16 MOOSEHE A RT MAGAZINE How it Feels to be a Proctor that just because ‘Johnnie* Meikle does it.” Unconsciously the young■ fellows pattern after their Proctor and become like him in many respects. They will absorb some of his personality, even if they try to avoid it. It is his duty to set a good example to the boys in his care. Do not gather from what has been written that a Proctor's life is a grind. The pleasant parts of the job outnumber the unpleasant ones, and the benefits derived through association with the boys more than compensates for the effort put forth. He becomes attached to some of the boys and feels lost when he is away from them for a day. His interest makes him proud of them when they are doing well. It is my opinion that when the time comes for me to leave here. I shall feel that some of the good things in life were not made to last. JUDGE BEN CLARK PASSES AWAY—WAS ACTIVE MOOSE The older members of the Order will remember Judge Clark of St. Louis, Mo. For many years he was a conspicuous figure at Annual Conventions. Brother Clark died two weeks ago in St. Rose Hospital in St. Louis. •Judge Clark was popular in St. Louis, and was noted for his kind hearted treatment of those who were brought before him. The Judge retired about a year ago and moved to Florida where he owned an Orange grove .________________ 5000 MILES Price Tires Tube• Price .$5.50 $1.60 34x4 $2.60 . 6.50 1.75 34x434., .. 10.00 3.00 . 6.75 1.85 35x434.. . 11.00 3.15 . 7.00 2.00 36x434.. ,. 11.50 3.40 . 8.00 2.25 35x5 . 12.50 3.50 , 8.25 2.40 36x5 12.75 3.65 . 8.Ò0 2.50 37x5 . 12.75 3.75 30x3K.. 31x331־., 32x334״ 31x4... 32x4... 33x4... Send $2.00 deposit for each tire ordered* balance C. O. D. Tires shipped subject to your examination. State whether S. S. or Cl, plain or non-skid is desired. All same price. By sending full amount of order you can save 5 per cent—our special cash¿• with-order discount. OFS6RVICE AT i/4 THE PRICE Guaranteed for 5000 Miles STANDARD GUARANTEE Strong Double Tread Tires are recoir structed by our skilled mechanics, made of double the amount of fabric than any ordinary tire. Free from punctures or blowouts. Our customers receive from 4,000 to 10,000 miles of service. Reliner Free. Order today at these low prices: STRONG TIRE AND RUBBER CO. 9019 Michigan Aue. Dept. 44 Chicago, III, GIANT SWORD BEAN A new BEAN we are introducing this year. Comes from Japan and the Growers claim that full pods measure np to 10 inches in length and 2 inches wide. Grows in any climate. Of excellent flavor as String Beans. Tender and delicious. Can’t be beat for BAKING. A large handsome Bean. Try a few Packages this year It’s a wonder. One pkt. lOcts. 3 for 25c., 7 for_50c.or 15 Packets for $100. Bv mail postpaid. The Kreiter- Murpfiy Co., Box 324, Stanford, Conn. $50 A WEEK I offer you this unusual opportunity. No collecting. No delivering. You simply take orders for wonderful, new Rotastrop for sharpening Safety Razor Blades. 600 Shaves FROM ONE BLADE Quick, velvety shaves. Models for sharpening nearly all makes of Safety Razor Blades. Write for details and Free demonstration offer. MFG. CO., By JOHN MEIKLE, ’20, Proctor Roosevelt Hall When demerit marks are called for and there are none reported from his Hall, he looks immensely happy and feels as contented as a cat that has just eaten a canary. He puts them to hed that night with loving care. Sleep is very sweet at six o’clock in the morning, and getting the boys out of hed at that time makes the Proctor feel like a brother breaking into their slumber. It is necessary, though in order to get the Hall cleaned, and when it comes to cleaning. boys are better than most house-wifes. To see that they are all dressed neatly occupies his time in the morning. Responsibility will temper anyone, and, realizing this, I tried it with good results on some of the boys who had failed in everything else. The Proctor’s greatest responsibility is a moral one. This fact was brought to me by a remark from one boy to another, “Oh, you are doing finely, every one remarks “How well our boys are doing,” but when they are misbehaving, he is always told “How bad your boys are.” The fact that boys are different adds variety and makes his work interesting. In spite of all his worries he is an optimist and is always ready for fun. Other people pick on him now and then, and even the Superintendent takes a poke at him once in a while. He has to fight every week or so to get all his linen back from the laundry, and when the person at the store who checks up on the clothing, tells him he uses poor judgment in writing regulsitions he feels like committing hara-kiri. This feeling wears away in the Assembly when he hears the band play, for music hath power to soothe the savage breast. He sits among his boys and as he compares them with other groups in the Assembly, he feels proud of them and himself, too. Sam Davis Beats His Brother Jim This little Essay is not to set forth the aims and ambitions of all Proctors, nor to disclose any of the secrets of their lives, but is merely a confession of one who was once a student and who has been raised to that official dignity known as a Proctor. Perhaps it would be well to know what a Proctor is. According to Webster, he is one appointed to manage