B MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE Mooseheart Legion for Men and Women W oman’s Chapters Initiate Hundreds of Members In Big Contest Legionaires Striving to Make their Chapter One of the Ten Winners There has been a remarkable membership increase in the Women of Mooseheart Legion during the big FREE TRIP TO MOOSEHEART CONTEST which began January 1st, and as the contest draws to a close in May there will be a still greater growth. At this stage of the contest it is very hard to determine which chapters are leading because of so many that have made very close to the same percentage of increase. The increase in general, however, has been as much up to this time as the entire contest of last year which is, indeed, a remarkable achievement. The plan of dividing the membership of the chapter and electing a captain for each team has been the most successful plan used in the various chapters to secure new members. The losing side will banquet the winners, which means that the chapter will hold a big social affair even though they should not win one, of the ten free trips to Mooseheart. Many individual Legionaires are making wonderful records in bringing in new members and have put their chapters up among the leaders. As a general rule, however, the entire chapter is at work bringing in new members instead of leaving it to just one or two members. Every Chapter in the contest should exert every ounce of pressure on their campaign from this time on, because it must not be overlooked that everybody will make a particular effort during the closing weeks to bring in just as many members as possible, and if they expect to win they must keep going to the very last minute. Bridgeport Chapter No. 193 Women of Mooseheart Legion held their installation of officers recently by Dictator C .L. Dennis of Bridgeport Lodge who acted as the installing officer. A very delightful luncheon was served to all who attended the big installation and arrangements were made for future social activities in connection with the Chapter of the Women of Mooseheart Legion and the Men’s Lodge. Chicago Chapter No. 43, Chicago, 111., predicts a banner season for their chapter this year and from all indications the growth of the chapter will excel that of former years both financially and in membership. Al-(Continued on page 31) organization meeting to be held in Paul Revere Legion No. 28 at Boston. Paul Revere Legion has never made the progress which was possible and this re-organization meeting will be held for the purpose of putting the Paul Revere District on a first class footing with all of the other legions in the New England States. Apparently the desired result is going to be brought about because already extensive plans have been made which involve all of the lodges within the vicinity of Boston, which will ultimately mean that this Legion will have one of the biggest memberships of any legion in that part of the country. The former Leavenworth Legion No. 134 held a big re-organization meeting February 26th at St. Joseph, Mo. The Legion in the Leavenworth District did not realize the proper results and arrangements were made to hold a re-organization meeting whereby a new list of officers would be selected in an endeavor to bolster the membership. St. Joseph, Mo. was not formerly in this legion district but was transferred from Kansas City Legion, No. 4 over to this district in order that it might lend it’s good spirit and enthusiasm toward building up this Legion. St. Joseph Lodge has many legionaires in it and they will give their undivided attention toward making this Legion one of the best and biggest in their particular part of the country. The growth of this Legion will be watched with much interest because it is sure to grow and prosper. Legionaire (Continued on page 2-2) quet for all of the members had been prepared and had to be called off because of the influenza conditions there. At this time the date of the next Frolic has not been arranged. This Legion has shown a remarkable growth and must be considered one of the best legions on the Northwestern coast. Legionaire O. S. Tor-fey has given considerable of his time toward promoting the Legion in this district. South Dakota Legion No. 194 which was instituted at Sioux Falls, S. D , January 31st, 1920, is anticipating a big growth the remainder of this year. All lodges in the Sioux Falls district should get in touch with Brother J. C. Monahan, Boyce-Greeley Bldg., Sioux Falls, S. D. at once relative to׳ the next legion Frolic. At this time several of the lodges have arranged to attend the next Frolic in a big delegation. Hy D. Davis Legion No. 8 which was instituted at New Haven, Conn, several years ago made a most remarkable growth during the year 1919, and are laying plans whereby they will no doubt double their membership during 1920. Good, first class Frolics have been the cause of this increase. The Legionaires in this district are planning on a big campaign to interest all of the Lodges in that district, and the growth which they will make will be watched with much interest. Deputy Grand Regent, Arthur W. Hayden, 17 Alban St., Dorchester, Mass, is now arranging for a big re- Legionaires Will Attend Convention In Big Delegation Some Will Have Private Cars When the big Loyal Order of Moose convention opens at MOOSEHEART this year, delegations of legionaires from the various districts will be represented in big numbers. Several of these delegations have already made their reservations while others do not know at this time just how many will be in their party. Some of these delegations will be of considerable size, while all of them expect to lend their enthusiasm to the spirit of the occasion. Mecca Legion No. 11, which is in the MOOSEHEART district is now planning to entertain the visiting Legionaires with two big Frolics during the week which will be worth going miles to attend. Candidates from over the entire United States will be initiated at these Frolics and then transferred to their various home districts. The Grand Regent and Regents of Mooseheart Legion will assist Mecca Legion at these initiations by filling the different offices and rendering the ritualistic work. Nothing will be left undone to make these meetings worth while and of value to all Legionaires. New burlesque initiation features will be introduced along with the renowned Squirtum who will be there in all his glory. Those Legionaires who expect to attend the convention this year in a delegation should make their plans some time in advance so that they may be well taken care of. The big Booster Club which was formed in Progress Legion District No. 62 is growing very rapidly. The badge of this organization is a small button which includes the numbers 8, 62, and 322 which represent Buffalo Lodge No. 8, Progress Legion No. 62 and the Chapter of the Women of Mooseheart Legion No. 322. Every person becoming a member of this organization declares himself a booster for all three of these organizations. Such a society cannot help but be of benefit to the Loyal Order of Moose in the community in which it operates. The members, therefore, are to be commended for the fine spirit of enthusiasm which has prompted them to form such an organization. Southwestern, Ore. Legion No. 148 which was instituted at Marshfield, Ore. in 1919, unfortunately was forced to postpone a big Legion Frolic which has been prepared at Reedsport. A big class of candidates and a fine ban- Uniform Rank and Members of Golden Gate Legion No. 15 at Frolic held in Martinez, Calif., Jan. 101920 ,11־. This Frolic was one of the biggest held in the western states. Golden Gate Legion is one of the most progressive districts in the entire Mooseheart Legion. At the present rate of growth this Legion will soon be one of the three largest in the Second Degree. ON TO MOOSEHE״ THIRTY-SECOND ANNUAL CONVENTION AT MOOSEHART -WEEK OF JUNE 20th, 1920 Band Conceits—every day—by Mooseheart Student Band. Ritualistic Contests for Degree Teams. Athletic Contests—Bring your Ball Team. Prizes will be announced later. This will be a MOOSEHEART CONVENTION. The only legislation considered will be that which refers to MOOSEHEART. Exercises will include Graduation of Class of 1920. COME 4ND GET ACQUAINTED WITH YOUR C LDREN f.