GET THIS CAR And the Agency in Your Territory i 11 7-lnch Wheelbase 32 x 4 Tires Î MOTOR—Lycoming, cast en bloc four cycle. Bore 3%-inch, stroke Remarkable down to 4 Crankshaft 2-inch diameter. 36 H. P. at 1900 R. P. M flexibility enables you to. drive the Super-Four on high miles an hour. IGNITION—Atwater-Kent vertical gear-driven distributor. CARBURETOR—Carter automatic float feed, triple jet. STARTING—Dyneto two unit, operating through Bendix drive on flywheel. Prestolite B-vo’.t 90 ampere-hour battery. CLUTCH—Borg & Beck velvet acting disc clutch. TRANSMISSION—Grant-Lees. Alloy steel, shafts and gears on annular ball bearings. Ball shifting lever FRONT AXLE—Drop forged 1-Beam 50 per cent oversize. REAR AXLE—Full floating. Brakes 12 x 2 inches. STEERING GEAR—Irreversible worm gear with 18-inch wheel. SPRINGS—Front, semi-elliptic 36 x 2 inches. Rear 51 x 2 inches. WHEELBASE—117 inches. Road clearance 11 inches. TIRES—32 x 4 Goodrich, straight side, non-skid in rear. BODY—Straight line sport type, with double cowl and bevel sides. Deep, soft, pleated upholstei*y leather. Doors 23 inches wide. Crown fenders : slanting windsnield. Chase Dreadnought Top with glass windows in rear. Curtains open with doors. Outside handles. INSTRUMENT BOARD—Mahogany finish with Speedometer, air control, lighting and ignition switches, ammeter, dash lamp. LIGHTING—Ten inch head lights with double bulbs. Dash lamp and tail lamp all controlled from switch on dash GASOLINE—16 gallon tank in rear with Stewart :acunm feed system. Consumption 18 to 22 miles per gallon. EQUIPMENT—Boyce Motometer, full set of tools, jack, pump, tire repair kit, speedometer, electric horn, extra demountable nm, ammeter, top, top boot, rain vision, adjustable windshield. No extras to buy. Write Now for Full Specifications of New 1920 Model BIRCH SUPER-FOUR Find out how you can get one of these superb cars for yourself and make money selling them to others. A big opportunity is open to ambitious men who are willing to train them- selves and then get out and hustle. Hundreds of ears will be sold this year in every county in the United States. Millions of dollars will be paid to automobile agents. We pay big commissions for selling Birch Cars. Send the coupon notv for full information. You Can Share in This Prosperity You can make big money selling Birch Motor Cars. 1920 is going to be a wonderful year for men who sell automobiles. The next six months will see more money paid to agents than ever before. The opportunity is open to you. Act now. Mail the coupon. Our Fifth Successful Season 1920 is our fifth successful season. There is nothing untried or experimental about Birch cars. They have proven their worth by millions of miles of driving in every state in the Union. Each year the demand has been greater than ..the year before. When you deal with us you are dealing with an old established firm with a remarkable record for success amply financed, and in business to stay. Find out now what we have to offer you. WRITE TODAY. Be the BIRCH-AGENT In Your Locality/ Cash in one the demand for a strictly high-grade, light-weight, fully-equipped motor car, that exists now in your vicinity. * You have the customers. We have the cars. Let’s get together. Hurry in the coupon so we can send you all the facts / about this great opportunity. " PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE NOT NECESSARY COUPON and ״״/> # ־ *O Ralph Birchard, Pres. Birch Motor Cars, ■ 81 E. Madison St., Chicago Dept. 401 Please send me your A big free booklet and full Av> particulars as to how I get a BIRCH ־' -N/ and the agency. / Name ____________ / W Street No. or R. F. D__ State. Sian Mail This can SUPER-FOUR )O n ,Sk ou We want men of character and ability and high standing in their communities to represent us. Previous experience in the automobile business is unecessary. We require all our agents to take a brief but thorough course of training in Automobile Driving, Repairing and Selling which will fit them to represent us in a manner creditable to us and profitable to them. We have trained hundreds of others for success in this way, and we believe this is one of the reasons for the splendid success which Birch agents are enjoying. But of course the Big Reason is the cars themselves and the remarkable records they are making in the hands of satisfied owners all over the United States. Eighty per cent of all Birch cars are in use by farmers and in small towns, and get the hardest kind of service. Mud, sand, rocks, hills and rough going have no terrors for these sturdy cars. Send COUPON for Big FREE BOOK and Full Information Get all the details at once. We have agents in every state in the Union now but we want an agent in every county. You will be astonished at the liberality of our offer. Let us put all the facts before you at once. It costs you nothing to investigate, so tear off the coupon right now. Sign it and mail it to us today. RALPH BIRCHARD, President. Dept. 401, 81 East Madison St. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS BIRCH MOTOR CARS MEMBER CHICAGO ASSOCIATION OF COMMERCE