the affairs of others. •Judging from that, there are a multitude of self-appointed Proctors in the world. Webster states further that a Proctor is one appointed to collect alms for those who cannot beg for themselves, all of which goes to show that Webster was not well acquainted with Proctors. A student will tell you that a Proctor is a man who has neither heart nor soul; who takes a great delight in handing out demerit marks, and who always appears on the scene just in time to spoil the fun. When I was a student, it was my opinion that a Proctor was a parasite and his responsibilities could be put into your hat. I gave him credit for doing nothing and knowing less. Since that time my viewpoint has changed. From my own observation a Proctor is one who has been placed in charge of a group of boys and is expected to take the place of their father and mother. He sees that all their physical needs are supplied and gives them what moral encouragement he can. He takes a personal interest in each one and imagines he is daddy of them all. When they are doing 6-Room House Free ■ I will buy the lot. This means j § what it says. I don’t want your money. Q ■ This is a true offer and I positively mean what H I say. I give the house FREE, and if you don't ■ Iownalot,Iwillarrangeforthelotforyou. This ■ is your chance to free yourself from the land- ■ I lord’s clutches. Rush me your name and address ■ quick for a big picture and full description ■ ■ and plans of the home. You risk nothing. ■ I Pay Me Nothing member, I So not want ■ ■ any of your money. Thehouseia FREE. Address ■ Initiates Moose at the Bottom of a Coal Mine ried besides the Lodge paraphernalia a hundred or more of Fairmont Lodge, all officers properly robed. In no time, when the bottom of the mine was reached, was the Lodge room fitted up, altars set up, guards out, officers at their stations. No hustling through the opening service —everything conducted with the dignity equal to any Moose ceremonial in the best Lodge. The work of initiation was carried out in full. Fifteen candidates, all miners in Mr. Pollock’s mine were conducted through the ceremony. Afterwards three pictures were taken, one of Sam Davis and Superintendent Pollock, resting after their labors on a great coal shelf in the mine; the other a day-light picture of the Lodge just before it’s descent into the mine, and the third illustrates this article of the whole Lodge taken immediately after the ceremony. That is Sam Davis in the center with his hand on the chime of bells. “He has put one over Jim”, he has done what has never been thought of before, he has carried the gospel of the Moose by practical demonstration way down into the inner recesses of the earth. He has met his candidates there and has made the low arches of a great coal mine echo with the “Howdy, Howdy. Howdy Pap” of the Loyal Order of Moose. “I hope I have put one over on Jim.” That is what Sam Davis writes with this picture of a Moose Lodge giving the initiation ceremony at the bottom of a coal mine. It was Fairmont Lodge No. 9, West Va.. that was startled by the proposition of Mr. Sam Davis, organizer, to hold the next meeting of the Lodge for the initiation of candidates at the bottom of Senator Robert A. Pollock’s coal mine at Riversville, right outside of Fairmont. Mr. J. J. Davis is carrying the Moose everywhere and in fraternal rivalry his Brother Sam just enjoyed the idea^ of transporting the Moose where Jim had never thought of it. But he is a Davis, and he certainly “Put it over”. He got Senator Pollock interested in the project and Mr. P. D. Pollock, superintendent of the mines, was found ready to give it his heartiest co-operation. Sunday afternoon. February 1, at 2:30 o’clock was the time appointed and nothing happened to post-pone or tardy or mar the event. General Dictator Warde at Mooseheart had issued a special dispensation to transport the necessary lodge furniture into the mine and hold a regular meeting of the Moose Lodge. Superintendent Pollock had a special mine train ready, open cars, side seats, motor driven right down into the depths. It car- 2 Wonderful Shirts lor $3.98 Send No Money! Wonderful $6.00 Value for only $3.98! Amazing: direet-to-wearer bargain — two beautiful, finest quality Madras dress shirts sent to you on approval Not a penny until you see the shirts. Write to-day for this stunning bargain-—only limited supply. Satisfaction guaranteed. Styltex Corded Madras Two Shirts, $6.00 Values—Only $3.98 Made of fine quality Stjitex corded Madras. A shirting unexcelled for dressy appearance and wear. All year weight. Gut extra full in coat style. Soft French turn-back cuffs. Pearl buttons securely sewed. Full sleeves. Firmly stiched throughout The latest striped effects In lavender, black and blue stripes on white backgrounds. State two colors desired, lA/a CnaranlAA to return your money in full If you mre uuaramee can match these fine shirts anywhere at less than $3;00 each. SEND NO MONEY — just name, address and size. Shirts will be sent at-once, transportation prepaid. Pay only $3.98 on arrival --- no more. *'--u־»CKif>OC ■’ — • - — Be sure ne y back it you don’t take them. Write todav. STATE NEJK-BaND SIZE. BERN ARD - HEWITT AND COMPANY Desk S-174. 900 W. VanBuren St., Chicago. III.