the life call of the forest. Its sound brings to his own a sense of comfort and security . Mild monarch of his kingdom, he lives to a great age, enjoying the just reward of a life of simplicity, moderation, and loyalty. The embodiment of strength and courage, a source of inspiration to all the nobler qualities of life ,the Moose ever raises his antlers in defense of purity, aid and progress. These are the characteristics of the Moose characteristics which it were well for all men to emulate. Who are the members of the Order ? Eighty per cent, four fifths, of the members are men who toil with their hands. There are 400,000 handy men among them. Men of might and force, of brawn and muscle, they are. Four hundred thousand men who work hard at good wage, who keep their homes and families well, and who are looking to a future for their children which "shall be as useful as their own, and they hope, a little easier. That is what the Director General and the Supreme Dictator and the other officials of the Loyal Order of Moose mean when they say “Eighty per cent of us are artisans.” The other twenty per cent, the one fifth, the hundred thousand among 400,000 are business or professional men. Ex-President Theodore Roosevelt was a Moose. So is his son, Theodore Roosevelt, Jr. Honorable Thomas R. Marshall, Vice-President of the United States, is one of the antlered order. The United States Ambassador to France, Hugh C. Wallace, belongs to the Paris Lodge of the Loyal Order of Moose. In 1913 Vice-President Marshall dedicated Mooseheart. In 1918 he visited it again as a delegate to the Convention of the Order at Moose-heart. He said, “The war that has convulsed the world could have been avoided if in each of the countries of Europe there had been a Mooseheart.” It has on its roll a half dozen governors. Governor Frank O. Lowden of Illinois and - Governor James P. Goodrich of Indiana are of the brotherhood. Governor William C. Sproul of Pennsylvania is a good Moose. So are Governor Gardiner of Missouri and Senator Arthur Capper of Kansas. Of their company is Governor Brough of Arkansas and Governor Campbell of Arizona. There are senatorial Moose, Senator Hiram Johnson of California, Senator Warren Harding of Ohio, Senator Boise Penrose of Pennsylvania and Senator James E. Watson of Indiana. Congressman are of the membership. Ex-Congressman John J. Lentz of Ohio is an impressive, white haired figure at its Conventions. Congressman M. M .Garland of Pennsylvania and Congressman Ira C. Copley of Illinois are Congressional Moose. Nearly one-half of the present congressmen are Moose. The Order has a wealth of' Mayors. Mayor William Hale Thompson of Chicago, Mayor William F. Broening of Baltimore, James G. Couzens, Mayor of Detroit, Darius A. Brown, former Mayor of Kansas City, Hon. E. V. Babcock, Chief City Father of Pittsburgh, and Joseph Armstrong, its ex-father, Mayor Keil of St. Louis, Thomas B. Smith, Mayor of Philadelphia, are all of the Order. It has its judicial member Judge Olsen of the Superior Court of Chicago and hundreds of others throughout the country. The law is represented by Charles F. Clyne, United States Attorney of Chicago, Ex-United States Attorney E. J. Henning of Milwaukee, Wisconsin,